blob: 7b57f743aaa4656d9f21c487abd0ac2e9c74c348 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "featured/c_feature_library.h" // for enums
#include "featured/feature_export.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/functional/callback.h>
#include <base/location.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_refptr.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <base/task/task_runner.h>
#include <base/thread_annotations.h>
#include <dbus/bus.h>
#include <dbus/message.h>
#include <dbus/object_proxy.h>
#include <featured/proto_bindings/featured.pb.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
namespace feature {
class FEATURE_EXPORT PlatformFeaturesInterface {
using IsEnabledCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
// Asynchronously determine whether the given feature is enabled, using the
// specified default value if Chrome doesn't define a value for the feature
// or the dbus call fails.
// If you have multiple related features you wish to look up, you MUST look
// them all up in the same call using GetParamsAndEnabled{,Blocking} -- if you
// look them up across multiple calls, chrome may have restarted in between
// calls, giving inconsistent state.
// DO NOT CACHE the result of this call across chrome restarts, as it may
// change -- for example, when a user logs in or out or when they apply
// changes to chrome://flags.
// To determine when to refetch after a chrome restart, use
// ListenForRefetchNeeded(), or just re-fetch each time you use the experiment
// value.
// NOTE: As of 2021-12, Chrome only retrieves finch seeds after a first reboot
// (e.g. when logging in). So, if you need to run an experiment before this it
// should be set up as a client-side trial.
virtual void IsEnabled(const VariationsFeature& feature,
IsEnabledCallback callback) = 0;
// Like IsEnabled(), but blocks up to timeout_ms to wait for the dbus call to
// finish.
// If you have multiple related features you wish to look up, you MUST look
// them all up in the same call using GetParamsAndEnabled{,Blocking} -- if you
// look them up across multiple calls, chrome may have restarted in between
// calls, giving inconsistent state.
// DO NOT CACHE the result of this call across chrome restarts, as it may
// change -- for example, when a user logs in or out or when they apply
// changes to chrome://flags.
// To determine when to refetch after a chrome restart, use
// ListenForRefetchNeeded(), or just re-fetch each time you use the experiment
// value.
// NOTE: As of 2021-12, Chrome only retrieves finch seeds after a first reboot
// (e.g. when logging in). So, if you need to run an experiment before this it
// should be set up as a client-side trial.
// Does *not* block waiting for the service to be available, so may have
// spurious fallbacks to the default value that could be avoided with
// IsEnabled(), especially soon after Chrome starts.
// TODO(b/236009983): Fix this.
virtual bool IsEnabledBlockingWithTimeout(const VariationsFeature& feature,
int timeout_ms) = 0;
// Like IsEnabled(), but blocks waiting for the dbus call to finish.
// If you have multiple related features you wish to look up, you MUST look
// them all up in the same call using GetParamsAndEnabled{,Blocking} -- if you
// look them up across multiple calls, chrome may have restarted in between
// calls, giving inconsistent state.
// DO NOT CACHE the result of this call across chrome restarts, as it may
// change -- for example, when a user logs in or out or when they apply
// changes to chrome://flags.
// To determine when to refetch after a chrome restart, use
// ListenForRefetchNeeded(), or just re-fetch each time you use the experiment
// value.
// NOTE: As of 2021-12, Chrome only retrieves finch seeds after a first reboot
// (e.g. when logging in). So, if you need to run an experiment before this it
// should be set up as a client-side trial.
// Does *not* block waiting for the service to be available, so may have
// spurious fallbacks to the default value that could be avoided with
// IsEnabled(), especially soon after Chrome starts.
// TODO(b/236009983): Fix this.
bool IsEnabledBlocking(const VariationsFeature& feature) {
return IsEnabledBlockingWithTimeout(feature,
struct ParamsResultEntry {
// Whether the feature is enabled or disabled.
bool enabled;
// If non-nullopt, gives the key/value pairs for any parameters, as
// determined by chromium.
// If this is empty, callers should fall back to hard-coded default values
// for all parameters.
std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
// Mapping the feature name to its ParamsResultEntry struct.
using ParamsResult = std::map<std::string, ParamsResultEntry>;
using GetParamsCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(ParamsResult)>;
// Asynchronously get the parameters for a given set of related features, as
// well as a boolean representing whether each feature is enabled.
