blob: 6adefed3119b2f6054cc563c9128903d337a0cd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/functional/callback.h>
#include <base/functional/callback_helpers.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include "biod/biometrics_manager.h"
#include "biod/proto_bindings/constants.pb.h"
#include "biod/proto_bindings/messages.pb.h"
namespace biod {
// An AuthStackManager object represents one biometric input device and all of
// the records registered with it. At a high level, there are 3 operations that
// are supported: 1) enrolling new record objects, 2) authenticating against
// those record objects, and 3) destroying individual record objects made from
// this AuthStackManager. For enroll and authenticate operations, the
// AuthStackManager object must be entered into AuthSession or EnrollSession,
// which is represented in code by the return of the session objects.
// EnrollSession and AuthSession can be thought of as session objects that are
// ongoing as long as the unique pointers remain in scope and the End/Cancel
// methods haven't been called. It's undefined what StartEnrollSession or
// StartAuthSession will do if there is an valid outstanding EnrollSession or
// AuthSession object in the wild. The actual enroll and authenticate of the
// records comes *after* those session ends: the manager will be put in a ready
// state for those operations, and CreateCredential/AuthenticateCredential can
// be called.
class AuthStackManager {
using Session = base::ScopedClosureRunner;
virtual ~AuthStackManager() = default;
virtual BiometricType GetType() = 0;
// Puts this AuthStackManager into EnrollSession mode, which can be ended by
// letting the returned session fall out of scope. This will fail if ANY
// other mode is active. Returns a false Session on failure. A
// successful enroll session will put the AuthStackManager into ready state
// for CreateCredential.
virtual Session StartEnrollSession() = 0;
// Creates the actual fingerprint record. Should only be called after an
// enroll session completes successfully. See CreateCredentialRequest/Reply
// protos for the detailed function signature.
virtual CreateCredentialReply CreateCredential(
const CreateCredentialRequest& request) = 0;
// Puts this AuthStackManager into AuthSession mode, which can be ended by
// letting the returned session fall out of scope. This will fail if ANY other
// mode is active. Returns a false Session on failure. A successful auth
// session will put the AuthStackManager into ready state for
// AuthenticateCredential.
virtual Session StartAuthSession(std::string user_id) = 0;
using AuthenticateCredentialCallback =
// Loads the fingerprint records and perform the fingerprint match. Should
// only be called after an auth session completes successfully. See
// AuthenticateCredentialRequest/Reply protos for the detailed function
// signature.
virtual void AuthenticateCredential(
const AuthenticateCredentialRequest& request,
AuthenticateCredentialCallback callback) = 0;
virtual DeleteCredentialReply DeleteCredential(
const DeleteCredentialRequest& request) = 0;
// This will be called when a user logs out.
virtual void OnUserLoggedOut() = 0;
// This will be called when a user logs in.
virtual void OnUserLoggedIn(const std::string& user_id) = 0;
// The callbacks should remain valid as long as this object is valid.
// This is a repeating callback because it is set by the AuthStack dbus
// wrapper, which registers to this callback once and emit a dbus signal on
// every enroll scan done.
using EnrollStatus = BiometricsManager::EnrollStatus;
using EnrollScanDoneCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
ScanResult, const EnrollStatus&, brillo::Blob auth_nonce)>;
virtual void SetEnrollScanDoneHandler(
const EnrollScanDoneCallback& on_enroll_scan_done) = 0;
// This is a repeating callback because it is set by the AuthStack dbus
// wrapper, which registers to this callback once and emit a dbus signal on
// every auth scan done.
using AuthScanDoneCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(brillo::Blob auth_nonce)>;
virtual void SetAuthScanDoneHandler(
const AuthScanDoneCallback& on_auth_scan_done) = 0;
// Invoked during any session to indicate that the session has ended with
// failure. Any EnrollSession record that was underway is thrown away and
// AuthSession will no longer be happening.
using SessionFailedCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void()>;
virtual void SetSessionFailedHandler(
const SessionFailedCallback& on_session_failed) = 0;
virtual void EndEnrollSession() = 0;
virtual void EndAuthSession() = 0;
} // namespace biod