blob: 180b599039030647e59934426ca60687ae98769f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "patchpanel/arc_service.h"
#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/functional/bind.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_piece.h>
#include <base/system/sys_info.h>
#include <brillo/key_value_store.h>
#include <chromeos/constants/vm_tools.h>
#include <net-base/ipv4_address.h>
#include "patchpanel/adb_proxy.h"
#include "patchpanel/address_manager.h"
#include "patchpanel/datapath.h"
#include "patchpanel/mac_address_generator.h"
#include "patchpanel/metrics.h"
#include "patchpanel/minijailed_process_runner.h"
#include "patchpanel/net_util.h"
#include "patchpanel/patchpanel_daemon.h"
#include "patchpanel/scoped_ns.h"
namespace patchpanel {
namespace {
// UID of Android root, relative to the host pid namespace.
const int32_t kAndroidRootUid = 655360;
constexpr uint32_t kInvalidId = 0;
constexpr char kArcNetnsName[] = "arc_netns";
constexpr char kArcVmIfnamePrefix[] = "eth";
void RecordEvent(MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics, ArcServiceUmaEvent event) {
metrics->SendEnumToUMA(kArcServiceUmaEventMetrics, event);
bool IsAdbAllowed(ShillClient::Device::Type type) {
static const std::set<ShillClient::Device::Type> adb_allowed_types{
return adb_allowed_types.find(type) != adb_allowed_types.end();
bool KernelVersion(int* major, int* minor) {
struct utsname u;
if (uname(&u) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "uname failed";
*major = *minor = 0;
return false;
int unused;
if (sscanf(u.release, "%d.%d.%d", major, minor, &unused) != 3) {
LOG(ERROR) << "unexpected release string: " << u.release;
*major = *minor = 0;
return false;
return true;
// Makes Android root the owner of /sys/class/ + |path|. |pid| is the ARC
// container pid.
bool SetSysfsOwnerToAndroidRoot(pid_t pid, const std::string& path) {
auto ns = ScopedNS::EnterMountNS(pid);
if (!ns) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot enter mnt namespace for pid " << pid;
return false;
const std::string sysfs_path = "/sys/class/" + path;
if (chown(sysfs_path.c_str(), kAndroidRootUid, kAndroidRootUid) == -1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to change ownership of " + sysfs_path;
return false;
return true;
bool OneTimeContainerSetup(Datapath& datapath, pid_t pid) {
static bool done = false;
if (done)
return true;
bool success = true;
// Load networking modules needed by Android that are not compiled in the
// kernel. Android does not allow auto-loading of kernel modules.
// Expected for all kernels.
if (!datapath.ModprobeAll({
// The netfilter modules needed by netd for iptables commands.
// The ipsec modules for AH and ESP encryption for ipv6.
})) {
LOG(ERROR) << "One or more required kernel modules failed to load."
<< " Some Android functionality may be broken.";
success = false;
// The xfrm modules needed for Android's ipsec APIs on kernels < 5.4.
int major, minor;
if (KernelVersion(&major, &minor) &&
(major < 5 || (major == 5 && minor < 4)) &&
})) {
LOG(ERROR) << "One or more required kernel modules failed to load."
<< " Some Android functionality may be broken.";
success = false;
// Additional modules optional for CTS compliance but required for some
// Android features.
if (!datapath.ModprobeAll({
// This module is not available in kernels < 3.18
// These modules are needed for supporting Chrome traffic on Android
// VPN which uses Android's NAT feature. Android NAT sets up
// iptables
// rules that use these conntrack modules for FTP/TFTP.
// The tun module is needed by the Android 464xlat clatd process.
