blob: 6993fd84325957c76bf427332f30760b3b85faec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include "runtime_probe/probe_function.h"
namespace runtime_probe {
namespace internal {
// Type templates for identifying probe function argument type.
template <typename>
inline constexpr bool IsProbeFunctionArg = false;
template <>
inline constexpr bool IsProbeFunctionArg<std::string> = true;
template <>
inline constexpr bool IsProbeFunctionArg<bool> = true;
template <>
inline constexpr bool IsProbeFunctionArg<double> = true;
template <>
inline constexpr bool IsProbeFunctionArg<int> = true;
template <>
inline constexpr bool IsProbeFunctionArg<std::unique_ptr<ProbeFunction>> = true;
template <typename T>
bool ParseArgumentImpl(const base::Value& value, T& out, std::string& err);
template <typename T>
bool ParseListArgument(const base::Value& value,
std::vector<T>& out,
std::string& err) {
static_assert(IsProbeFunctionArg<T>, "Unsupport type");
if (!value.is_list()) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "expected a list but got: " << value;
err = ss.str();
return false;
std::vector<T> tmp_list;
for (const auto& v : value.GetList()) {
T tmp;
if (!ParseArgumentImpl(v, tmp, err)) {
err = "failed to parse list: " + err;
return false;
out = std::move(tmp_list);
return true;
// Type templates for identifying the vector.
template <typename>
inline constexpr bool IsVector = false;
template <typename T>
inline constexpr bool IsVector<std::vector<T>> = true;
template <typename T>
bool ParseArgument(const base::Value& value, T& out, std::string& err) {
if constexpr (IsVector<T>) {
return ParseListArgument(value, out, err);
} else {
static_assert(IsProbeFunctionArg<T>, "Unsupport type");
return ParseArgumentImpl(value, out, err);
} // namespace internal
// Provides a ArgumentParser to parse argument to |target|.
template <typename T>
class ArgumentParserProvider : public ProbeFunction::ArgumentParser {
ArgumentParserProvider(ProbeFunction* probe_function,
const std::string& field_name,
T& target,
std::optional<T> default_value = std::nullopt)
: target_(target), default_value_(std::move(default_value)) {
probe_function->RegisterArgumentParser(field_name, this);
ArgumentParserProvider(const ArgumentParserProvider&) = delete;
ArgumentParserProvider& operator=(const ArgumentParserProvider&) = delete;
~ArgumentParserProvider() override = default;
bool Parse(const std::optional<base::Value>& value,
std::string& err) override {
if (value.has_value()) {
return internal::ParseArgument(value.value(), target_, err);
if (default_value_.has_value()) {
target_ = std::move(default_value_.value());
return true;
err = "field is required but was not found";
return false;
T& target_;
std::optional<T> default_value_;
// Same as above but |target| is std::optional<T>. Will set to |std::nullopt| if
// argument is missing.
template <typename T>
class ArgumentParserProvider<std::optional<T>>
: public ProbeFunction::ArgumentParser {
ArgumentParserProvider(ProbeFunction* probe_function,
const std::string& field_name,
std::optional<T>& target)
: target_(target) {
probe_function->RegisterArgumentParser(field_name, this);
ArgumentParserProvider(const ArgumentParserProvider&) = delete;
ArgumentParserProvider& operator=(const ArgumentParserProvider&) = delete;
~ArgumentParserProvider() override = default;
bool Parse(const std::optional<base::Value>& value,
std::string& err) override {
if (value.has_value()) {
T tmp;
if (internal::ParseArgument(value.value(), tmp, err)) {
target_ = std::move(tmp);
return true;
return false;
target_ = std::nullopt;
return true;
std::optional<T>& target_;
// Defines a probe function arguments. Should be used in a derived class of
// ProbeFunction class. This define a member variable and a
// ArgumentParserProvider to parse argument to the member variable.
// |type|: The type of the argument.
// |field_name|: The field name of the argument. This will define a member
// variable |field_name_|.
// |...|: A default value. Cannot be set if |type| is std::optional<T> (because
// it will never be nullopt).
// If |type| is not std::optional<T> and don't have default value, the
// argument become a required argument.
// Example:
// class MyFunction: public ProbeFunction {
// private:
// PROBE_FUNCTION_ARG_DEF(int, a_int);
// PROBE_FUNCTION_ARG_DEF(int, default_int, 42);
// PROBE_FUNCTION_ARG_DEF(std::optional<int>, opt_int);
// }
#define PROBE_FUNCTION_ARG_DEF(type, field_name, ...) \
type field_name##_; \
ArgumentParserProvider<type> field_name##_argument_parser_provider_ { \
this, #field_name, field_name##_, ##__VA_ARGS__ \
} // namespace runtime_probe