blob: 53ec01f87d821ddaceaee00ba273909eb2011d81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <brillo/errors/error.h>
#include <minios/proto_bindings/minios.pb.h>
#include "minios/draw_utils.h"
#include "minios/key_reader.h"
#include "minios/network_manager_interface.h"
#include "minios/process_manager.h"
#include "minios/screen_controller_interface.h"
#include "minios/screen_interface.h"
#include "minios/state_reporter_interface.h"
#include "minios/update_engine_proxy.h"
namespace minios {
class ScreenController : public ScreenControllerInterface,
public KeyReader::Delegate {
ScreenController(std::shared_ptr<DrawInterface> draw_utils,
std::shared_ptr<UpdateEngineProxy> update_engine_proxy,
std::shared_ptr<NetworkManagerInterface> network_manager,
ProcessManagerInterface* process_manager);
virtual ~ScreenController() = default;
ScreenController(const ScreenController&) = delete;
ScreenController& operator=(const ScreenController&) = delete;
bool Init();
// APIs used to expose MiniOs control over DBus.
// Get the current state of MiniOs.
void GetState(State* state_out);
// Advance the current screen to the previous screen if possible.
bool MoveBackward(brillo::ErrorPtr* error);
// Advance the current screen to the next screen if possible.
bool MoveForward(brillo::ErrorPtr* error);
// Insert a key press into the MiniOs keyboard event loop.
void PressKey(int key_changed);
// Reset MiniOs to its initial screen and state.
bool Reset(brillo::ErrorPtr* error);
// Set credentials for use in advancing/controlling the network screens.
void SeedNetworkCredentials(const std::string& ssid,
const std::string& passphrase);
// Perform the network based recovery.
// Does this by resetting to the initial screen and state. It then steps
// steps through the network selection screen and starts the recovery.
void StartRecovery(const std::string& ssid, const std::string& passphrase);
void SetStateReporter(StateReporterInterface* state_reporter);
// ScreenControllerInterface overrides.
// Called by screens when the user presses the next or continue button.
void OnForward(ScreenInterface* screen) override;
// Called by screens when the user presses the back or cancel button.
void OnBackward(ScreenInterface* screen) override;
// Changes the screen to the specified screen.
void GoToScreen(ScreenType type, bool save_previous = false) override;
// Called by screens to show an error screen.
void OnError(ScreenType error_screen) override;
// Returns the `current_screen_` type.
ScreenType GetCurrentScreen() override;
// Changes to the `kLanguageDropDownScreen` class.
void SwitchLocale(ScreenInterface* screen) override;
// Returns to the original screen and updates UI elements based on locale
// change.
void UpdateLocale(ScreenInterface* screen,
int selected_locale_index) override;
// Report state changes via `state_reporter_`.
void OnStateChanged(State state) override;
void SetCurrentScreenForTest(ScreenType current_screen) {
current_screen_ = CreateScreen(current_screen);
void SetCurrentScreenForTest(
std::unique_ptr<ScreenInterface> current_screen) {
current_screen_ = std::move(current_screen);
FRIEND_TEST(GoToScreenTest, ChangeScreensSavePrevious);
// Creates each class ptr as needed.
std::unique_ptr<ScreenInterface> CreateScreen(ScreenType screen_type);
// Take next action if Dbus recovery flow is in progress.
void HandleStateChanged(State::States state_state);
// This function overloads Delegate. It is only called when the key is
// valid and updates the key state for the given fd and key. Calls
// `SwitchState` to update the flow once key is recorded as being pressed
// and released.
void OnKeyPress(int fd_index, int key_changed, bool key_released) override;
// Reset MiniOs to its initial screen.
bool ResetScreen(brillo::ErrorPtr* error);
std::shared_ptr<DrawInterface> draw_utils_;
std::shared_ptr<UpdateEngineProxy> update_engine_proxy_;
std::shared_ptr<NetworkManagerInterface> network_manager_;
std::optional<State::States> dbus_recovery_state_;
// Pre-seeded network credentials.
std::string seeded_ssid_;
std::string seeded_passphrase_;
StateReporterInterface* state_reporter_ = nullptr;
ProcessManagerInterface* process_manager_;
KeyReader key_reader_;
// Records the key press for each fd and key, where the index of the fd is the
// row and the key code the column. Resets to false after key is released.
// Only tracks the valid keys.
std::vector<std::vector<bool>> key_states_;
// Currently displayed screen. This class receives all the key events.
std::unique_ptr<ScreenInterface> current_screen_;
// Previous screen only used when changing the language so you know what
// screen to return to after selection.
std::unique_ptr<ScreenInterface> previous_screen_;
} // namespace minios