})) {
LOG(WARNING) << "One or more optional kernel modules failed to load.";
success = false;
// This is only needed for CTS (b/27932574).
if (!SetSysfsOwnerToAndroidRoot(pid, "xt_idletimer")) {
success = false;
done = true;
return success;
// Creates the ARC management Device used for VPN forwarding, ADB-over-TCP.
std::unique_ptr<Device> MakeArc0Device(AddressManager* addr_mgr,
ArcService::ArcType arc_type) {
auto ipv4_subnet =
if (!ipv4_subnet) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Subnet already in use or unavailable";
return nullptr;
auto host_ipv4_addr = ipv4_subnet->AllocateAtOffset(1);
if (!host_ipv4_addr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Bridge address already in use or unavailable";
return nullptr;
auto guest_ipv4_addr = ipv4_subnet->AllocateAtOffset(2);
if (!guest_ipv4_addr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ARC address already in use or unavailable";
return nullptr;
uint32_t subnet_index =
(arc_type == ArcService::ArcType::kVM) ? 1 : kAnySubnetIndex;
auto config = std::make_unique<Device::Config>(
addr_mgr->GenerateMacAddress(subnet_index), std::move(ipv4_subnet),
std::move(host_ipv4_addr), std::move(guest_ipv4_addr));
// The "arc0" virtual device is either attached on demand to host VPNs or is
// used to forward host traffic into an Android VPN. Therefore, |shill_device|
// is not meaningful for the "arc0" virtual device and is undefined.
return std::make_unique<Device>(Device::Type::kARC0,
/*shill_device=*/std::nullopt, kArcbr0Ifname,
kArc0Ifname, std::move(config));
std::string PrefixIfname(base::StringPiece prefix, base::StringPiece ifname) {
std::string n;
if (n.length() >= IFNAMSIZ) {
n.resize(IFNAMSIZ - 1);
// Best effort attempt to preserve the interface number, assuming it's the
// last char in the name.
n.back() = ifname.back();
return n;
} // namespace
ArcService::ArcService(Datapath* datapath,
AddressManager* addr_mgr,
ArcType arc_type,
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics,
ArcDeviceChangeHandler arc_device_change_handler)
: datapath_(datapath),
id_(kInvalidId) {
arc_device_ = MakeArc0Device(addr_mgr, arc_type_);
ArcService::~ArcService() {
if (IsStarted()) {
bool ArcService::IsStarted() const {
return id_ != kInvalidId;
void ArcService::AllocateAddressConfigs() {
// The first usable subnet is the "other" ARC Device subnet.
// As a temporary workaround, for ARCVM, allocate fixed MAC addresses.
uint32_t mac_addr_index = 2;
// Allocate 2 subnets each for Ethernet and WiFi and 1 for LTE WAN interfaces.
for (const auto type :
ShillClient::Device::Type::kEthernet, ShillClient::Device::Type::kWifi,
ShillClient::Device::Type::kCellular}) {
auto ipv4_subnet =
if (!ipv4_subnet) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Subnet already in use or unavailable";
// For here out, use the same slices.
auto host_ipv4_addr = ipv4_subnet->AllocateAtOffset(1);
if (!host_ipv4_addr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Bridge address already in use or unavailable";
auto guest_ipv4_addr = ipv4_subnet->AllocateAtOffset(2);
if (!guest_ipv4_addr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ARC address already in use or unavailable";
MacAddress mac_addr = (arc_type_ == ArcType::kVM)
? addr_mgr_->GenerateMacAddress(mac_addr_index++)
: addr_mgr_->GenerateMacAddress();
mac_addr, std::move(ipv4_subnet), std::move(host_ipv4_addr),
// Iterate over |available_configs_| with a fixed explicit order and do not
// rely on the implicit ordering derived from key values.
for (const auto type :
{ShillClient::Device::Type::kEthernet, ShillClient::Device::Type::kWifi,
ShillClient::Device::Type::kCellular}) {
for (const auto& c : available_configs_[type]) {
void ArcService::RefreshMacAddressesInConfigs() {
for (const auto type :
{ShillClient::Device::Type::kEthernet, ShillClient::Device::Type::kWifi,
ShillClient::Device::Type::kCellular}) {
for (auto& c : available_configs_[type]) {
std::unique_ptr<Device::Config> ArcService::AcquireConfig(
ShillClient::Device::Type type) {
// Normalize shill Device types for different ethernet flavors.
