blob: 85bebf39f988361e065e07eabd21af7afcfc21bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <absl/container/flat_hash_set.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include "libhwsec/status.h"
#include "libhwsec/structures/key.h"
#include "libhwsec/structures/operation_policy.h"
namespace hwsec {
struct RSAPublicInfo {
brillo::Blob exponent;
brillo::Blob modulus;
struct ECCPublicInfo {
int nid;
brillo::Blob x_point;
brillo::Blob y_point;
// KeyManagement provide the functions to manager key.
class KeyManagement {
enum class PersistentKeyType {
struct CreateKeyOptions {
bool allow_software_gen = false;
bool allow_decrypt = false;
bool allow_sign = false;
bool restricted = false;
std::optional<uint32_t> rsa_modulus_bits;
std::optional<brillo::Blob> rsa_exponent;
std::optional<uint32_t> ecc_nid;
struct LoadKeyOptions {
bool auto_reload = false;
base::TimeDelta lazy_expiration_time = base::Seconds(0);
struct CreateKeyResult {
ScopedKey key;
brillo::Blob key_blob;
// Gets the supported algorithm.
virtual StatusOr<absl::flat_hash_set<KeyAlgoType>> GetSupportedAlgo() = 0;
// Checks a specific key creation combination is valid or not.
virtual Status IsSupported(KeyAlgoType key_algo,
const CreateKeyOptions& options) = 0;
// Creates a key with |key_algo| algorithm, |policy| and optional |options|.
virtual StatusOr<CreateKeyResult> CreateKey(
const OperationPolicySetting& policy,
KeyAlgoType key_algo,
const LoadKeyOptions& load_key_options,
const CreateKeyOptions& options) = 0;
// Loads a key from |key_blob| with |policy|.
virtual StatusOr<ScopedKey> LoadKey(
const OperationPolicy& policy,
const brillo::Blob& key_blob,
const LoadKeyOptions& load_key_options) = 0;
// Gets the endorsement key that is protected by the policy.
// Note: The resulting key is different to the EK that was created by the the
// EK template.
virtual StatusOr<ScopedKey> GetPolicyEndorsementKey(
const OperationPolicySetting& policy, KeyAlgoType key_algo) = 0;
// Loads the persistent key with specific |key_type|.
virtual StatusOr<ScopedKey> GetPersistentKey(PersistentKeyType key_type) = 0;
// Loads the hash of public part of the |key|.
virtual StatusOr<brillo::Blob> GetPubkeyHash(Key key) = 0;
// Flushes the |key| to reclaim the resource.
virtual Status Flush(Key key) = 0;
// Reloads the |key| if possible.
virtual Status ReloadIfPossible(Key key) = 0;
// Loads the key with raw |key_handle|.
// TODO(174816474): deprecated legacy APIs.
virtual StatusOr<ScopedKey> SideLoadKey(uint32_t key_handle) = 0;
// Loads the raw |key_handle| from key.
// TODO(174816474): deprecated legacy APIs.
virtual StatusOr<uint32_t> GetKeyHandle(Key key) = 0;
// Wraps a RSA key with the |policy| and the given parameters.
virtual StatusOr<CreateKeyResult> WrapRSAKey(
const OperationPolicySetting& policy,
const brillo::Blob& public_modulus,
const brillo::SecureBlob& private_prime_factor,
const LoadKeyOptions& load_key_options,
const CreateKeyOptions& options) = 0;
// Wraps an ECC key with the |policy| and the given parameters.
virtual StatusOr<CreateKeyResult> WrapECCKey(
const OperationPolicySetting& policy,
const brillo::Blob& public_point_x,
const brillo::Blob& public_point_y,
const brillo::SecureBlob& private_value,
const LoadKeyOptions& load_key_options,
const CreateKeyOptions& options) = 0;
// Gets the public information of a RSA |key|.
virtual StatusOr<RSAPublicInfo> GetRSAPublicInfo(Key key) = 0;
// Gets the public information of a ECC |key|.
virtual StatusOr<ECCPublicInfo> GetECCPublicInfo(Key key) = 0;
KeyManagement() = default;
~KeyManagement() = default;
} // namespace hwsec