blob: 7d61ddc2c24a48cf32cc3b1b4268d1f5454ca26d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef ML_PROCESS_H_
#define ML_PROCESS_H_
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <base/functional/callback_forward.h>
#include <base/no_destructor.h>
#include <base/process/process_metrics.h>
#include <mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h>
#include <base/sequence_checker.h>
#include "ml/machine_learning_service_impl.h"
namespace ml {
// A singleton class to store the global process information and provide
// process management functions.
// Usage: access the global instance by calling `Process::GetInstance()`.
class Process {
// The type of a process.
// "kControlForTest" denotes the control process in unit tests (i.e. the
// process that runs the ml_service_test binary). "kSingleProcessForTest"
// means the program will not spawn worker processes and use one single
// process for testing.
enum class Type {
kUnset = 0,
kControl = 1,
kWorker = 2,
kControlForTest = 3, // Like control process but with less strict
// sandboxing for using in testing.
kSingleProcessForTest = 4, // Temporary, used by old single-process tests.
// The exit code of a process.
enum ExitCode : int {
kSuccess = 0,
// Only for worker process used when its mojo connection with the control
// process breaks.
kWorkerDisconnectWithControl = 1,
kInvalidProcessType = 2,
kUnexpectedCommandLine = 3,
kModelNameNotSpecified = 4,
// The worker process info, containing object to contact and measure worker
// process in the control process.
struct WorkerInfo {
// The Mojo remote to call the worker process's `MachineLearningService`
// bindings.
// The process metrics object of the worker process.
std::unique_ptr<base::ProcessMetrics> process_metrics;
static Process* GetInstance();
int Run();
// Gets the process type of current process.
Type GetType();
// Returns true if the worker process has been started successfully and the
// worker's pid is stored in `worker_pid`. Otherwise returns false and
// `worker_pid` is unchanged.
// The argument `model_name` has two usages:
// - it used in logging (like `metrics_model_name`).
// - it also determines which seccomp policy list to use in sandboxing the
// worker process.
bool SpawnWorkerProcessAndGetPid(const mojo::PlatformChannel& channel,
const std::string& model_name,
pid_t* worker_pid);
// Returns a reference of the remote of the worker process. The remote is hold
// in the `worker_pid_info_map_` object.
SendMojoInvitationAndGetRemote(pid_t worker_pid,
mojo::PlatformChannel channel,
const std::string& model_name);
// Removes a worker process from metadata. This does not terminate the
// worker process.
void UnregisterWorkerProcess(pid_t pid);
const std::unordered_map<pid_t, WorkerInfo>& GetWorkerPidInfoMap();
// Sets the process type. Only used in testing.
void SetTypeForTesting(Type type);
// Sets the path of mlservice. Only used in testing.
void SetMlServicePathForTesting(const std::string& path);
// Sets the `reap_worker_process_succeed_callback_`, only used in testing.
void SetReapWorkerProcessSucceedCallbackForTesting(
base::RepeatingClosure callback);
// Sets the `reap_worker_process_succeed_callback_`, only used in testing.
void SetReapWorkerProcessFailCallbackForTesting(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(std::string reason)> callback);
// Returns if the current process is a control process (i.e. `kControl ||
// kControlForTest`).
bool IsControlProcess();
// Returns if the current process is a worker process (i.e. that will do the
// actually inference work, `kWorker || kSingleProcessForTest`).
bool IsWorkerProcess();
friend base::NoDestructor<Process>;
// Can only be called by the control process.
void ControlProcessRun();
// Can only be called by the worker process.
// Input: the file descriptor used to bootstrap Mojo connection.
void WorkerProcessRun();
// A helper function for reaping worker processes. This function is
// unblocking. If the reap failed, it will post itself with some delay time
// and try again.
// - `child_pid` is the pid of the worker process to reap.
// - `times_tried` denotes how many times we have tried to reap the worker
// process. Every time a trial failed, we will enlarge the delay time to have
// a next try. We will try this for at maximum of `kWaitPidMaxNumOfRetrials`
// times. Also, when it succeeds, we will report how long it has taken.
// - `begin_time` is the the time we start to try to reap worker process, used
// in metric reporting.
void ReapWorkerProcess(pid_t child_pid,
int times_tried,
base::Time begin_time);
// The disconnect handler of control process for the mojo connection to the
// worker process.
void InternalPrimordialMojoPipeDisconnectHandler(pid_t child_pid);
// The type of current process.
Type process_type_;
// The file descriptor to bootstrap the mojo connection of current process.
// Only meaningful for worker process.
int mojo_bootstrap_fd_;
// The name of the model to be run. Used for finding the appropriate
// seccomp policy. Only meaningful for worker process.
std::string model_name_;
// Whether to disable seccomp sandboxing for the purposes of testing. Only
// meaningful for worker processes.
bool disable_seccomp_for_test_;
// Path to the ml_service binary. Normally (and by default) it is
// "/usr/bin/ml_service". We may change the value here for testing.
std::string ml_service_path_;
// The map from pid to the info of worker processes. Only meaningful for
// control process.
std::unordered_map<pid_t, WorkerInfo> worker_pid_info_map_;
// The function called in the `kControlForTesting` process after a worker
// process has been successfully reaped.
base::RepeatingClosure reap_worker_process_succeed_callback_;
// The function called in the `kControlForTesting` process if we failed to
// reap the worker process after `kWaitPidMaxNumOfTrials` times of trials.
// The reason of failure will be passed in as the argument.
base::RepeatingCallback<void(std::string reason)>
// Mainly used for guarding `worker_pid_info_map_`.
} // namespace ml
#endif // ML_PROCESS_H_