blob: 31ff577ff948a8c881426a3ab2cc88944230d75a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "featured/c_feature_library.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <vector>
#include <dbus/bus.h>
#include "featured/feature_library.h"
extern "C" bool CFeatureLibraryInitialize() {
dbus::Bus::Options options;
options.bus_type = dbus::Bus::SYSTEM;
scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus(new dbus::Bus(options));
return feature::PlatformFeatures::Initialize(bus);
extern "C" CFeatureLibrary CFeatureLibraryGet() {
return reinterpret_cast<CFeatureLibrary>(feature::PlatformFeatures::Get());
extern "C" int CFeatureLibraryIsEnabledBlocking(
CFeatureLibrary handle, const struct VariationsFeature* const feature) {
auto* library = reinterpret_cast<feature::PlatformFeaturesInterface*>(handle);
return library->IsEnabledBlocking(*feature);
extern "C" int CFeatureLibraryIsEnabledBlockingWithTimeout(
CFeatureLibrary handle,
const struct VariationsFeature* const feature,
int timeout_ms) {
auto* library = reinterpret_cast<feature::PlatformFeaturesInterface*>(handle);
return library->IsEnabledBlockingWithTimeout(*feature, timeout_ms);
extern "C" int CFeatureLibraryGetParamsAndEnabledBlocking(
CFeatureLibrary handle,
const struct VariationsFeature* const* features,
size_t num_features,
struct VariationsFeatureGetParamsResponseEntry* entries) {
auto* library = reinterpret_cast<feature::PlatformFeaturesInterface*>(handle);
// Initialize vector from C-style array
std::vector<const VariationsFeature*> features_vec(features,
auto result = library->GetParamsAndEnabledBlocking(features_vec);
CHECK_EQ(result.size(), num_features);
// Zero out memory to avoid uninitialized reads later (e.g. from num_params or
// params) and to simplify cleanup logic on errors.
bzero(entries, num_features * sizeof(*entries));
size_t i = 0;
for (const auto& [name, entry] : result) {
// Allocate and copy name
size_t size = name.size() + 1;
entries[i].name = reinterpret_cast<char*>(calloc(size, sizeof(char)));
if (!entries[i].name) {
// Clean up all previously-allocated memory.
CFeatureLibraryFreeEntries(entries, i);
return -1;
strncpy(entries[i].name, name.c_str(), size);
entries[i].is_enabled = entry.enabled;
entries[i].num_params = entry.params.size();
entries[i].params = reinterpret_cast<struct VariationsFeatureParam*>(
calloc(entries[i].num_params, sizeof(VariationsFeatureParam)));
if (!entries[i].params) {
// Clean up all allocated memory, including that allocated on this
// iteration.
// (This is safe because free(nullptr) is a no-op.)
CFeatureLibraryFreeEntries(entries, i + 1);
return -1;
size_t j = 0;
for (const auto& [key, value] : entry.params) {
entries[i].params[j].key =
reinterpret_cast<char*>(calloc(key.size() + 1, sizeof(char)));
entries[i].params[j].value =
reinterpret_cast<char*>(calloc(value.size() + 1, sizeof(char)));
if (!(entries[i].params[j].key) || !(entries[i].params[j].value)) {
// Clean up all allocated memory on failure to allocate, including that
// allocated on this iteration.
// (free(nullptr) is defined to be a noop).
CFeatureLibraryFreeEntries(entries, i + 1);
return -1;
// Copy, including null terminator.
strncpy(entries[i].params[j].key, key.c_str(), key.size() + 1);
strncpy(entries[i].params[j].value, value.c_str(), value.size() + 1);
return 0;
extern "C" void CFeatureLibraryFreeEntries(
struct VariationsFeatureGetParamsResponseEntry* entries,
size_t num_features) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_features; i++) {
entries[i].name = nullptr;
for (size_t j = 0; j < entries[i].num_params; j++) {
entries[i].params[j].key = nullptr;
entries[i].params[j].value = nullptr;
entries[i].params = nullptr;
bzero(entries, num_features * sizeof(*entries));