blob: 05f267992d220631386e231a1f3889160ae9c02a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "permission_broker/libusb_wrapper.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
namespace permission_broker {
// Fake implementation of the UsbDeviceInterface used for testing. This class
// implements all the required APIs but returns variables and state that is
// decided through the constructor.
class FakeUsbDevice : public UsbDeviceInterface {
// Container struct used to pass state information to the FakeUsbDevice.
// Mostly used to configure whether to fail or succeed SetPowerState() and to
// return recorded internal state to be later checked.
struct State {
const bool fail_power_off;
const bool fail_power_on;
// |power_off_counter| is used in tests to track whether the
// SetPowerState function was called to turn off a device.
int power_off_counter;
// |power_on_counter| is used in tests to track whether the
// SetPowerState function was called to turn on a device.
int power_on_counter;
State(bool fail_power_off, bool fail_power_on)
: fail_power_off(fail_power_off),
power_on_counter(0) {}
// This class considers an UsbDeviceInfo to be valid only when both VID and
// PID are non-zero. This means that when |parent_info| is invalid, the device
// is lacking the parent. Ownership of |state| remains with the caller.
FakeUsbDevice(const UsbDeviceInfo& info,
const UsbDeviceInfo& parent_info,
State* state);
FakeUsbDevice(const FakeUsbDevice&) = delete;
FakeUsbDevice& operator=(const FakeUsbDevice&) = delete;
~FakeUsbDevice() override;
UsbDeviceInfo GetInfo() const override;
uint8_t GetPort() const override;
// This function returns a nullptr the parent's UsbDeviceInfo is invalid.
// Otherwise, the function returns a new FakeUsbDevice parent.
std::unique_ptr<UsbDeviceInterface> GetParent() const override;
bool SetPowerState(bool enabled, uint16_t port) const override;
const UsbDeviceInfo info_;
// |parent_info| is considered 'invalid' when both VID and PID are set to 0.
const UsbDeviceInfo parent_info_;
// |state_| is a pointer which is owned by the caller of the constructor of
// this class. |state_| is meant as a way to communicate back the collected
// state of a UsbDeviceInterface object in tests.
State* state_;
// Fake implementation of the UsbDeviceManagerInterface used for testing. This
// class implements all the required APIs but returns variables and state that
// is decided through the constructor.
class FakeUsbDeviceManager : public UsbDeviceManagerInterface {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<UsbDeviceInterface>> devices);
FakeUsbDeviceManager(const FakeUsbDeviceManager&) = delete;
FakeUsbDeviceManager& operator=(const FakeUsbDeviceManager&) = delete;
~FakeUsbDeviceManager() override;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<UsbDeviceInterface>> GetDevicesByVidPid(
uint16_t vid, uint16_t pid) override;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<UsbDeviceInterface>> devices_;
} // namespace permission_broker