blob: 789c6e2a48d92d4971ab70172921057a60e20f79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <minios/proto_bindings/minios.pb.h>
namespace minios {
// Interface for a log store manifest helper class.
class LogStoreManifestInterface {
virtual ~LogStoreManifestInterface() = default;
// Generate a manifest for the archive point to in `log_archive_path`.
virtual bool Generate(const uint64_t& log_store_offset) = 0;
// Retrieve a previously written manifest from disk. This is done by
// inspecting the first `sizeof(kLogStoreMagic)` bytes of every block on
// `disk_path` until a magic value is found. If no manifest is found on disk,
// a `nullopt` is returned.
virtual std::optional<LogManifest> Retreive() = 0;
// Write a manifest in the `manifest_store_offset_block` of the current disk.
// Note that the first `sizeof(kLogStoreMagic)` bytes will be a magic value,
// followed by the serialized protobuf.
virtual bool Write() = 0;
// Clear any manifest stores found on disk. Similar to `Retrieve` we first
// seek the manifest store, and then write `0` until the end of the partition.
virtual void Clear() = 0;
} // namespace minios