blob: e1029a2da8f9eaf4e444c6acd96d63ba768d595b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/time/clock.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include <brillo/http/http_form_data.h>
#include <brillo/http/http_transport.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
#include <session_manager/dbus-proxies.h>
#include <shill/dbus-proxies.h>
#include <third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/variant.h>
#include "crash-reporter/crash_sender_base.h"
namespace util {
// URL to send official build crash reports to.
inline constexpr char kReportUploadProdUrl[] =
// URL to send test/dev build crash reports to.
inline constexpr char kReportUploadStagingUrl[] =
// Maximum crashes to send per 24 hours.
inline constexpr int kMaxCrashRate = 32;
// Maximum bytes of crash reports to send per 24 hours. Note that "whichever
// comes last" maximum with kMaxCrashRate; that is, we'll always send 32 crashes
// per 24 hours, even if that exceeds 24MB, and we'll always send 24MB per 24
// hours, even if that exceeds 32 crashes.
inline constexpr int kMaxCrashBytes = 24 * 1024 * 1024;
// Maximum time to sleep before attempting to send a crash report. This value is
// inclusive as an upper bound, thus 0 means a crash report can be sent
// immediately.
inline constexpr int kMaxSpreadTimeInSeconds = 600;
// Parsed command line flags.
struct CommandLineFlags {
base::TimeDelta max_spread_time;
std::string crash_directory;
bool ignore_rate_limits = false;
bool ignore_hold_off_time = false;
bool allow_dev_sending = false;
bool ignore_pause_file = false;
bool test_mode = false;
bool upload_old_reports = false;
bool force_upload_on_test_images = false;
bool consent_already_checked_by_crash_reporter = false;
bool dry_run = false;
// Represents a metadata file name, and its parsed metadata.
typedef std::pair<base::FilePath, CrashInfo> MetaFile;
// Parses the command line, and handles the command line flags.
// On error, the process exits as a failure with an error message for the
// first-encountered error.
void ParseCommandLine(int argc,
const char* const* argv,
CommandLineFlags* flags);
// Returns true if the marker file exists indicating we should pause sending.
// This can be overridden with a command line flag to the program.
bool DoesPauseFileExist();
// Gets the base part of a crash report file, such as:
// name.01234.5678.9012.meta -> name.01234.5678.9012
// name.01234.5678.1234.9012.meta -> name.01234.5678.1234.9012
// name.01234.5678.9012.log.tar.xz -> name.01234.5678.9012
// name.01234.5678.1234.9012.log.tar.xz -> name.01234.5678.1234.9012
// This supports both 4-segment and 5-segment basenames, as long as the last
// segment always is numeric and the extension does not start with an
// all-numeric component.
// We make sure "name" is sanitized in CrashCollector::Sanitize to not include
// any periods. The directory part will be preserved.
base::FilePath GetBasePartOfCrashFile(const base::FilePath& file_name);
// Removes orphaned files in |crash_dir|, that are files 24 hours old or older,
// without corresponding meta file.
void RemoveOrphanedCrashFiles(const base::FilePath& crash_dir);
// Sort the vector of crash reports so that the report we want to send first
// is at the front of the vector.
void SortReports(std::vector<MetaFile>* reports);
// Returns the list of meta data files (files with ".meta" suffix), sorted by
// the timestamp in the old-to-new order.
std::vector<base::FilePath> GetMetaFiles(const base::FilePath& crash_dir);
// Returns true if the metadata indicates that the crash was already uploaded.
bool IsAlreadyUploaded(const base::FilePath& meta_file);
// Returns true if the given timestamp file is new enough, indicating that there
// was a recent attempt to send a crash report.
bool IsTimestampNewEnough(const base::FilePath& timestamp_file);
// Returns true if sending a crash report now does not exceed |max_crash_rate|
// crashes and |max_crash_bytes| bytes per 24 hours.
// |timestamps_dir| contains the state files indicating how many sends have
// happened and how big they were.
bool IsBelowRate(const base::FilePath& timestamps_dir,
int max_crash_rate,
int max_crash_bytes);
// Records a crash send attempt so that IsBelowRate knows about it.
// |timestamps_dir| should be the same directory passed to IsBelowRate().
// |bytes| is the number of bytes sent over the network.
void RecordSendAttempt(const base::FilePath& timestamps_dir, int bytes);
// Gets the crash type based on crash details. Returns std::nullopt if the crash
// type is unknown. This is mainly used by healthD for fatal crashes.
std::optional<std::string> GetFatalCrashType(const CrashDetails& details);
// A helper class for sending crashes. The behaviors can be customized with
// Options class for unit testing.
// Crash reports will be sent even when the device is on a mobile data
// connection (see for discussion).
class Sender : public SenderBase {
struct Options : SenderBase::Options {
// Shill FlimFlam Manager proxy interface for determining network state.
org::chromium::flimflam::ManagerProxyInterface* shill_proxy = nullptr;
// Maximum crashes to send per 24 hours. (We'll send more if still below
// max_crash_bytes.)
int max_crash_rate = kMaxCrashRate;
// Maximum bytes we will upload per 24 hours. (We'll send more if still
// below max_crash_rate.)
int max_crash_bytes = kMaxCrashBytes;
// Maximum time to sleep before attempting to send.
base::TimeDelta max_spread_time;
// Boundary to use in the form data.
std::string form_data_boundary;
// If true, we will ignore other checks when deciding if we should write to
// the Chrome uploads.log file.
