blob: 0c73c13e3a84660fb15a92c98d9ec053dae0a5af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <base/containers/flat_map.h>
#include <base/containers/flat_set.h>
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include <base/timer/timer.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
#include "patchpanel/multicast_counters_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/shill_client.h"
namespace patchpanel {
// Placeholder interface name to be used for metrics poller which does not need
// to track active interface.
constexpr base::StringPiece kPlaceholderIfname = "placeholder0";
// Poll delay to fetch multicast packet count and report to UMA.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kMulticastPollDelay = base::Minutes(2);
// If interval between two records spend more than kMulticastPollDelay +
// kMulticastPollDelayJitter, it means there is a suspend and we should discard
// the data.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kMulticastPollDelayJitter = base::Seconds(10);
// Class to fetch and report multicast packet counts to UMA.
// This class reports 3 types of multicast metrics:
// - Device's total packet count.
// - Per-network-technology packet count.
// - ARC packet count.
class MulticastMetrics {
// Enum type to report different multicast metrics. This distinction is
// necessary as the polling lifetime of each type is different:
// - Total: started and stopped on device startup and shutdown.
// - Ethernet / WiFi: started and stopped whenever the related is connected
// and disconnected
// - ARC: started and stopped whenever ARC is started and multicast forwarding
// state is changed.
enum class Type {
kTotal = 0,
kEthernet = 1,
kWiFi = 2,
kARC = 3,
explicit MulticastMetrics(MulticastCountersService* counters_service,
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics);
MulticastMetrics(const MulticastMetrics&) = delete;
MulticastMetrics& operator=(const MulticastMetrics&) = delete;
~MulticastMetrics() = default;
// Start or stop polling for multicast packet count. When it is used for
// network technology metrics, the interface name |ifname| needs to be set.
// These methods are idempotent, calling the methods multiple times is safe.
void Start(Type type, base::StringPiece ifname = kPlaceholderIfname);
void Stop(Type type, base::StringPiece ifname = kPlaceholderIfname);
// Start or stop polling for multicast packet count on device events.
void OnIPConfigsChanged(const ShillClient::Device& device);
void OnPhysicalDeviceAdded(const ShillClient::Device& device);
void OnPhysicalDeviceRemoved(const ShillClient::Device& device);
// Track ARC state to emit ARC metrics.
void OnARCStarted();
void OnARCStopped();
// Restart polling on ARC multicast forwarder state changed. This method is
// expected to only be called for WiFi. When polling is not running, this
// method does nothing.
void OnARCWiFiForwarderStarted();
void OnARCWiFiForwarderStopped();
// Get the number of multicast packets from iptables.
std::map<MulticastCountersService::MulticastProtocolType, uint64_t>>
GetCounters(Type type);
// Send UMA metrics related to packet count. Specifying empty |protocol| means
// reporting the total of all available multicast protocols. |arc_fwd_enabled|
// is ignored for |type| other than kARC.
void SendPacketCountMetrics(
Type type,
uint64_t packet_count,
std::optional<MulticastCountersService::MulticastProtocolType> protocol =
std::optional<bool> arc_fwd_enabled = std::nullopt);
// Send active time UMA metrics.
void SendARCActiveTimeMetrics(base::TimeDelta multicast_enabled_duration,
base::TimeDelta wifi_enabled_duration);
// Handles polling to fetch and report UMA metrics.
class Poller {
Poller(Type type, MulticastMetrics* metrics);
Poller(const Poller&) = delete;
Poller& operator=(const Poller&) = delete;
~Poller() = default;
// Start and stop polling for multicast packet count. When stopping, metrics
// will not be emitted. This is done to:
// - avoid inaccurate metrics of a bursty traffic in a short period of time.
// - allow metrics to be reported correctly on suspend resume.
// - allow metrics to be reported as a count as opposed to rate, meaning the
// polling time must be constant.
void Start(base::StringPiece ifname);
void Stop(base::StringPiece ifname);
// Multicast metrics are only emitted when ARC is running.
void UpdateARCState(bool running);
// When ARC multicast forwarding state changed, different metrics are
// supposed to be emitted. Restart the poll with the new state. For ARC
// multicast, "active" and "inactive" metrics are expected to be emitted.
void UpdateARCForwarderState(bool enabled);
void Record();
// Added for testing.
base::flat_set<std::string> ifnames();
bool IsTimerRunning();
bool IsARCForwardingEnabled();
// Update elapsed time for WiFi connected duration and ARC multicast enabled
// duration when time elapsed since last recorded timepoint is within
// kPollDelay + kPollDelayJitter to avoid recording during a suspend.
void UpdateARCActiveTimeDuration(bool prev_arc_multicast_fwd_running);
// Start and stop timer for polling counters. These methods also update
// packet counts.
void StartTimer();
void StopTimer();
MulticastMetrics::Type type_;
// Indicates whether or not ARC is running. ARC metrics are only emitted
// when ARC is running.
bool arc_running_ = false;
// Indicates whether or not multicast forwarder is running for ARC. When it
// is not running, ARC is expected to not get multicast packets.
bool arc_fwd_enabled_ = false;
// Active interface names. Poll is started whenever this is not empty and
// stopped whenever this is empty. For metrics that does not track interface
// names, the entry would be a placeholder string.
base::flat_set<std::string> ifnames_;
// Counters of multicast packets set whenever timer from repeating timer
// |timer_| is started.
std::map<MulticastCountersService::MulticastProtocolType, uint64_t>
MulticastMetrics* metrics_;
// Timer to continuously calls fetch packet count and report to UMA. When
// this is destroyed, the continuous call is stopped as well.
base::RepeatingTimer timer_;
// Total duration of multicast enabled period during a WiFi connection, used
// for multicast active time metrics.
base::TimeDelta total_arc_multicast_enabled_duration_;
// Total duration of a WiFi connection, used for multicast active time
// metrics.
base::TimeDelta total_arc_wifi_connection_duration_;
// Timepoint when last multicast active time metric was recorded.
base::Time last_record_timepoint_;
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, BaseState);
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, Total_StartStop);
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, NetworkTechnology_StartStop);
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, IPConfigChanges_StartStop);
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, DeviceChanges_StartStop);
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, MultipleDeviceChanges_StartStop);
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, ARC_StartStop);
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, ARC_ForwardingStateChanges);
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, ARC_StartStopWithForwardingChanges);
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, ARC_SendActiveTimeMetrics);
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, ARC_NotSendActiveTimeMetricsNoStop);
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, ARC_NotSendActiveTimeMetricsARCNotRunning);
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, Total_RecordPacketCount);
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, NetworkTechnology_RecordPacketCount);
FRIEND_TEST(MulticastMetricsTest, ARC_RecordPacketCount);
MulticastCountersService* counters_service_;
// Pollers to handle each metrics type and poll. This is instantiated at the
// constructor of the class.
base::flat_map<Type, std::unique_ptr<Poller>> pollers_;
// UMA metrics client.
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics_lib_;
} // namespace patchpanel