blob: 3c3dcc99098bdcefc3a299560acd25fe4533809f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "parser.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "binary_content.h"
#include "ipp_enums.h"
namespace ipp {
namespace {
TEST(SimpleParserLog, Empty) {
SimpleParserLog log;
TEST(SimpleParserLog, AddParserError) {
SimpleParserLog log;
{AttrPath(GroupTag::printer_attributes), ParserCode::kValueInvalidSize});
ASSERT_EQ(log.Errors().size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(log.Errors()[0].path.AsString(), "printer-attributes");
EXPECT_EQ(log.Errors()[0].code, ParserCode::kValueInvalidSize);
TEST(SimpleParserLog, AddParserErrorCritical) {
SimpleParserLog log;
ASSERT_EQ(log.Errors().size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(log.Errors()[0].path.AsString(), "printer-attributes");
EXPECT_EQ(log.Errors()[0].code, ParserCode::kGroupTagWasExpected);
ASSERT_EQ(log.CriticalErrors().size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(log.CriticalErrors()[0].path.AsString(), "printer-attributes");
EXPECT_EQ(log.CriticalErrors()[0].code, ParserCode::kGroupTagWasExpected);
// Parsing the frame with a single dateTime attribute. The attribute has three
// values: the first one has incorrect size, the second one is correct, the last
// one is of type different than dateTime.
TEST(Parser, DateTime) {
BinaryContent c;
c.u2(0x0101u); // version-number = 1.1
c.u2(0x0000u); // status-code = successful-ok
c.u4(1); // request-id
c.u1(0x01u); // group-tag = operation-attributes-tag
c.u1(0x31); // value-tag = dateTime
c.u2(9); // name-length
c.s("test-attr"); // name
c.u2(4); // value-length
c.u4(123456789); // value
c.u1(0x31); // value-tag = dateTime
c.u2(0); // name-length = 0 (next value in the same attribute)
c.u2(11); // value-length
c.u2(2002); // dateTime.year
c.u1(1); // dateTime.month
c.u1(23); //
c.u1(4); // dateTime.hour
c.u1(56); // dateTime.minutes
c.u1(7); // dateTime.seconds
c.u1(8); // dateTime.deci-seconds
c.u1('+'); // dateTime.direction-from-UTC
c.u1(9); // dateTime.hours-from-UTC
c.u1(10); // dateTime.minutes-from-UTC
c.u1(0x44); // value-tag = keyword
c.u2(0); // name-length = 0 (next value in the same attribute)
c.u2(8); // value-length
c.s("whatever"); // value
c.u1(0x03u); // end-of-attributes-tag
ipp::SimpleParserLog log;
const ipp::Frame frame = ipp::Parse(,, log);
ASSERT_EQ(log.Errors().size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(log.Errors()[0].code, ipp::ParserCode::kValueInvalidSize);
EXPECT_EQ(log.Errors()[1].code, ipp::ParserCode::kValueMismatchTagOmitted);
ASSERT_EQ(frame.Groups(ipp::GroupTag::operation_attributes).size(), 1);
const ipp::Collection& coll =
ASSERT_EQ(coll.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(coll.begin()->Name(), "test-attr");
EXPECT_EQ(coll.begin()->Tag(), ipp::ValueTag::dateTime);
EXPECT_EQ(coll.begin()->Size(), 1);
ipp::DateTime value;
ASSERT_EQ(coll.begin()->GetValue(0, value), ipp::Code::kOK);
EXPECT_EQ(value.year, 2002);
EXPECT_EQ(value.month, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(, 23);
EXPECT_EQ(value.hour, 4);
EXPECT_EQ(value.minutes, 56);
EXPECT_EQ(value.seconds, 7);
EXPECT_EQ(value.deci_seconds, 8);
EXPECT_EQ(value.UTC_direction, '+');
EXPECT_EQ(value.UTC_hours, 9);
EXPECT_EQ(value.UTC_minutes, 10);
// Parsing the frame with a single resolution attribute. The attribute has three
// values: the first one has incorrect size, the second one is correct, the last
// one is of type different than resolution.
