blob: ae976ca453bf0bd73f55c6d402514120a5c4805f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crash-reporter/bert_collector.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_refptr.h>
#include "crash-reporter/constants.h"
using base::FilePath;
namespace {
constexpr char kACPITablePath[] = "/sys/firmware/acpi/tables";
constexpr char kBertTable[] = "BERT";
constexpr char kBertData[] = "data/BERT";
constexpr char kBertErrorName[] = "bert_error";
const char kSignatureKey[] = "sig";
// Validate BERT table signature, length and region length.
bool BertCheckTable(const struct acpi_table_bert& bert_table) {
if (memcmp(bert_table.signature, ACPI_SIG_BERT, ACPI_NAME_SIZE) != 0)
return false;
if (bert_table.length != sizeof(struct acpi_table_bert))
return false;
if (bert_table.region_length != 0 &&
bert_table.region_length < ACPI_BERT_REGION_STRUCT_SIZE)
return false;
return true;
// Read BERT table and data files.
// BERT stores data in little endian, and we assume the CPU endian is
// also little endian.
bool BertRead(const FilePath& bert_table_path,
const FilePath& bert_data_path,
struct acpi_table_bert* bert_table,
std::string* bert_table_contents,
std::string* bert_data_contents) {
// Read BERT table file.
if (!base::ReadFileToStringWithMaxSize(bert_table_path, bert_table_contents,
sizeof(struct acpi_table_bert))) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "BERT table file read failed";
return false;
memcpy(bert_table, bert_table_contents->data(), sizeof(*bert_table));
if (!BertCheckTable(*bert_table)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Bad data in BERT table";
return false;
// Read BERT data file.
if (!base::ReadFileToStringWithMaxSize(bert_data_path, bert_data_contents,
bert_table->region_length)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "BERT data file read failed";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
const scoped_refptr<
: CrashCollector("bert", metrics_lib), acpitable_path_(kACPITablePath) {}
BERTCollector::~BERTCollector() {}
bool BERTCollector::Collect(bool use_saved_lsb) {
FilePath root_crash_directory;
const FilePath bert_table_path = acpitable_path_.Append(kBertTable);
if (!base::PathExists(bert_table_path)) {
return false;
const FilePath bert_data_path = acpitable_path_.Append(kBertData);
if (!base::PathExists(bert_data_path)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << bert_data_path.value() << " sysfs data not available";
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "BERT error from previous boot (handling)";
std::string bert_table_contents;
std::string bert_data_contents;
struct acpi_table_bert bert_table;
// Read BERT table and BERT data information.
if (!BertRead(bert_table_path, bert_data_path, &bert_table,
&bert_table_contents, &bert_data_contents)) {
return false;
// Dump BERT table and BERT data into single bertdump file.
if (!GetCreatedCrashDirectoryByEuid(constants::kRootUid,
&root_crash_directory, nullptr)) {
return false;
std::string dump_basename =
FormatDumpBasename(kBertErrorName, time(nullptr), 0);
FilePath bert_crash_path =
GetCrashPath(root_crash_directory, dump_basename, "bertdump");
// We must use WriteNewFile instead of base::WriteFile as we
// do not want to write with root access to a symlink that an attacker
// might have created.
if (WriteNewFile(bert_crash_path,
bert_table.length)) != bert_table.length) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write BERT table to " << bert_crash_path.value();
return false;
if (!base::AppendToFile(bert_crash_path,
bert_table.region_length))) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write BERT data to " << bert_crash_path.value();
return false;
AddCrashMetaData(kSignatureKey, kBertErrorName);
// Create meta file with bert dump info and finish up.
FinishCrash(GetCrashPath(root_crash_directory, dump_basename, "meta"),
kBertErrorName, bert_crash_path.BaseName().value());
VLOG(3) << "Stored BERT dump to " << bert_crash_path.value();
return true;