blob: bd9359bab9baf9ac0f2a1c3ed071e008d52bb81c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <linux/in6.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <base/functional/bind.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include <net-base/ipv4_address.h>
#include "patchpanel/mac_address_generator.h"
#include "patchpanel/shill_client.h"
#include "patchpanel/subnet.h"
namespace patchpanel {
// Represents a virtual network interface created and managed by patchpanel with
// its configuration. A Device can be associated with:
// - ARC container: a pair of virtual ethernet interfaces setup across the
// host / ARC namespace boundary, plus a software bridge to which the host-side
// veth interface is attached.
// - ARCVM: a TAP device plus a software bridge to which the TAP device is
// attached.
// - Termina VMs, Parallels VMs, other crosvm guests: a TAP device, with no
// software bridge.
// The main interface interacting with other parts of the network layer is:
// - ARC, ARCVM: the software bridge.
// - other crosvm guests: the TAP device.
// A Device always is always associated with a unique IPv4 subnet statically
// assigned by AddressManager based on the type of guest. Connected namespaces
// have currently no Device representation.
class Device {
enum class Type {
// ARC container or ARCVM legacy management interface used for adb
// connections and VPN forwarding.
// Virtual ethernet interface and bridge setup used by ARC container.
// TAP device and bridge setup used by ARCVM.
// TAP device used by concierge for the Termina VM and its user LXD
// containers.
// TAP device used by concierge for the Parallels VM.
enum class ChangeEvent {
using ChangeEventHandler =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const Device&, ChangeEvent)>;
class Config {
Config(const MacAddress& mac_addr,
std::unique_ptr<Subnet> ipv4_subnet,
std::unique_ptr<SubnetAddress> host_ipv4_addr,
std::unique_ptr<SubnetAddress> guest_ipv4_addr,
std::unique_ptr<Subnet> lxd_ipv4_subnet = nullptr);
Config(const Config&) = delete;
Config& operator=(const Config&) = delete;
~Config() = default;
MacAddress mac_addr() const { return mac_addr_; }
void set_mac_addr(const MacAddress& mac) { mac_addr_ = mac; }
net_base::IPv4Address host_ipv4_addr() const;
net_base::IPv4Address guest_ipv4_addr() const;
const SubnetAddress* const host_ipv4_subnet_addr() const {
return host_ipv4_addr_.get();
const SubnetAddress* const guest_ipv4_subnet_addr() const {
return guest_ipv4_addr_.get();
const Subnet* const ipv4_subnet() const { return ipv4_subnet_.get(); }
const Subnet* const lxd_ipv4_subnet() const {
return lxd_ipv4_subnet_.get();
void set_tap_ifname(const std::string& tap);
const std::string& tap_ifname() const;
// A random MAC address assigned to the Device for the guest facing
// interface.
MacAddress mac_addr_;
// The static IPv4 subnet allocated for this Device for the host and guest
// facing interfaces.
std::unique_ptr<Subnet> ipv4_subnet_;
// The address allocated from |ipv4_subnet| for use by the host-side
// interface associated with this Device. This is also used as the next hop
// for the guest default route on the virtual network associated with that
// Device.
std::unique_ptr<SubnetAddress> host_ipv4_addr_;
// The address allocated from |ipv4_subnet| for use by the guest-side
// interface associated with this Device, if applicable.
std::unique_ptr<SubnetAddress> guest_ipv4_addr_;
// If applicable, an additional IPv4 subnet allocated for this Device for
// guests like Crostini to use for assigning addresses to containers running
// within the VM.
std::unique_ptr<Subnet> lxd_ipv4_subnet_;
// For VM guest, the interface name of the TAP device currently associated
// with the configuration.
std::string tap_;
// |type| the type of guest associated with this virtual device created by
// patchpanel.
// |shill_device| corresponds to the shill Device tracked by this virtual
// Device. Only defined for ARC or ARCVM devices tracking physical devices.
// Even when a host VPN is connected, |shill_device| is not defined for the
// legacy "arc0" Device. |host_ifname| identifies the name of the virtual
// (bridge) interface (all ARC virtual interfaces) or of the tap device (all
// non-ARC virtual interfaces). |guest_ifname|, if specified, identifies the
// name of the interface used inside the guest.
Device(Type type,
std::optional<ShillClient::Device> shill_device,
const std::string& host_ifname,
const std::string& guest_ifname,
std::unique_ptr<Config> config);
Device(const Device&) = delete;
Device& operator=(const Device&) = delete;
~Device() = default;
Type type() const { return type_; }
const std::optional<ShillClient::Device>& shill_device() const {
return shill_device_;
const std::string& host_ifname() const { return host_ifname_; }
const std::string& guest_ifname() const { return guest_ifname_; }
Config& config() const;
std::unique_ptr<Config> release_config();
// The type of virtual device setup and guest.
Type type_;
// The physical shill Device that this virtual device is attached to. Only
// defined for ARC and ARCVM. This member variable is set at creation time and
// is not updated after that. The owner of instances of this class must ensure
// that instances are regenarated when the IP configurations of the shill
// Devices change if accurate properties are needed.
std::optional<ShillClient::Device> shill_device_;
// The name of the main virtual interface created by patchpanel for carrying
// packets out of the guest environment and onto the host routing setup. For
// all ARC virtual devices, |host_ifname_| corresponds to the virtual bridge
// created with Datapath::AddBridge(). For other crosvm guests (Termina VM,
// Parallels VM, etc) this corresponds to the TAP device created with
// Datapath::AddTAP().
std::string host_ifname_;
// The name of the virtual interface used inside the guest environment. Only
// available for ARC virtual devices, otherwise empty for other crosvm guests.
std::string guest_ifname_;
// The MAC address and IPv4 configuration for this virtual device.
std::unique_ptr<Config> config_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<Device> weak_factory_{this};
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Device& device);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Device::Type type);
} // namespace patchpanel