bool always_write_uploads_log = false;
// If true, we allow sending crash reports for unofficial test images and
// the reports are uploaded to a staging crash server instead.
bool allow_dev_sending = false;
// If true, just touch the kTestModeSuccessfulFile if the crash report
// looks legible instead of actually uploading it.
bool test_mode = false;
// If true, ignore timestamp check and upload old reports.
bool upload_old_reports = false;
// If true, always upload on test images and add a flag to the metadata
// indicating that it's from a test image.
bool force_upload_on_test_images = false;
// If true, the caller is asserting that it is crash_reporter and has
// already checked for consent, so any additional checks are not needed.
bool consent_already_checked_by_crash_reporter = false;
// If true, crash_sender will run under the dry run mode -- it will not
// upload any crashes and writes log content to stdout.
bool dry_run = false;
Sender(std::unique_ptr<MetricsLibraryInterface> metrics_lib,
std::unique_ptr<base::Clock> clock,
const Options& options);
Sender(const Sender&) = delete;
Sender& operator=(const Sender&) = delete;
// Chooses an action to take for the crash report associated with the given
// meta file, and reports the reason. The crash information will be stored in
// |info| for reuse.
SenderBase::Action ChooseAction(const base::FilePath& meta_file,
std::string* reason,
CrashInfo* info);
// Removes invalid files in |crash_dir|, that are unknown, corrupted, or
// invalid in other ways, and picks crash reports that should be sent to the
// server. The meta files of the latter will be stored in |to_send|.
void RemoveAndPickCrashFiles(const base::FilePath& directory,
std::vector<MetaFile>* reports_to_send);
// Creates an Http transport object for invoking the Crash Server.
virtual std::shared_ptr<brillo::http::Transport> GetTransport();
// Sends each crash in |crash_meta_files|, in multiple steps:
// For each meta file:
// - Sleeps to avoid overloading the network
// - Checks if the device enters guest mode, and stops if entered.
// - Enforces the rate limit per 24 hours.
// - Removes crash files that are successfully uploaded.
void SendCrashes(const std::vector<MetaFile>& crash_meta_files);
// Given the |details| for a crash, creates a brillo::http::FormData object
// which will have all of the fields for submission to the crash server
// populated. Returns a nullptr if there were critical errors in populating
// the data. This also logs out all of the details during the process. On
// success, |product_name_out| is also set to the product name (it's not
// possible to extract data from the returned FormData object in a
// non-destructive manner).
std::unique_ptr<brillo::http::FormData> CreateCrashFormData(
const CrashDetails& details, std::string* product_name_out);
friend class IsNetworkOnlineTest;
FRIEND_TEST(CrashSenderUtilTest, RemoveReportFiles);
FRIEND_TEST(CrashSenderUtilTest, RemoveReportFilesUnderDryRunMode);
FRIEND_TEST(CrashSenderUtilTest, FailRemoveReportFilesSendsMetric);
// Removes report files associated with the given meta file.
// More specifically, if "foo.meta" is given, "foo.*" will be removed.
void RemoveReportFiles(const base::FilePath& meta_file);
// Send the specified reason for removing a crash to UMA.
void RecordCrashRemoveReason(SenderBase::CrashRemoveReason reason) override;
// Creates a JSON entity with the required fields for uploads.log file.
base::Value::Dict CreateJsonEntity(const std::string& report_id,
const std::string& product_name,
const CrashDetails& details);
// Creates an upload log entry and returns it. On failure, returns the reason.
absl::variant<std::string, SenderBase::CrashRemoveReason>
CreateUploadLogEntry(const std::string& report_id,
const std::string& product_name,
const CrashDetails& details);
// Requests to send a crash report represented with the given crash details.
// If the return code is kRetryUploading, the failure can be retried and the
// caller should not remove the crash report. Otherwise, the caller should
// remove the crash report using the returned removal reason code.
SenderBase::CrashRemoveReason RequestToSendCrash(const CrashDetails& details);
// Writes upload.log based on crash details and report ID. Writes to stdout
// under the dry run mode.
SenderBase::CrashRemoveReason WriteUploadLog(const CrashDetails& details,
const std::string& report_id,
std::string product_name);
// Returns true if we have consent to send crashes to Google.
bool HasCrashUploadingConsent(const CrashInfo& info);
// Is this a "safe" device coredump, from an allowlist of driver names
// for devices whose device coredump does not contain PII?
bool IsSafeDeviceCoredump(const CrashInfo& info);
// Checks if we have an online connection state so we can try sending crash
// reports.
bool IsNetworkOnline();
// Creates a `ScopedProcessingFileBase` object based on whether we are running
// under the dry run mode. ".processing" file should never be created under
// the dry run mode but must be created under other scenarios.
std::unique_ptr<ScopedProcessingFileBase> MakeScopedProcessingFile(
const base::FilePath& meta_file) override;
std::unique_ptr<MetricsLibraryInterface> metrics_lib_;
std::unique_ptr<org::chromium::flimflam::ManagerProxyInterface> shill_proxy_;
std::vector<std::string> proxy_servers_;
std::string form_data_boundary_;
bool always_write_uploads_log_;
const int max_crash_rate_;
const int max_crash_bytes_;
const base::TimeDelta max_spread_time_;
bool allow_dev_sending_;
const bool test_mode_;
const bool upload_old_reports_;
const bool force_upload_on_test_images_;
const bool consent_already_checked_by_crash_reporter_;
const bool dry_run_;
} // namespace util