blob: 44bbcf214716e0861986bc33908eee4695f1cf1f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "device_management/fwmp/firmware_management_parameters.h"
#include "device_management/install_attributes/install_attributes.h"
#include "device_management/install_attributes/platform.h"
#include "device_management/proto_bindings/device_management_interface.pb.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <libhwsec/factory/factory.h>
#include <libhwsec/frontend/cryptohome/frontend.h>
#include <libhwsec/status.h>
namespace device_management {
class DeviceManagementService {
void SetParamsForTesting(std::unique_ptr<fwmp::FirmwareManagementParameters>
std::unique_ptr<InstallAttributes> install_attrs) {
firmware_management_parameters_ = std::move(firmware_management_parameters);
install_attrs_ = std::move(install_attrs);
void Initialize(const hwsec::CryptohomeFrontend& hwsec_, Platform& platform);
// ========= Firmware Management Parameters Related Public Methods =========
// Retrieve the firmware management parameters. Returns
// DEVICE_MANAGEMENT_ERROR_NOT_SET if successful, and in that case, |fwmp|
// will be filled with the firmware management parameters. Otherwise, an error
// code is returned and |fwmp|'s content is undefined.
device_management::DeviceManagementErrorCode GetFirmwareManagementParameters(
device_management::FirmwareManagementParameters* fwmp);
// Set the firmware management parameters to the value given in |fwmp|.
// Returns DEVICE_MANAGEMENT_ERROR_NOT_SET if the operation is successful, and
// other error code if it failed.
device_management::DeviceManagementErrorCode SetFirmwareManagementParameters(
const device_management::FirmwareManagementParameters& fwmp);
// Remove the firmware management parameters, that is, undefine its NVRAM
// space (if defined). Return true if and only if the firmware management
// parameters are gone
bool RemoveFirmwareManagementParameters();
// =============== Install Attributes Related Public Methods ===============
// Retrieve the key value pair in install attributes with the key of |name|,
// and return its value in |data_out|. Returns true if and only if the key
// value pair is successfully retrieved. If false is returned, then
// |data_out|'s content is undefined.
bool InstallAttributesGet(const std::string& name,
std::vector<uint8_t>* data_out);
// Insert the key value pair (name, data) into install attributes. Return true
// if and only if the key value pair is successfully inserted.
bool InstallAttributesSet(const std::string& name,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
// Finalize the install attributes. Return true if and only if the install
// attributes is finalized.
bool InstallAttributesFinalize();
// Get the number of key value pair stored in install attributes.
int InstallAttributesCount();
// Return true if and only if the attribute storage is securely stored, that
// is, if the system TPM/Lockbox is being used.
bool InstallAttributesIsSecure();
// Return the current status of the install attributes.
InstallAttributes::Status InstallAttributesGetStatus();
// Convert the InstallAttributes::Status enum to
// user_data_auth::InstallAttributesState protobuf enum.
static device_management::InstallAttributesState
InstallAttributesStatusToProtoEnum(InstallAttributes::Status status);
// =============== Install Attributes Related Utilities ===============
// Detect whether this device is enterprise owned.
void DetectEnterpriseOwnership();
// Call this method to initialize the install attributes functionality. This
// can only be called on origin thread.
void InitializeInstallAttributesCallback(hwsec::Status status);
// Return true if this device is enterprise owned.
bool IsEnterpriseOwned() { return enterprise_owned_; }
// The Firmware Management Parameters object that is used by this
// class, but can be overridden for testing.
// The install attributes object used by this class, usually set to
// |default_install_attrs_|, but can be overridden for testing.
std::unique_ptr<InstallAttributes> install_attrs_;
// Whether this device is an enterprise owned device.
bool enterprise_owned_;
} // namespace device_management