if (type == ShillClient::Device::Type::kEthernetEap)
type = ShillClient::Device::Type::kEthernet;
auto it = available_configs_.find(type);
if (it == available_configs_.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported shill Device type " << type;
return nullptr;
if (it->second.empty()) {
<< "Cannot make virtual Device: No more addresses available for type "
<< type;
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Device::Config> config;
config = std::move(it->second.front());
return config;
void ArcService::ReleaseConfig(ShillClient::Device::Type type,
std::unique_ptr<Device::Config> config) {
bool ArcService::Start(uint32_t id) {
RecordEvent(metrics_, ArcServiceUmaEvent::kStart);
if (IsStarted()) {
RecordEvent(metrics_, ArcServiceUmaEvent::kStartWithoutStop);
LOG(WARNING) << "Already running - did something crash?"
<< " Stopping and restarting...";
std::string arc_device_ifname;
if (arc_type_ == ArcType::kVM) {
// Allocate TAP devices for all configs.
int arcvm_ifname_id = 0;
for (auto* config : all_configs_) {
auto mac = config->mac_addr();
// Tap device name is autogenerated. IPv4 is configured on the bridge.
auto tap =
datapath_->AddTAP(/*name=*/"", &mac,
/*ipv4_addr=*/nullptr, vm_tools::kCrosVmUser);
if (tap.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create TAP device";
// Inside ARCVM, interface names follow the pattern eth%d (starting from
// 0) following the order of the TAP interface.
arcvm_guest_ifnames_[tap] =
kArcVmIfnamePrefix + std::to_string(arcvm_ifname_id);
arc_device_ifname = arc_device_->config().tap_ifname();
} else {
pid_t pid = static_cast<int>(id);
if (pid < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid ARC container pid " << pid;
return false;
if (!OneTimeContainerSetup(*datapath_, pid)) {
RecordEvent(metrics_, ArcServiceUmaEvent::kOneTimeContainerSetupError);
LOG(ERROR) << "One time container setup failed";
if (!datapath_->NetnsAttachName(kArcNetnsName, pid)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to attach name " << kArcNetnsName << " to pid "
<< pid;
return false;
// b/208240700: Refresh MAC address in AddressConfigs every time ARC starts
// to ensure ARC container has different MAC after optout and reopt-in.
// TODO(b/185881882): this should be safe to remove after b/185881882.
arc_device_ifname = kVethArc0Ifname;
const auto guest_cidr = *net_base::IPv4CIDR::CreateFromAddressAndPrefix(
arc_device_->config().guest_ipv4_addr(), 30);
if (!datapath_->ConnectVethPair(
pid, kArcNetnsName, kVethArc0Ifname, arc_device_->guest_ifname(),
arc_device_->config().mac_addr(), guest_cidr,
/*remote_multicast_flag=*/false)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot create virtual link for " << kArc0Ifname;
return false;
// Allow netd to write to /sys/class/net/arc0/mtu (b/175571457).
if (!SetSysfsOwnerToAndroidRoot(
pid, "net/" + arc_device_->guest_ifname() + "/mtu")) {
RecordEvent(metrics_, ArcServiceUmaEvent::kSetVethMtuError);
id_ = id;
// CreateFromAddressAndPrefix() is valid because 30 is a valid prefix.
const auto cidr = *net_base::IPv4CIDR::CreateFromAddressAndPrefix(
arc_device_->config().host_ipv4_addr(), 30);
// Create the bridge for the management device arc0.
if (!datapath_->AddBridge(kArcbr0Ifname, cidr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to setup bridge " << kArcbr0Ifname;
return false;
if (!datapath_->AddToBridge(kArcbr0Ifname, arc_device_ifname)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to bridge ARC Device " << arc_device_ifname << " to "
<< kArcbr0Ifname;
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Started ARC management Device " << *arc_device_.get();
// Start already known shill <-> ARC mapped devices.
for (const auto& [_, shill_device] : shill_devices_)
// Enable conntrack helpers needed for processing through SNAT the IPv4 GRE
// packets sent by Android PPTP client (b/172214190).
