blob: 8f8ba1738a1d146265e75f6489452c5211d592ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/containers/fixed_flat_map.h>
#include <patchpanel/proto_bindings/patchpanel_service.pb.h>
#include "patchpanel/datapath.h"
#include "patchpanel/iptables.h"
#include "patchpanel/routing_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/shill_client.h"
namespace patchpanel {
// This class manages the iptables rules for multicast packet counters, and
// queries iptables to get the counters when a request comes. This class will
// set up several iptable rules to track the counters for each possible
// combination of (mDNS, SSDP) x (ethernet, WiFi) x (shill device) x {IPv4,
// IPv6}. These counters will be set up when patchpanel starts and
// deleted when patchpanel stops.
// These counters only count ingress traffic for the reason that ingress is the
// dominant direction for multicast packets and receiving inbound traffic and
// processing the packets is the main source of power consumption.
// Implementation details:
// For iptables rules, we add rx_(ethernet|wifi)_(mdns|ssdp) and rx_(mdns|ssdp)
// chains to the mangle table when patchpanel starts, and add/delete
// jumping rules for interfaces individually when devices are added or removed.
// When queried, two commands (iptables and ip6tables) will be executed to get
// mangle tables output and to get the counters, and the packet number will be
// total number both IP families.
class MulticastCountersService {
enum class MulticastProtocolType {
kMdns = 0,
kSsdp = 1,
// Only ethernet and WiFi are considered here as we don’t expect
// multicast on cell or VPNs.
enum class MulticastTechnologyType {
kEthernet = 0,
kWifi = 1,
using CounterKey = std::pair<MulticastProtocolType, MulticastTechnologyType>;
explicit MulticastCountersService(Datapath* datapath);
virtual ~MulticastCountersService() = default;
// Adds initial iptables chains and counter rules for both IPv6 and IPv4 for
// mDNS and SSDP.
virtual void Start();
// Deletes iptables chains and counter rules added in Start().
virtual void Stop();
// Adds jump rules for a new physical device if this is the first time this
// device is seen.
virtual void OnPhysicalDeviceAdded(const ShillClient::Device& device);
// Deletes jump rules for a removed physical device.
virtual void OnPhysicalDeviceRemoved(const ShillClient::Device& device);
// Collects and returns packet counters from all the existing iptables rules
// for multicast, divided by technology (ethernet, wifi) and protocol (ssdp,
// mdns) in CounterKey, and recorded by packet number.
virtual std::optional<
std::map<MulticastCountersService::CounterKey, uint64_t>>
// Installs jump rules for an interface to count ingress multicast traffic
// of |ifname|.
virtual void SetupJumpRules(Iptables::Command command,
base::StringPiece ifname,
base::StringPiece technology);
// Parses the output of `iptables -L -x -v` (or `ip6tables`) and adds the
// parsed values into the corresponding counters in |counters|.
// This function will try to find the pattern of:
// <one chain line for an accounting chain>
// <one header line>
// <one counter line for an accounting rule>
// The protocol name will be extracted from the chain line, and then the
// values extracted from the counter line will be added into the counter
// for that interface. Note that this function will not fully validate
// if |output| is an output from iptables.
virtual bool ParseIptableOutput(base::StringPiece output,
std::map<CounterKey, uint64_t>* counter);
Datapath* datapath_;
} // namespace patchpanel