blob: 0217cb1681e04d40b7c1ef3ae1290b08b31fd48d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <base/timer/timer.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "minios/draw_interface.h"
#include "minios/process_manager.h"
#include "minios/screen_types.h"
namespace minios {
// Dropdown Menu Colors.
extern const char kMenuBlack[];
extern const char kMenuBlue[];
extern const char kMenuGrey[];
extern const char kMenuDropdownFrameNavy[];
extern const char kMenuDropdownBackgroundBlack[];
extern const char kMenuButtonFrameGrey[];
// Dimension Constants
extern const int kButtonHeight;
extern const int kButtonMargin;
extern const int kDefaultMessageWidth;
extern const int kMonospaceGlyphHeight;
extern const int kMonospaceGlyphWidth;
extern const int kDefaultButtonWidth;
extern const int kSmallCanvasSize;
extern const int kProgressBarYScale;
extern const int kProgressBarHeight;
// Frecon constants
extern const char kScreens[];
extern const int kFreconScalingFactor;
extern const int kCanvasSize;
extern const int kFreconNoOffset;
// `DrawUtils` contains all the different components needed to show MiniOS
// Screens.
class DrawUtils : public DrawInterface {
// The period corresponding to 66.67 fps.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kAnimationPeriod = base::Milliseconds(15);
explicit DrawUtils(ProcessManagerInterface* process_manager)
: process_manager_(process_manager),
screens_path_(root_.Append(kScreens)) {}
~DrawUtils() override = default;
// Not copyable or movable.
DrawUtils(const DrawUtils&) = delete;
DrawUtils& operator=(const DrawUtils&) = delete;
bool Init() override;
bool ShowText(const std::string& text,
int glyph_offset_h,
int glyph_offset_v,
const std::string& color) override;
bool ShowImage(const base::FilePath& image_name,
int offset_x,
int offset_y) override;
bool ShowBox(int offset_x,
int offset_y,
int size_x,
int size_y,
const std::string& color) override;
bool ShowMessage(const std::string& message_token,
int offset_x,
int offset_y) override;
void ShowInstructions(const std::string& message_token) override;
void ShowInstructionsWithTitle(const std::string& message_token) override;
bool IsDetachable() override;
bool IsLocaleRightToLeft() override;
void ShowButton(const std::string& message_token,
int offset_y,
bool is_selected,
int inner_width,
bool is_text) override;
void ShowStepper(const std::vector<std::string>& steps) override;
void MessageBaseScreen() override;
void ShowLanguageDropdown(int current_index) override;
int FindLocaleIndex(int current_index) override;
void ShowLanguageMenu(bool is_selected) override;
void ShowAdvancedOptionsButtons(bool focused) override;
void LocaleChange(int selected_locale) override;
void ShowProgressBar() override;
void ShowProgressPercentage(double progress) override;
void ShowIndeterminateProgressBar() override;
void HideIndeterminateProgressBar() override;
int GetSupportedLocalesSize() override { return supported_locales_.size(); }
int GetDefaultButtonWidth() override { return default_button_width_; }
int GetFreconCanvasSize() override { return frecon_canvas_size_; }
base::FilePath GetScreensPath() override { return screens_path_; }
// Override the root directory for testing. Default is '/'.
void SetRootForTest(const std::string& test_root) {
root_ = base::FilePath(test_root);
screens_path_ = base::FilePath(root_).Append(kScreens);
// Override the current locale without using the language menu.
void SetLanguageForTest(const std::string& test_locale) {
locale_ = test_locale;
// Reload locale dependent dimension constants.
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTest, InstructionsWithTitle);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTest, ReadDimension);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTest, GetDimension);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTest, GetLangConsts);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTest, GetLangConstsError);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTest, CheckRightToLeft);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTest, CheckDetachable);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTest, GetHwidFromCommand);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTest, GetHwidFromDefault);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTest, GetFreconConstFile);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTest, GetFreconConstNoInt);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTest, GetFreconConstNoFile);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTestMocks, ShowFooter);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTestMocks, ShowInvalidVersion);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTestMocks, ShowLeftToRightVersion);
FRIEND_TEST(DrawUtilsTestMocks, ShowRightToLeftVersion);
// Shows a progress bar (box of a predetermined location) at the given offset
// with the given size. Color should be given as a hex string. Acts as a No-op
// if offset is outside the bounds of the canvas. Will also clamp progress bar
// to the bounds of the canvas.
void ShowProgressBar(int offset_x, int size_x, const std::string& color);
// Initialize the segments and offsets for the head and tail of the
// indeterminate progress bar.
void InitIndeterminateProgressBar();
// Reset the offsets for the head and tail of the indeterminate progress bar
// to starting positions.
void ResetIndeterminateProgressBar();
// Draw the next segment of the indeterminate progress bar.
void DrawIndeterminateProgressBar();
// Clears full screen except the footer.
void ClearMainArea();
// Clears screen including the footer.
void ClearScreen();
// Shows footer with basic instructions and chromebook model.
void ShowFooter();
// Read dimension constants for current locale into memory. Must be updated
// every time the language changes.
void ReadDimensionConstants();
// Sets the height or width of an image given the token. Returns false on
// error.
bool GetDimension(const std::string& token, int* token_dimension);
// Read the language constants into memory. Does not change
// based on the current locale. Returns false on failure.
bool ReadLangConstants();
// Sets the width of language token for a given locale. Returns false on
// error.
bool GetLangConstants(const std::string& locale, int* lang_width);
// Gets frecon constants defined at initialization by Upstart job.
void GetFreconConstants();
// Get hardware Id from crossystem. Set hwid to `CHROMEBOOK` as default.
void ReadHardwareId();
// Show minios version in UI.
void ShowVersion();
ProcessManagerInterface* process_manager_;
// Timer for animating the indeterminate progress bar.
base::RepeatingTimer timer_;
int frecon_canvas_size_{1080};
int frecon_scale_factor_{1};
// This is always half of `frecon_canvas_size` since offsets are always
// relative to the center of the screen and thus go from
// `-frecon_offset_limit` to `+frecon_offset_limit`.
int frecon_offset_limit_{540};
// Default button width. Changes for each locale.
int default_button_width_{80};
// Default root directory.
base::FilePath root_{"/"};
// Default screens path, set in init.
base::FilePath screens_path_;
// Default and fall back locale directory.
std::string locale_{"en-US"};
// Key value pairs that store token name and measurements.
base::StringPairs image_dimensions_;
// Key value pairs that store language widths.
base::StringPairs lang_constants_;
// List of all supported locales.
std::vector<std::string> supported_locales_;
// Hardware Id read from crossystem.
std::string hwid_;
// X-offsets for the current head and tail of the indeterminate progress bar.
int indeterminate_progress_bar_head_;
int indeterminate_progress_bar_tail_;
// Per frame segment size for the head and tail of the indeterminate progress
// bar.
int segment_size_head_;
int segment_size_tail_;
// Whether the device has a detachable keyboard.
bool is_detachable_{false};
// The version parsed from cmdline, nullopt on failure.
std::optional<std::string> minios_version_;
} // namespace minios