// TODO(b/252749921) Find alternative for chromeos-6.1+ kernels.
if (!datapath_->SetConntrackHelpers(true)) {
// Do not consider this error fatal for ARC datapath setup (b/252749921).
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to enable conntrack helpers";
RecordEvent(metrics_, ArcServiceUmaEvent::kStartSuccess);
return true;
void ArcService::Stop(uint32_t id) {
RecordEvent(metrics_, ArcServiceUmaEvent::kStop);
if (!IsStarted()) {
RecordEvent(metrics_, ArcServiceUmaEvent::kStopBeforeStart);
LOG(ERROR) << "ArcService was not running";
// After the ARC container has stopped, the pid is not known anymore.
// The stop message for ARCVM may be sent after a new VM is started. Only
// stop if the CID matched the latest started ARCVM CID.
if (arc_type_ == ArcType::kVM && id_ != id) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Mismatched ARCVM CIDs " << id_ << " != " << id;
if (!datapath_->SetConntrackHelpers(false))
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to disable conntrack helpers";
// Remove all ARC Devices associated with a shill Device.
// Make a copy of |shill_devices_| to avoid invalidating any iterator over
// |shill_devices_| while removing device from it and resetting it afterwards.
auto shill_devices = shill_devices_;
for (const auto& [_, shill_device] : shill_devices) {
shill_devices_ = shill_devices;
// Stop the bridge for the management interface arc0.
if (arc_type_ == ArcType::kContainer) {
if (!datapath_->NetnsDeleteName(kArcNetnsName)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to delete netns name " << kArcNetnsName;
// Destroy allocated TAP devices if any, including the ARC management Device.
for (auto* config : all_configs_) {
if (config->tap_ifname().empty())
LOG(INFO) << "Stopped ARC management Device " << *arc_device_.get();
id_ = kInvalidId;
RecordEvent(metrics_, ArcServiceUmaEvent::kStopSuccess);
void ArcService::AddDevice(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device) {
shill_devices_[shill_device.ifname] = shill_device;
if (!IsStarted())
if (shill_device.ifname.empty())
RecordEvent(metrics_, ArcServiceUmaEvent::kAddDevice);
if (devices_.find(shill_device.ifname) != devices_.end()) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Attemping to add already tracked shill Device "
<< shill_device;
auto config = AcquireConfig(shill_device.type);
if (!config) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot acquire an ARC IPv4 config for shill Device "
<< shill_device;
// The interface name visible inside ARC depends on the type of ARC
// environment:
// - ARC container: the veth interface created inside ARC has the same name
// as the shill Device that this ARC virtual device is attached to.
// b/273741099: For Cellular multiplexed interfaces, the name of the shill
// Device is used such that the rest of the ARC stack does not need to be
// aware of Cellular multiplexing.
// - ARCVM: the interfaces created by virtio-net follow the pattern eth%d.
auto guest_ifname = shill_device.shill_device_interface_property;
if (arc_type_ == ArcType::kVM) {
const auto it = arcvm_guest_ifnames_.find(config->tap_ifname());
if (it == arcvm_guest_ifnames_.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot acquire a ARCVM guest ifname for shill Device "
<< shill_device;
} else {
guest_ifname = it->second;
auto device_type = arc_type_ == ArcType::kVM ? Device::Type::kARCVM
: Device::Type::kARCContainer;
auto device = std::make_unique<Device>(device_type, shill_device,
guest_ifname, std::move(config));
LOG(INFO) << "Starting ARC Device " << *device;
// CreateFromAddressAndPrefix() is valid because 30 is a valid prefix.
const auto cidr = *net_base::IPv4CIDR::CreateFromAddressAndPrefix(
device->config().host_ipv4_addr(), 30);
// Create the bridge.