// Gives back nullopt if the lookup fails.
// If you have multiple related features you wish to look up, you MUST look
// them all up in the same call -- if you look them up across multiple calls,
// chrome may have restarted in between calls, giving inconsistent state.
// DO NOT CACHE the result of this call across chrome restarts, as it may
// change -- for example, when a user logs in or out or when they apply
// changes to chrome://flags.
// To determine when to refetch after a chrome restart, use
// ListenForRefetchNeeded(), or just re-fetch each time you use the experiment
// value.
// NOTE: As of 2021-12, Chrome only retrieves finch seeds after a first reboot
// (e.g. when logging in). So, if you need to run an experiment before this it
// should be set up as a client-side trial.
virtual void GetParamsAndEnabled(
const std::vector<const VariationsFeature*>& features,
GetParamsCallback callback) = 0;
// Like GetParamsAndEnabled(), but blocks waiting for the dbus call to finish.
// If you have multiple related features you wish to look up, you MUST look
// them all up in the same call -- if you look them up across multiple calls,
// chrome may have restarted in between calls, giving inconsistent state.
// DO NOT CACHE the result of this call across chrome restarts, as it may
// change -- for example, when a user logs in or out or when they apply
// changes to chrome://flags.
// To determine when to refetch after a chrome restart, use
// ListenForRefetchNeeded(), or just re-fetch each time you use the experiment
// value.
// NOTE: As of 2021-12, Chrome only retrieves finch seeds after a first reboot
// (e.g. when logging in). So, if you need to run an experiment before this it
// should be set up as a client-side trial.
// Does *not* block waiting for the service to be available, so may have
// spurious fallbacks to the default value that could be avoided with
// GetParamsAndEnabled(), especially soon after Chrome starts.
// TODO(b/236009983): Fix this.
virtual ParamsResult GetParamsAndEnabledBlocking(
const std::vector<const VariationsFeature*>& features) = 0;
// ListenForRefetchNeeded registers |signal_callback| to run whenever it is
// required to refetch feature state (that is, whenever chrome restarts).
// In particular, in order to respect chrome://flags state, you must either
// listen to this signal and refetch feature state when |signal_callback| runs
// OR you must re-fetch each time you use the experiment value.
// |signal_callback| will be called in the origin thread, when the
// state must be re-fetched. As it's called in the origin thread,
// |signal_callback| can safely reference objects in the origin thread.
// |attached_callback| is called when the signal handler registration succeeds
// or fails, with a boolean indicating that the process is successfully
// listening or has failed to listen.
virtual void ListenForRefetchNeeded(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(void)> signal_callback,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> attached_callback) = 0;
virtual ~PlatformFeaturesInterface() = default;
class FEATURE_EXPORT PlatformFeatures : public PlatformFeaturesInterface {
PlatformFeatures(const PlatformFeatures&) = delete;
PlatformFeatures& operator=(const PlatformFeatures&) = delete;
// Creates and initializes the global instance based on the provided |bus|.
// The global instance will be initialized to |nullptr| on failure to create
// an ObjectProxy.
// Note: The initialized global instance will live until process exit.
[[nodiscard]] static bool Initialize(scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus);
// Returns the global instance which may be null if not initialized.
