blob: 40f7c5d706e5a1a008903d94795f97a043ff8ad4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "bootsplash/paths.h"
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
using base::FilePath;
namespace {
constexpr char kBootSplashAssetsDirSimonDisabledLowRes[] =
constexpr char kBootSplashAssetsDirSimonEnabledLowRes[] =
constexpr char kBootSplashAssetsDirSimonDisabledHiRes[] =
constexpr char kBootSplashAssetsDirSimonEnabledHiRes[] =
class PathsTest : public ::testing::Test {
const FilePath& test_dir() const { return scoped_temp_dir_.GetPath(); }
const FilePath& frecon_hi_res_path() const { return frecon_hi_res_path_; }
void SetUp() override {
// Create hi_res file to that's initially "0", but can be overwritten.
frecon_hi_res_path_ = paths::Get(paths::kFreconHiRes);
ASSERT_TRUE(base::WriteFile(frecon_hi_res_path_, "0"));
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir_;
base::FilePath frecon_hi_res_path_;
TEST_F(PathsTest, Get) {
EXPECT_EQ("/run/foo", paths::Get("/run/foo").value());
TEST_F(PathsTest, SetPrefixForTesting) {
EXPECT_EQ("/tmp/run/foo", paths::Get("/run/foo").value());
EXPECT_EQ("/run/foo", paths::Get("/run/foo").value());
TEST_F(PathsTest, GetBootSplashAssetsDirSimonDisabledLowRes) {
/* Indicate the device is not hi-res. */
ASSERT_TRUE(base::WriteFile(frecon_hi_res_path(), "0"));
/* paths:: will return the assets path with the testing prefix, so include
* the testing prefix in the expected output. */
std::string expected_path =
test_dir().value() + kBootSplashAssetsDirSimonDisabledLowRes;
/* Validate we get the non-simon non-hi-res path to the boot splash assets. */
EXPECT_EQ(expected_path, paths::GetBootSplashAssetsDir(false).value());
TEST_F(PathsTest, GetBootSplashAssetsDirSimonEnabledLowRes) {
/* Indicate the device is not hi-res. */
ASSERT_TRUE(base::WriteFile(frecon_hi_res_path(), "0"));
/* paths:: will return the assets path with the testing prefix, so include
* the testing prefix in the expected output. */
std::string expected_path =
test_dir().value() + kBootSplashAssetsDirSimonEnabledLowRes;
/* Validate we get the non-simon non-hi-res path to the boot splash assets. */
EXPECT_EQ(expected_path, paths::GetBootSplashAssetsDir(true).value());
TEST_F(PathsTest, GetBootSplashAssetsDirSimonDisabledHiRes) {
/* Indicate the device is not hi-res. */
ASSERT_TRUE(base::WriteFile(frecon_hi_res_path(), "1"));
/* paths:: will return the assets path with the testing prefix, so include
* the testing prefix in the expected output. */
std::string expected_path =
test_dir().value() + kBootSplashAssetsDirSimonDisabledHiRes;
/* Validate we get the non-simon non-hi-res path to the boot splash assets. */
EXPECT_EQ(expected_path, paths::GetBootSplashAssetsDir(false).value());
TEST_F(PathsTest, GetBootSplashAssetsDirSimonEnabledHiRes) {
/* Indicate the device is not hi-res. */
ASSERT_TRUE(base::WriteFile(frecon_hi_res_path(), "1"));
/* paths:: will return the assets path with the testing prefix, so include
* the testing prefix in the expected output. */
std::string expected_path =
test_dir().value() + kBootSplashAssetsDirSimonEnabledHiRes;
/* Validate we get the non-simon non-hi-res path to the boot splash assets. */
EXPECT_EQ(expected_path, paths::GetBootSplashAssetsDir(true).value());
} // namespace