blob: 14a3b5388ec852c208b12deb1aa4a4496d40c0f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "permission_broker/deny_hammer_device_rule.h"
#include <libudev.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include "permission_broker/rule_utils.h"
#include "policy/device_policy.h"
using policy::DevicePolicy;
namespace permission_broker {
namespace {
bool IsHammerDevice(udev_device* device) {
const DevicePolicy::UsbDeviceId kHammerIds[] = {
{0x18d1, 0x5022}, // hammer
{0x18d1, 0x502b}, // staff
{0x18d1, 0x502d}, // wand
{0x18d1, 0x5030}, // whiskers
{0x18d1, 0x503c}, // masterball
{0x18d1, 0x503d}, // magnemite
{0x18d1, 0x5044}, // moonball
{0x18d1, 0x504c}, // zed
{0x18d1, 0x5050}, // don
{0x18d1, 0x5052}, // star
{0x18d1, 0x5056}, // bland
{0x18d1, 0x5057}, // eel
{0x18d1, 0x505b}, // duck
{0x18d1, 0x505d}, // gelatin
uint32_t vendor_id, product_id;
GetUIntSysattr(device, "idVendor", &vendor_id);
GetUIntSysattr(device, "idProduct", &product_id);
return UsbDeviceListContainsId(std::begin(kHammerIds), std::end(kHammerIds),
vendor_id, product_id);
} // namespace
: UsbSubsystemUdevRule("DenyHammerDeviceRule") {}
Rule::Result DenyHammerDeviceRule::ProcessUsbDevice(
struct udev_device* device) {
if (IsHammerDevice(device)) {
return DENY;
// Not a hammer, pass through IGNORE.
return IGNORE;
} // namespace permission_broker