blob: cfe50304278ee6ea4634b65383e4ca6030e23d4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <net-base/ipv4_address.h>
#include <patchpanel/proto_bindings/patchpanel_service.pb.h>
#include "patchpanel/address_manager.h"
#include "patchpanel/datapath.h"
#include "patchpanel/device.h"
#include "patchpanel/ipc.h"
#include "patchpanel/mac_address_generator.h"
#include "patchpanel/routing_service.h"
#include "patchpanel/subnet.h"
namespace patchpanel {
// Crostini networking service handling address allocation, TAP device creation,
// and patchpanel Device management for Crostini VMs (Termina VMs, Parallels
// VMs). CrostiniService currently only supports one TAP device per VM instance.
class CrostiniService {
// Offset for allocating the LXD container address in the LXD subnet assigned
// to a Termina VM.
static constexpr uint32_t kTerminaContainerAddressOffset = 1;
// All types of VM supported by CrostiniService.
enum class VMType {
// Crostini Linux VM with a user LXD container.
// Parallels VM.
// Represents the virtual interface setup created for a VM connected to the
// network with CrostiniService. The crosvm virtual interface setup user for
// non-ARC crosvm guest are L3 tap devices without any bridge setup. They are
// not associated to any specific physical network and instead follows the
// current default logical network, therefore |phys_ifname| is undefined.
// |guest_ifname| is not used inside the crosvm guest and is left empty.
class CrostiniDevice {
CrostiniDevice(VMType type,
std::string_view tap_device_ifname,
const MacAddress& mac_address,
std::unique_ptr<Subnet> vm_ipv4_subnet,
std::unique_ptr<Subnet> lxd_ipv4_subnet);
CrostiniDevice(const CrostiniDevice&) = delete;
CrostiniDevice& operator=(const CrostiniDevice&) = delete;
VMType type() const { return type_; }
const std::string& tap_device_ifname() const { return tap_device_ifname_; }
const MacAddress& mac_address() const { return mac_address_; }
const net_base::IPv4CIDR& vm_ipv4_subnet() const {
return vm_ipv4_subnet_->base_cidr();
const net_base::IPv4Address& vm_ipv4_address() const {
return vm_ipv4_address_;
const net_base::IPv4Address& gateway_ipv4_address() const {
return gateway_ipv4_address_;
std::optional<net_base::IPv4CIDR> lxd_ipv4_subnet() const {
if (!lxd_ipv4_subnet_) {
return std::nullopt;
return lxd_ipv4_subnet_->base_cidr();
std::optional<net_base::IPv4Address> lxd_ipv4_address() const {
return lxd_ipv4_address_;
// Converts this CrostiniDevice to a patchpanel proto NetworkDevice object
// passed as a pointer. It is necessary to support externally allocated
// objects to work well with probotuf repeated embedded message fields.
void ConvertToProto(NetworkDevice* output) const;
// The type of the VM associated with this virtual device.
VMType type_;
// The interface name of the tap device created for the VM.
std::string tap_device_ifname_;
// A random MAC address assigned to the tap device created for the VM.
MacAddress mac_address_;
// The static IPv4 subnet allocated for the VM.
std::unique_ptr<Subnet> vm_ipv4_subnet_;
// The static IPv4 address allocated to the VM and assigned on the virtual
// interface created inside the VM and connected on the host to the tap
// device created for the VM.
net_base::IPv4Address vm_ipv4_address_;
// The static IPv4 address used as a next hop by the VM (and its internal
// containers if any) for the default IPv4 route and assigned to the tap
// device created for the VM.
net_base::IPv4Address gateway_ipv4_address_;
// For Termina VMs only, an additional static IPv4 subnet allocated for the
// LXD container running inside the Termina VM.
std::unique_ptr<Subnet> lxd_ipv4_subnet_;
// For Termina VMs only, the address of the network interface assigned to
// the LXD container inside the Termina VM.
std::optional<net_base::IPv4Address> lxd_ipv4_address_;
enum class CrostiniDeviceEvent {
using CrostiniDeviceEventHandler =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const CrostiniDevice&, CrostiniDeviceEvent)>;
static std::optional<VMType> VMTypeFromDeviceType(Device::Type device_type);
static std::optional<VMType> VMTypeFromProtoGuestType(
NetworkDevice::GuestType guest_type);
static TrafficSource TrafficSourceFromVMType(VMType vm_type);
// Converts VMType to an internal IPC GuestMessage::GuestType value. This type
// is needed by Manager for IPCs to patchpanel subprocesses.
static GuestMessage::GuestType GuestMessageTypeFromVMType(VMType vm_type);
// Converts VMType to an internal GuestType enum value. This type is needed
// for allocating static IPv4 subnets.
static AddressManager::GuestType GuestTypeFromVMType(VMType vm_type);
// Converts VMType to an internal Device::Type enum value. This type is needed
// for the internal Device class.
static Device::Type VirtualDeviceTypeFromVMType(VMType vm_type);
// All pointers are required and must not be null, and are owned by the
// caller.
CrostiniService(AddressManager* addr_mgr,
Datapath* datapath,
CrostiniDeviceEventHandler event_handler);
CrostiniService(const CrostiniService&) = delete;
CrostiniService& operator=(const CrostiniService&) = delete;
const CrostiniDevice* Start(uint64_t vm_id,
VMType vm_type,
uint32_t subnet_index);
void Stop(uint64_t vm_id);
// Returns a single CrostiniDevice pointer created for the VM with id |vm_id|.
const CrostiniDevice* const GetDevice(uint64_t vm_id) const;
// Returns a list of all CrostiniDevices currently managed by this service.
std::vector<const CrostiniDevice*> GetDevices() const;
// Notifies CrostiniService about a change in the default logical shill
// Device.
void OnShillDefaultLogicalDeviceChanged(
const ShillClient::Device* new_device,
const ShillClient::Device* prev_device);
std::unique_ptr<CrostiniDevice> AddTAP(VMType vm_type, uint32_t subnet_index);
// Checks ADB sideloading status and set it to |adb_sideloading_enabled_|.
// This function will call itself again if ADB sideloading status is not
// known yet. Otherwise, it will process all currently running Crostini VMs.
void CheckAdbSideloadingStatus();
// Start and stop ADB traffic forwarding from Crostini's TAP device
// patchpanel's adb-proxy. |ifname| is the Crostini's TAP interface that
// will be forwarded. These methods call permission broker DBUS APIs to port
// forward and accept traffic.
void StartAdbPortForwarding(const std::string& ifname);
void StopAdbPortForwarding(const std::string& ifname);
// Starts and stop automatic DNAT forwarding of inbound traffic into a
// Crostini virtual device. |crostini_device| must not be null.
void StartAutoDNAT(const CrostiniDevice* crostini_device);
void StopAutoDNAT(const CrostiniDevice* crostini_device);
AddressManager* addr_mgr_;
Datapath* datapath_;
std::optional<ShillClient::Device> default_logical_device_;
CrostiniDeviceEventHandler event_handler_;
// Mapping of VM IDs to TAP devices
std::map<uint64_t, std::unique_ptr<CrostiniDevice>> devices_;
bool adb_sideloading_enabled_;
scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CrostiniService> weak_factory_{this};
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const CrostiniService::VMType vm_type);
} // namespace patchpanel