blob: 8d873abd5a58512d976a9fb9465253e907f25cbe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_descriptor_watcher_posix.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
#include <net-base/ipv4_address.h>
#include <shill/net/process_manager.h>
namespace patchpanel {
// This class manages the one IPv4 DHCP server on a certain network interface.
class DHCPServerController {
using ExitCallback = shill::ProcessManager::ExitCallback;
// The configuration of the DHCP server. The instance is read-only once
// created, so the configuration is always valid.
class Config {
using DHCPOptions =
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t /*tag*/, std::string /*content*/>>;
// Creates the Config instance if the arguments are valid.
// |host_cidr| is CIDR of the DHCP server. Its prefix_length() determines
// the subnet that the DHCP server serves.
// |start_ip| and |end_ip| defines the DHCP IP range, which should be under
// the same subnet as the DHCP server serves.
// |dns_servers| is the list of DNS servers.
// |domain_searches| is the list of the domain search.
// |mtu| is the MTU of the downstream. std::nullopt means the default value.
// |dhcp_options| is the list of the DHCP options.
static std::optional<Config> Create(
const net_base::IPv4CIDR& host_cidr,
const net_base::IPv4Address& start_ip,
const net_base::IPv4Address& end_ip,
const std::vector<net_base::IPv4Address>& dns_servers,
const std::vector<std::string>& domain_searches,
const std::optional<int>& mtu,
const DHCPOptions& dhcp_options);
// Getter methods of each field.
const std::string& host_ip() const { return host_ip_; }
const std::string& netmask() const { return netmask_; }
const std::string& start_ip() const { return start_ip_; }
const std::string& end_ip() const { return end_ip_; }
const std::string& dns_servers() const { return dns_servers_; }
const std::string& domain_searches() const { return domain_searches_; }
const std::string& mtu() const { return mtu_; }
const DHCPOptions& dhcp_options() const { return dhcp_options_; }
Config(const std::string& host_ip,
const std::string& netmask,
const std::string& start_ip,
const std::string& end_ip,
const std::string& dns_servers,
const std::string& domain_searches,
const std::string& mtu,
const DHCPOptions& dhcp_options);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Config& config);
std::string host_ip_;
std::string netmask_;
std::string start_ip_;
std::string end_ip_;
// The comma-split string for the list of DNS servers.
std::string dns_servers_;
// The comma-split string for the list of domain search.
std::string domain_searches_;
// Empty if the MTU is default value.
std::string mtu_;
// The extra DHCP options.
DHCPOptions dhcp_options_;
DHCPServerController(MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics,
const std::string& dhcp_events_metric_name,
const std::string& ifname);
DHCPServerController(const DHCPServerController&) = delete;
DHCPServerController& operator=(const DHCPServerController&) = delete;
virtual ~DHCPServerController();
// Injects the mock ProcessManager for testing.
void set_process_manager_for_testing(shill::ProcessManager* process_manager) {
process_manager_ = process_manager;
// Starts a DHCP server at the |ifname_| interface. Returns true if the server
// is created successfully. Note that if the previous server process is still
// running, then returns false and does nothing. |exit_callback| is called if
// the server process is exited unexpectedly.
bool Start(const Config& config, ExitCallback exit_callback);
// Stops the DHCP server. No-op if the server is not running.
void Stop();
// Returns true if the dnsmasq process is running.
bool IsRunning() const;
// Gets the client's hostname, queried by the MAC address. Returns the empty
// string if the MAC address is not found or the client doesn't advertise any
// hostname.
std::string GetClientHostname(const std::string& mac_addr) const;
// Callback when the process is exited unexpectedly.
void OnProcessExitedUnexpectedly(int exit_status);
// Callback when the log from dnsmasq is available.
void OnDnsmasqLogReady();
// Handles the log from dnsmasq.
void HandleDnsmasqLog(const std::string& log);
// UMA metrics client.
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics_;
// UMA metric tracking DHCP success for this type of controllers.
std::string dhcp_events_metric_name_;
// The network interface that the DHCP server listens.
const std::string ifname_;
// The process manager to create the dnsmasq subprocess.
shill::ProcessManager* process_manager_;
// The pid of the dnsmasq process, nullopt iff the process is not running.
std::optional<pid_t> pid_;
// The configuration of the dnsmasq process, nullopt iff the process is not
// running.
std::optional<Config> config_;
// The callback that is called when the dnsmasq process is exited
// unexpectedly, null state iff the process is not running.
ExitCallback exit_callback_;
// The file descriptor of the dnsmasq process's stderr.
base::ScopedFD log_fd_;
// Monitors the file descriptor of the dnsmasq process's stderr.
std::unique_ptr<base::FileDescriptorWatcher::Controller> log_watcher_;
// The client's host name, keyed by the MAC address.
std::map<std::string, std::string> mac_addr_to_hostname_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DHCPServerController> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace patchpanel