blob: 533bdc0efd25b24cae69c2cb41188f303f8cf918 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "timberslide/mock_timberslide.h"
#include "timberslide/timberslide.h"
using testing::_;
using testing::Invoke;
using testing::NiceMock;
using testing::Return;
namespace timberslide {
namespace {
const char kSampleLogs[] =
"[0.001000 UART initialized after sysjump]\n"
"[1.000000 Sensor create: 0x0]\n";
const char kExpectedLogsWithUptime[] =
"1970-01-01T00:00:00.001000Z [0.001000 UART initialized after sysjump]\n"
"1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000Z [1.000000 Sensor create: 0x0]\n";
const char kExpectedLogsWithoutUptime[] =
"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z [0.001000 UART initialized after sysjump]\n"
"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z [1.000000 Sensor create: 0x0]\n";
class LogListenerImplMock : public LogListener {
MOCK_METHOD(void, OnLogLine, (const std::string&), (override));
TEST(TimberslideTest, ProcessLogBuffer_GetEcUptimeSupported) {
auto now = base::Time::FromDoubleT(1.0);
NiceMock<MockTimberSlide> mock;
EXPECT_CALL(mock, GetEcUptime).WillOnce([](int64_t* time) {
*time = 1 * base::Time::kMillisecondsPerSecond;
return true;
std::string ret = mock.ProcessLogBuffer(kSampleLogs, now);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, kExpectedLogsWithUptime);
TEST(TimberslideTest, ProcessLogBuffer_GetEcUptimeNotSupported) {
auto now = base::Time::FromDoubleT(1.0);
NiceMock<MockTimberSlide> mock;
EXPECT_CALL(mock, GetEcUptime).WillOnce(Return(false));
std::string ret = mock.ProcessLogBuffer(kSampleLogs, now);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, kExpectedLogsWithoutUptime);
class TimberslideLogLineTest : public testing::TestWithParam<bool> {};
TEST_P(TimberslideLogLineTest, ProcessLogBuffer_OnLogLine) {
base::Time now;
auto metrics_listener = std::make_unique<LogListenerImplMock>();
EXPECT_CALL(*metrics_listener, OnLogLine)
.WillOnce([](const std::string& line) {
EXPECT_EQ(line, "[0.001000 UART initialized after sysjump]");
.WillOnce([](const std::string& line) {
EXPECT_EQ(line, "[1.000000 Sensor create: 0x0]");
NiceMock<MockTimberSlide> mock(std::move(metrics_listener));
// We only pass the original EC log line to OnLogLine, not the additional
// timestamp we add if uptime is supported, so we test both variants.
ON_CALL(mock, GetEcUptime).WillByDefault(Return(GetParam()));
std::string ret = mock.ProcessLogBuffer(kSampleLogs, now);
} // namespace
} // namespace timberslide