blob: d5f5c3d5bca38170522049ca7b64662270d9ae76 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef HERMES_APDU_H_
#define HERMES_APDU_H_
#include <cstdint>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <vector>
namespace hermes {
enum ApduClass : uint8_t {
enum ApduInstruction : uint8_t {
// P1 byte based on the length of the data field P3 in a transport command.
constexpr uint8_t kApduP1MoreBlocks = 0x11;
constexpr uint8_t kApduP1LastBlock = 0x91;
// Class representing a smart card command APDU as defined in ISO 7816. Users
// need only provide this class with the APDU data. Fragmentation and creation
// of the in-memory APDU structure is taken care of internally.
// This class can generate extended length APDUs. Whether or not a particular
// card supports extended length APDUs, however, is outside the scope of this
// class.
// APDUs will be generated of the appropriate case, depending on the presence or
// absence of various fields. As per ISO 7816:
// +--------+
// Case 1 (no data, no Le): | Header |
// +--------+----------+
// Case 2 (no data, Le): | Header | Le field |
// +--------+----------+------------+
// Case 3 (data, no Le): | Header | Lc field | Data field |
// +--------+----------+------------+----------+
// Case 4 (data, Le): | Header | Lc field | Data field | Le field |
// +--------+----------+------------+----------+
class CommandApdu {
CommandApdu(uint8_t cls,
uint8_t instruction,
bool is_extended_length = false,
uint16_t le = 0);
CommandApdu(CommandApdu&&) = default;
CommandApdu(const CommandApdu&) = delete;
explicit CommandApdu(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
CommandApdu& operator=(const CommandApdu&) = delete;
CommandApdu& operator=(CommandApdu&&) = default;
// Add data to the APDU.
// May only be called prior to any calls of |GetNextFragment|.
void AddData(const std::initializer_list<uint8_t>& data);
void AddData(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
// Prepare the next APDU fragment.
// |fragment| will be set to the start of the fragment, and the return value
// represents the size of the fragment.
// Note that accessing data beyond the size of the fragment is undefined, and
// that the fragment data will no longer be valid after a subsequent call to
// |GetNextFragment|.
size_t GetNextFragment(uint8_t** fragment);
bool HasMoreFragments() const;
uint8_t cls_;
// Create an Lc field if it doesn't already exist.
void EnsureLcExists();
bool is_apdu_ready_ = false;
bool is_extended_length_;
bool has_more_fragments_;
uint8_t current_fragment_;
uint16_t le_;
size_t current_index_;
size_t max_data_size_;
std::vector<uint8_t> data_;
// Class representing a smart card response APDU.
class ResponseApdu {
ResponseApdu() = default;
ResponseApdu(ResponseApdu&&) = default;
ResponseApdu(const ResponseApdu&) = delete;
ResponseApdu& operator=(const ResponseApdu&) = delete;
ResponseApdu& operator=(ResponseApdu&&) = default;
// Add an entire received response APDU to this class. The response payload
// will be added the existing payload, and the sw1 & sw2 values will be
// updated.
void AddData(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
void AddData(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_len);
void AddStatusBytes(uint8_t sw1, uint8_t sw2);
// Release ownership of the data buffer. The payload data (without sw1 and
// sw2) will be returned, and the ResponseApdu will revert to its default
// state with an empty data buffer.
std::vector<uint8_t> Release();
std::vector<uint8_t> ReleaseStatusBytes();
// Create a GetMoreResponse APDU command using the current sw2 value.
CommandApdu CreateGetMoreCommand(bool use_extended_length, uint8_t cls) const;
bool IsSuccessful() const;
bool WaitingForNextFragment() const;
bool MorePayloadIncoming() const;
enum Sw1Status : uint8_t {
STATUS_OK = 0x90,
std::vector<uint8_t> data_;
} // namespace hermes
#endif // HERMES_APDU_H_