blob: 04542b6112b2bc7cc3248c7e4564f631ab4183c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace paths {
// File whose existence mocks crash sending. If empty we pretend the
// crash sending was successful, otherwise unsuccessful.
inline constexpr char kMockCrashSending[] = "mock-crash-sending";
// File whose existence causes crash sending to be delayed (for testing).
// Must be stateful to enable testing kernel crashes.
inline constexpr char kPauseCrashSending[] = "/var/lib/crash_sender_paused";
// Directory where crash_sender stores timestamp files, that indicate the
// upload attempts in the past 24 hours.
inline constexpr char kTimestampsDirectory[] = "/var/lib/crash_sender";
// Directory where crash_sender stores other state information (ex. client ID).
inline constexpr char kCrashSenderStateDirectory[] =
// File indicating that crash-sender ran and finished (only used during
// integration test or mock runs).
// MUST MATCH sender_login.go in tast-tests repo.
inline constexpr char kCrashSenderDone[] = "crash-sender-done";
// Manages the paths to Chrome's crash report log file. Forbids access to
// uploads.log under the dry run mode: crash_sender under the dry run mode
// should not write to any files under /var/log other than /var/log/messages.
class ChromeCrashLog {
// This class contains static methods only.
ChromeCrashLog() = delete;
// Sets or unsets dry run mode.
static void SetDryRun(bool enable);
// Gets the path to the crash log.
static const char* Get();
// Whether crash_sender is under the dry run mode.
static bool dry_run_;
} // namespace paths