blob: e5a78df7debbb46069fe124342a8e8784cb2c58c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include "runtime_probe/system/helper_invoker.h"
#include "runtime_probe/system/syscaller.h"
namespace ash::cros_healthd::mojom {
class CrosHealthdProbeService;
namespace brillo {
class CrosConfigInterface;
namespace crossystem {
class Crossystem;
namespace org {
namespace chromium {
class debugdProxyInterface;
} // namespace chromium
} // namespace org
namespace org::chromium::flimflam {
class ManagerProxyInterface;
class DeviceProxyInterface;
} // namespace org::chromium::flimflam
namespace dbus {
class ObjectPath;
} // namespace dbus
namespace runtime_probe {
namespace cros_healthd_mojom = ::ash::cros_healthd::mojom;
// A context class for holding the helper objects used in runtime probe, which
// simplifies the passing of the helper objects to other objects. For instance,
// instead of passing various helper objects to an object via its constructor,
// the context object is passed.
class Context {
Context(const Context&) = delete;
Context& operator=(const Context&) = delete;
// Returns the current global context instance. The global instance will be
// overridden by derived classes. Only one global instance is allowed at a
// time.
static Context* Get();
// The object to access the ChromeOS model configuration.
virtual brillo::CrosConfigInterface* cros_config() = 0;
// The object to access crossystem system properties.
virtual crossystem::Crossystem* crossystem() = 0;
// Use the object returned by syscaller() to make syscalls.
virtual Syscaller* syscaller() = 0;
// Use the object returned by debugd_proxy() to make calls to debugd.
virtual org::chromium::debugdProxyInterface* debugd_proxy() = 0;
// Use the object returned by shill_manager_proxy() to make calls to shill
// manager.
virtual org::chromium::flimflam::ManagerProxyInterface*
shill_manager_proxy() = 0;
// Use the object returned by CreateShillDeviceProxy() to make calls to shill
// device.
virtual std::unique_ptr<org::chromium::flimflam::DeviceProxyInterface>
CreateShillDeviceProxy(const dbus::ObjectPath& path) = 0;
// The object to invoke the runtime_probe helper.
virtual HelperInvoker* helper_invoker() = 0;
// Returns the root directory. This can be overridden during test.
virtual const base::FilePath& root_dir();
virtual cros_healthd_mojom::CrosHealthdProbeService*
GetCrosHealthdProbeServiceProxy() = 0;
virtual ~Context();
} // namespace runtime_probe