blob: 8ab1c408e9b6d9c9dbe7bac59bc1bb7d121faa34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <libec/fingerprint/cros_fp_device_interface.h>
#include "biod/biod_storage.h"
#include "biod/biometrics_manager.h"
namespace biod {
using RecordMetadata = BiodStorageInterface::RecordMetadata;
using Record = BiodStorage::Record;
class CrosFpRecordManagerInterface {
virtual ~CrosFpRecordManagerInterface() = default;
virtual void SetAllowAccess(bool allow) = 0;
virtual std::optional<RecordMetadata> GetRecordMetadata(
const std::string& record_id) = 0;
virtual std::vector<Record> GetRecordsForUser(const std::string& user_id) = 0;
virtual bool UserHasInvalidRecords(const std::string& user_id) = 0;
virtual bool CreateRecord(const RecordMetadata& record,
std::unique_ptr<VendorTemplate> templ) = 0;
virtual bool UpdateRecord(const RecordMetadata& record_metadata,
std::unique_ptr<VendorTemplate> templ) = 0;
virtual bool UpdateRecordMetadata(const RecordMetadata& record_metadata) = 0;
virtual bool DeleteRecord(const std::string& record_id) = 0;
// Delete a record from persistent storage directly. The record mustn't be in
// the in-memory records, so that we don't lose sync with disk.
virtual bool DeleteNotLoadedRecord(const std::string& user_id,
const std::string& record_id) = 0;
virtual bool DeleteAllRecords() = 0;
virtual void DeleteInvalidRecords() = 0;
virtual void RemoveRecordsFromMemory() = 0;
class CrosFpRecordManager : public CrosFpRecordManagerInterface {
explicit CrosFpRecordManager(
std::unique_ptr<BiodStorageInterface> biod_storage);
explicit CrosFpRecordManager(const CrosFpRecordManager&) = delete;
CrosFpRecordManager& operator=(const CrosFpRecordManager&) = delete;
void SetAllowNoValidationValue(bool allow);
void SetAllowAccess(bool allow) override;
// Returns RecordMetadata for given record.
std::optional<RecordMetadata> GetRecordMetadata(
const std::string& record_id) override;
std::vector<Record> GetRecordsForUser(const std::string& user_id) override;
bool UserHasInvalidRecords(const std::string& user_id) override;
bool CreateRecord(const RecordMetadata& record,
std::unique_ptr<VendorTemplate> templ) override;
bool UpdateRecord(const RecordMetadata& record_metadata,
std::unique_ptr<VendorTemplate> templ) override;
bool UpdateRecordMetadata(const RecordMetadata& record_metadata) override;
bool DeleteRecord(const std::string& record_id) override;
bool DeleteNotLoadedRecord(const std::string& user_id,
const std::string& record_id) override;
bool DeleteAllRecords() override;
void DeleteInvalidRecords() override;
void RemoveRecordsFromMemory() override;
std::string TemplateToBase64(std::unique_ptr<VendorTemplate> templ);
void MakeRecordsWithoutValidationValInvalid(std::vector<Record>* records);
std::unique_ptr<BiodStorageInterface> biod_storage_;
struct CrosFpRecordMetadata {
BiodStorageInterface::RecordMetadata metadata;
bool valid = true;
bool allow_no_validation_value_ = false;
// Map in which the key is Record ID and the value is record metadata.
std::unordered_map<std::string, CrosFpRecordMetadata> records_metadata_;
} // namespace biod