blob: 2b611ca8dd550d6ab844c0be93a649070c1d6e70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/no_destructor.h>
#include <base/scoped_native_library.h>
#include <ml_core/interface.h>
#include "chrome/knowledge/ica/ica.pb.h"
#include "ml/util.h"
namespace ml {
// A singleton proxy class for the Image Content Annotation Dynamic Shared
// Object (ICA DSO). Used by ImageContentAnnotatorImpl to call into the DSO.
// Usage:
// auto* const library = ImageContentAnnotationLibrary::GetInstance(dso_path);
// if (library->GetStatus() == ImageContentAnnotationLibrary::kOk) {
// annotator = library->CreateImageContentAnnotator();
// ...
// } else {
// ...
// }
class ImageContentAnnotationLibrary {
enum class Status {
kOk = 0,
kUninitialized = 1,
kLoadLibraryFailed = 2,
kFunctionLookupFailed = 3,
kNotSupported = 4,
static ImageContentAnnotationLibrary* GetInstance(
const base::FilePath& dso_path);
// Get whether the library is successfully initialized.
// Initially, the status is `Status::kUninitialized` (this value should never
// be returned).
// If can not be loaded, return `kLoadLibraryFailed`. This
// usually means on-device image content annotation is not supported.
// If the functions can not be successfully looked up, return
// `kFunctionLookupFailed`.
// Return `Status::kOk` if everything works fine.
virtual Status GetStatus() const;
virtual ImageContentAnnotator* CreateImageContentAnnotator();
virtual void DestroyImageContentAnnotator(ImageContentAnnotator* annotator);
virtual bool InitImageContentAnnotator(ImageContentAnnotator* annotator,
const char* locale);
virtual bool AnnotateImage(ImageContentAnnotator* annotator,
const uint8_t* rgb_bytes,
int width,
int height,
int line_stride,
chrome_knowledge::AnnotationScoreList* result);
virtual bool AnnotateEncodedImage(
ImageContentAnnotator* annotator,
const uint8_t* encoded_bytes,
int num_bytes,
chrome_knowledge::AnnotationScoreList* result);
explicit ImageContentAnnotationLibrary(const base::FilePath& dso_path);
virtual ~ImageContentAnnotationLibrary() = default;
friend class base::NoDestructor<ImageContentAnnotationLibrary>;
base::ScopedNativeLibrary library_;
Status status_ = Status::kUninitialized;
CreateImageContentAnnotatorFn create_image_content_annotator_ = nullptr;
DestroyImageContentAnnotatorFn destroy_image_content_annotator_ = nullptr;
InitImageContentAnnotatorFn init_image_content_annotator_ = nullptr;
AnnotateImageFn annotate_image_ = nullptr;
AnnotateEncodedImageFn annotate_encoded_image_ = nullptr;
DeleteAnnoteImageResultFn delete_annotate_image_result_ = nullptr;
} // namespace ml