blob: 1fa0f0d047ed69f88447b2cd1854b7626741f3ae [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "runtime_probe/probe_function.h"
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/json/json_reader.h>
#include <base/json/json_writer.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include "runtime_probe/functions/all_functions.h"
#include "runtime_probe/system/context.h"
namespace runtime_probe {
using DataType = typename ProbeFunction::DataType;
auto ProbeFunction::registered_functions_ =
ProbeFunction::ProbeFunction() = default;
ProbeFunction::~ProbeFunction() = default;
std::unique_ptr<ProbeFunction> ProbeFunction::FromValue(const base::Value& dv) {
if (!dv.is_dict()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ProbeFunction::FromValue takes a dictionary as parameter";
return nullptr;
const auto& dict = dv.GetDict();
auto size = dict.size();
if (size == 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No function name found in the ProbeFunction dictionary";
return nullptr;
if (size > 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "More than 1 function names specified in the ProbeFunction"
" dictionary";
return nullptr;
const auto& it = dict.begin();
// function_name is the only key exists in the dictionary */
const auto& function_name = it->first;
const auto& kwargs = it->second;
if (registered_functions_.find(function_name) ==
registered_functions_.end()) {
// TODO(stimim): Should report an error.
LOG(ERROR) << "Function \"" << function_name << "\" not found";
return nullptr;
if (!kwargs.is_dict()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Function argument should be a dictionary";
return nullptr;
return static_cast<std::unique_ptr<ProbeFunction>>(
void ProbeFunction::Eval(base::OnceCallback<void(DataType)> callback) const {
int ProbeFunction::EvalInHelper(std::string* /*output*/) const {
LOG(ERROR) << "Probe function \"" << GetFunctionName()
<< "\" cannot be invoked in helper.";
return -1;
void ProbeFunction::RegisterArgumentParser(const std::string field_name,
ArgumentParser* parser) {
<< "Register duplicated argument " << field_name;
argument_parsers_[field_name] = parser;
bool ProbeFunction::ParseArguments(const base::Value::Dict& arguments) {
arguments_ = arguments.Clone();
auto arguments_clone = arguments.Clone();
bool success = true;
for (const auto& [field_name, parser] : argument_parsers_) {
auto value = arguments_clone.Extract(field_name);
std::string err;
if (parser->Parse(value, err)) {
success = false;
LOG(ERROR) << "ProbeFunction \"" << GetFunctionName()
<< "\" failed to parse argument \"" << field_name
<< "\": " << err;
if (!arguments_clone.empty()) {
success = false;
for (const auto& [field_name, unused_value] : arguments_clone) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ProbeFunction \"" << GetFunctionName()
<< "\" got unexpected argument \"" << field_name << "\"";
return success ? PostParseArguments() : false;
DataType ProbeFunction::EvalImpl() const {
<< "Either |EvalImpl| or |EvalAsyncImpl| should be implemented.";
void ProbeFunction::EvalAsyncImpl(
base::OnceCallback<void(DataType)> callback) const {
bool PrivilegedProbeFunction::InvokeHelper(std::string* result) const {
base::Value::Dict probe_statement;
probe_statement.Set(GetFunctionName(), arguments().Clone());
std::string probe_statement_str;
base::JSONWriter::Write(probe_statement, &probe_statement_str);
return Context::Get()->helper_invoker()->Invoke(
/*probe_function=*/this, probe_statement_str, result);
std::optional<base::Value> PrivilegedProbeFunction::InvokeHelperToJSON() const {
std::string raw_output;
if (!InvokeHelper(&raw_output)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to invoke helper.";
return std::nullopt;
auto json_output = base::JSONReader::Read(raw_output);
if (!json_output) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse output into json format.";
VLOG(3) << "InvokeHelper raw output:\n" << raw_output;
return std::nullopt;
return json_output;
int PrivilegedProbeFunction::EvalInHelper(std::string* output) const {
DLOG(INFO) << "Invoking probe function \"" << GetFunctionName()
<< "\" in helper.";
base::Value result{EvalImpl()};
if (base::JSONWriter::Write(result, output))
return 0;
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to serialize probed result to json string";
return -1;
void PrivilegedProbeFunction::Eval(
base::OnceCallback<void(DataType)> callback) const {
auto json_output = InvokeHelperToJSON();
if (!json_output) {
if (!json_output->is_list()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse json output as list.";
VLOG(3) << "InvokeHelper output:\n" << *json_output;
DataType result = std::move(json_output->GetList());
VLOG(3) << GetFunctionName() << " Eval output:\n" << result;
} // namespace runtime_probe