blob: 32fdc7b3caf180011ff3c65037a28dc5e502ef2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "ml/soda.h"
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/native_library.h>
namespace ml {
namespace {
} // namespace
SodaLibrary::SodaLibrary(const base::FilePath& library_path)
: status_(Status::kUninitialized) {
// Load the library with an option preferring own symbols. Otherwise the
// library will try to call, e.g., external tflite, which leads to crash.
base::NativeLibraryOptions native_library_options;
base::NativeLibraryLoadError load_error;
native_library_options.prefer_own_symbols = true;
library_path, native_library_options, &load_error));
if (!library_->is_valid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Soda library load error: " << load_error.ToString();
status_ = Status::kLoadLibraryFailed;
// Helper macro to look up functions from the library, assuming the function
// pointer type is named as (name+"Fn"), which is the case in
// "libhandwriting/interface.h".
#define ML_SODA_LOOKUP_FUNCTION(function_ptr, name) \
function_ptr = \
reinterpret_cast<name##Fn>(library_->GetFunctionPointer(#name)); \
if (function_ptr == NULL) { \
status_ = Status::kFunctionLookupFailed; \
return; \
ML_SODA_LOOKUP_FUNCTION(create_extended_soda_async_, CreateExtendedSodaAsync);
ML_SODA_LOOKUP_FUNCTION(delete_extended_soda_async_, DeleteExtendedSodaAsync);
ML_SODA_LOOKUP_FUNCTION(extended_add_audio_, ExtendedAddAudio);
ML_SODA_LOOKUP_FUNCTION(extended_soda_stop_, ExtendedSodaStop);
ML_SODA_LOOKUP_FUNCTION(extended_soda_start_, ExtendedSodaStart);
ML_SODA_LOOKUP_FUNCTION(extended_soda_mark_done_, ExtendedSodaMarkDone);
status_ = Status::kOk;
SodaLibrary::Status SodaLibrary::GetStatus() const {
return status_;
SodaLibrary* SodaLibrary::GetInstanceAt(const base::FilePath& library_path) {
static base::NoDestructor<std::unordered_map<base::FilePath, SodaLibrary*>>
auto* const std_map = instances.get();
auto it = std_map->find(library_path);
SodaLibrary* instance;
if (it == std_map->end()) {
// make a new one!
instance = new SodaLibrary(library_path);
std_map->insert({library_path, instance});
} else {
instance = it->second;
return instance;
// Extended APIs
void* SodaLibrary::CreateExtendedSodaAsync(
const ExtendedSodaConfig& config) const {
DCHECK(status_ == Status::kOk);
return (*create_extended_soda_async_)(config);
void SodaLibrary::DeleteExtendedSodaAsync(
void* extended_soda_async_handle) const {
DCHECK(status_ == Status::kOk);
void SodaLibrary::ExtendedAddAudio(void* extended_soda_async_handle,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& audio) const {
DCHECK(status_ == Status::kOk);
// returns const unsigned char* which is not quite the
// same. reinterpret_cast for convenience.
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
void SodaLibrary::ExtendedSodaStop(void* extended_soda_async_handle) const {
DCHECK(status_ == Status::kOk);
void SodaLibrary::ExtendedSodaStart(void* extended_soda_async_handle) const {
DCHECK(status_ == Status::kOk);
void SodaLibrary::ExtendedSodaMarkDone(void* extended_soda_async_handle) const {
DCHECK(status_ == Status::kOk);
} // namespace ml