if (!datapath_->AddBridge(device->host_ifname(), cidr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to setup bridge " << device->host_ifname();
datapath_->StartRoutingDevice(shill_device, device->host_ifname(),
datapath_->AddInboundIPv4DNAT(AutoDNATTarget::kArc, shill_device,
std::string virtual_device_ifname;
if (arc_type_ == ArcType::kVM) {
virtual_device_ifname = device->config().tap_ifname();
if (virtual_device_ifname.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No TAP device for " << *device;
} else {
pid_t pid = static_cast<int>(id_);
if (pid < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid ARC container pid " << pid;
virtual_device_ifname = ArcVethHostName(shill_device);
const auto guest_cidr = *net_base::IPv4CIDR::CreateFromAddressAndPrefix(
device->config().guest_ipv4_addr(), 30);
if (!datapath_->ConnectVethPair(
pid, kArcNetnsName, virtual_device_ifname, device->guest_ifname(),
device->config().mac_addr(), guest_cidr,
IsMulticastInterface(shill_device.ifname))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot create veth link for device " << *device;
// Allow netd to write to /sys/class/net/<guest_ifname>/mtu (b/169936104).
SetSysfsOwnerToAndroidRoot(pid, "net/" + device->guest_ifname() + "/mtu");
if (!datapath_->AddToBridge(device->host_ifname(), virtual_device_ifname)) {
if (arc_type_ == ArcType::kContainer) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to bridge interface " << virtual_device_ifname;
if (IsAdbAllowed(shill_device.type) &&
!datapath_->AddAdbPortAccessRule(shill_device.ifname)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add ADB port access rule";
arc_device_change_handler_.Run(shill_device, *device,
devices_.emplace(shill_device.ifname, std::move(device));
RecordEvent(metrics_, ArcServiceUmaEvent::kAddDeviceSuccess);
void ArcService::RemoveDevice(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device) {
if (!IsStarted()) {
const auto it = devices_.find(shill_device.ifname);
if (it == devices_.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unknown shill Device " << shill_device;
const auto* device = it->second.get();
LOG(INFO) << "Removing ARC Device " << *device;
arc_device_change_handler_.Run(shill_device, *device,
// ARCVM TAP devices are removed in VmImpl::Stop() when the service stops
if (arc_type_ == ArcType::kContainer) {
datapath_->RemoveInboundIPv4DNAT(AutoDNATTarget::kArc, shill_device,
if (IsAdbAllowed(shill_device.type)) {
// Once the upstream shill Device is gone it may not be possible to retrieve
// the Device type from shill DBus interface by interface name.
ReleaseConfig(shill_device.type, it->second->release_config());
void ArcService::UpdateDeviceIPConfig(const ShillClient::Device& shill_device) {
auto shill_device_it = shill_devices_.find(shill_device.ifname);
if (shill_device_it == shill_devices_.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unknown shill Device " << shill_device;
shill_device_it->second = shill_device;
auto arc_dev_it = devices_.find(shill_device.ifname);
if (arc_dev_it == devices_.end()) {
// If ARC is not running, ARC devices are not created.
auto new_device = std::make_unique<Device>(
arc_dev_it->second->type(), shill_device,
arc_dev_it->second->host_ifname(), arc_dev_it->second->guest_ifname(),
arc_dev_it->second = std::move(new_device);
std::vector<const Device::Config*> ArcService::GetDeviceConfigs() const {
std::vector<const Device::Config*> configs;
for (auto* c : all_configs_)
return configs;
std::vector<const Device*> ArcService::GetDevices() const {
std::vector<const Device*> devices;
for (const auto& [_, dev] : devices_) {
return devices;
// static
std::string ArcService::ArcVethHostName(const ShillClient::Device& device) {
return PrefixIfname("veth", device.shill_device_interface_property);
// static
std::string ArcService::ArcBridgeName(const ShillClient::Device& device) {
return PrefixIfname("arc_", device.shill_device_interface_property);
} // namespace patchpanel