blob: ca6d711ae6d4bb9832551a3dcc5802b79a39aa13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/functional/callback.h>
#include <base/functional/callback_helpers.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
#include <net-base/ipv4_address.h>
namespace patchpanel {
// Represents an allocated address inside an IPv4 subnet. The address is freed
// when this object is destroyed.
class BRILLO_EXPORT SubnetAddress {
// Creates a new SubnetAddress with the given |cidr|. |release_cb| runs in the
// destructor of this class and can be used to free other resources associated
// with the subnet address.
SubnetAddress(const net_base::IPv4CIDR& cidr, base::OnceClosure release_cb);
SubnetAddress(const SubnetAddress&) = delete;
SubnetAddress& operator=(const SubnetAddress&) = delete;
const net_base::IPv4CIDR& cidr() const { return cidr_; }
net_base::IPv4CIDR cidr_;
base::ScopedClosureRunner release_cb_;
// Represents an allocated IPv4 subnet.
class BRILLO_EXPORT Subnet {
// Creates a new Subnet with the given base CIDR.
// |release_cb| runs in the destructor of this class and can be used to free
// other resources associated with the subnet.
Subnet(const net_base::IPv4CIDR& base_cidr, base::OnceClosure release_cb);
Subnet(const Subnet&) = delete;
Subnet& operator=(const Subnet&) = delete;
// Allocates the address at |offset|. Returns nullptr if |offset| is invalid
// or the address is already allocated. Note: |offset| is relative to the base
// address.
std::unique_ptr<SubnetAddress> AllocateAtOffset(uint32_t offset);
// Returns the CIDR which address is at the given |offset| and the same prefix
// length as |base_cidr_|. Returns std::nullopt if the offset exceeds the
// available IPs in the subnet. Available IPs do not include the subnet base
// address or the broadcast address. |offset| is relative to the base address.
std::optional<net_base::IPv4CIDR> CIDRAtOffset(uint32_t offset) const;
// Returns the number of available IPs in this subnet.
uint32_t AvailableCount() const;
// Returns the base CIDR of the subnet.
const net_base::IPv4CIDR& base_cidr() const { return base_cidr_; }
// Returns true if the address that is relative to the base address by
// |offset| is in the subnet.
// Note: the base address and the broadcast address are considered invalid.
// So IsValidOffset(0) and IsValidOffset(addrs_.size() - 1) are false.
bool IsValidOffset(uint32_t offset) const;
// Marks the address at |offset| as free.
void Free(uint32_t offset);
// Base CIDR of the subnet.
net_base::IPv4CIDR base_cidr_;
// Callback to run when this object is deleted.
base::ScopedClosureRunner release_cb_;
// Keeps track of allocated addresses.
std::vector<bool> addrs_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<Subnet> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace patchpanel