static PlatformFeatures* Get();
void IsEnabled(const VariationsFeature& feature,
IsEnabledCallback callback) override;
bool IsEnabledBlockingWithTimeout(const VariationsFeature& feature,
int timeout_ms) override;
void GetParamsAndEnabled(
const std::vector<const VariationsFeature*>& features,
GetParamsCallback callback) override;
ParamsResult GetParamsAndEnabledBlocking(
const std::vector<const VariationsFeature*>& features) override;
void ListenForRefetchNeeded(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(void)> signal_callback,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> attached_callback) override;
static void ShutdownForTesting();
friend class FeatureLibraryTest;
FRIEND_TEST(FeatureLibraryTest, CheckFeatureIdentity);
FRIEND_TEST(FeatureLibraryTest, RecordSingleActiveTrial);
FRIEND_TEST(FeatureLibraryTest, RecordMultipleActiveTrials);
FRIEND_TEST(FeatureLibraryTest, RecordDuplicateActiveTrialOnlyOnce);
FRIEND_TEST(FeatureLibraryTest, EscapeTrialNameWithSeparator);
FRIEND_TEST(FeatureLibraryTest, EscapeTrialNameWithForwardSlash);
explicit PlatformFeatures(scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus,
dbus::ObjectProxy* chrome_proxy,
dbus::ObjectProxy* feature_proxy);
~PlatformFeatures() override;
static void InitializeForTesting(scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus,
dbus::ObjectProxy* chrome_proxy,
dbus::ObjectProxy* feature_proxy);
// Callback that is invoked for IsEnabled() when WaitForServiceToBeAvailable()
// finishes.
void OnWaitForServiceIsEnabled(const VariationsFeature& feature,
IsEnabledCallback callback,
bool available);
// Callback that is invoked when chrome_proxy_->CallMethod() finishes.
void HandleIsEnabledResponse(const VariationsFeature& feature,
IsEnabledCallback callback,
dbus::Response* response);
// Creates the default response for GetParamsAndEnabled{,Blocking}()
ParamsResult CreateDefaultGetParamsAndEnabledResponse(
const std::vector<const VariationsFeature*>& features);
// Callback that is invoked for GetParamsAndEnabled() when
// WaitForServiceToBeAvailable() finishes.
void OnWaitForServiceGetParams(
const std::vector<const VariationsFeature*>& feature,
GetParamsCallback callback,
bool available);
// Callback that is invoked when chrome_proxy_->CallMethod() finishes.
void HandleGetParamsResponse(
const std::vector<const VariationsFeature*>& features,
GetParamsCallback callback,
dbus::Response* response);
// Encoding side of both HandleGetParamsResponse and
// GetParamsAndEnabledBlocking.
void EncodeGetParamsArgument(
dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
const std::vector<const VariationsFeature*>& features);
// Decoding side of both HandleGetParamsResponse and
// GetParamsAndEnabledBlocking.
ParamsResult ParseGetParamsResponse(
dbus::Response* response,
const std::vector<const VariationsFeature*>& features);
// Verify that we have only ever seen |feature| with this same address.
// Used to prevent defining the same feature with distinct default values.
bool CheckFeatureIdentity(const VariationsFeature& feature)
static void OnConnectedCallback(
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> attached_callback,
const std::string& interface,
const std::string& signal,
bool success);
// This lock protects the global instance variable.
static base::Lock& GetInstanceLock();
// Used only for testing. Modifies what directory active trial files are
// written to.
void SetActiveTrialFileDirectoryForTesting(const base::FilePath& dir);
// Creates a new active trial file of the format `TrialName,GroupName` to the
// directory specified by `active_trial_file_dir_`, where TrialName and
// GroupName are escaped versions, by url encoding, of the actual trial name
// and group name, separated by kTrialGroupSeparator. Alphanumerics and -._~
// will not be escaped. The created file is empty since all necessary metadata
// is provided in the filename.
// Chrome may list these files to determine which trials are active, in order
// to mark them as active in UMA.
// NOTE: If the active trial file already exists, the existing file will not
// be overwritten or modified.
// For testing, callers can change what directory these files are created in
// with SetActiveTrialFileDirectoryForTesting().
void RecordActiveTrial(const featured::FeatureOverride& trial);
scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus_;
// An object proxy used for communicating with ash-chrome.
dbus::ObjectProxy* chrome_proxy_;
// An object proxy used for listening to the "RefetchFeatureState" signal.
dbus::ObjectProxy* feature_proxy_;
// Map that keeps track of seen features, to ensure a single feature is
// only defined once. This verification is only done in builds with DCHECKs
// enabled.
base::Lock lock_;
std::map<std::string, const VariationsFeature*> feature_identity_tracker_
// Directory where active trial files are written.
base::FilePath active_trial_file_dir_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PlatformFeatures> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace feature