TEST(Parser, Resolution) {
BinaryContent c;
c.u2(0x0101u); // version-number = 1.1
c.u2(0x0000u); // status-code = successful-ok
c.u4(1); // request-id
c.u1(0x01u); // group-tag = operation-attributes-tag
c.u1(0x32); // value-tag = resolution
c.u2(9); // name-length
c.s("test-attr"); // name
c.u2(4); // value-length
c.u4(123456789); // value
c.u1(0x32); // value-tag = resolution
c.u2(0); // name-length = 0 (next value in the same attribute)
c.u2(9); // value-length
c.u4(12345); // resolution.cros-feed-direction
c.u4(67890); // resolution.feed-direction
c.u1(3); // resolution.units = dots-per-inch
c.u1(0x44); // value-tag = keyword
c.u2(0); // name-length = 0 (next value in the same attribute)
c.u2(8); // value-length
c.s("whatever"); // value
c.u1(0x03u); // end-of-attributes-tag
ipp::SimpleParserLog log;
const ipp::Frame frame = ipp::Parse(,, log);
ASSERT_EQ(log.Errors().size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(log.Errors()[0].code, ipp::ParserCode::kValueInvalidSize);
EXPECT_EQ(log.Errors()[1].code, ipp::ParserCode::kValueMismatchTagOmitted);
ASSERT_EQ(frame.Groups(ipp::GroupTag::operation_attributes).size(), 1);
const ipp::Collection& coll =
ASSERT_EQ(coll.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(coll.begin()->Name(), "test-attr");
EXPECT_EQ(coll.begin()->Tag(), ipp::ValueTag::resolution);
EXPECT_EQ(coll.begin()->Size(), 1);
ipp::Resolution value;
ASSERT_EQ(coll.begin()->GetValue(0, value), ipp::Code::kOK);
EXPECT_EQ(value.xres, 12345);
EXPECT_EQ(value.yres, 67890);
EXPECT_EQ(value.units, ipp::Resolution::Units::kDotsPerInch);
// Parsing the frame with a single rangeOfInteger attribute. The attribute has
// four values: the first one has incorrect size, the second one is correct, the
// third one is of type integer and is silently converted to rangeOfInteger, the
// last one is of type different than rangeOfInteger and integer.
TEST(Parser, RangeOfInteger) {
BinaryContent c;
c.u2(0x0101u); // version-number = 1.1
c.u2(0x0000u); // status-code = successful-ok
c.u4(1); // request-id
c.u1(0x01u); // group-tag = operation-attributes-tag
c.u1(0x33); // value-tag = rangeOfInteger
c.u2(9); // name-length
c.s("test-attr"); // name
c.u2(4); // value-length
c.u4(123456789); // value
c.u1(0x33); // value-tag = rangeOfInteger
c.u2(0); // name-length = 0 (next value in the same attribute)
c.u2(8); // value-length
c.u4(12345); // rangeOfInteger.lower-bound
c.u4(67890); // rangeOfInteger.upper-bound
c.u1(0x21); // value-tag = integer
c.u2(0); // name-length = 0 (next value in the same attribute)
c.u2(4); // value-length
c.u4(1234567890); // value
c.u1(0x44); // value-tag = keyword
c.u2(0); // name-length = 0 (next value in the same attribute)
c.u2(8); // value-length
c.s("whatever"); // value
c.u1(0x03u); // end-of-attributes-tag
ipp::SimpleParserLog log;
const ipp::Frame frame = ipp::Parse(,, log);
ASSERT_EQ(log.Errors().size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(log.Errors()[0].code, ipp::ParserCode::kValueInvalidSize);
EXPECT_EQ(log.Errors()[1].code, ipp::ParserCode::kValueMismatchTagOmitted);
ASSERT_EQ(frame.Groups(ipp::GroupTag::operation_attributes).size(), 1);
const ipp::Collection& coll =
ASSERT_EQ(coll.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(coll.begin()->Name(), "test-attr");
EXPECT_EQ(coll.begin()->Tag(), ipp::ValueTag::rangeOfInteger);
EXPECT_EQ(coll.begin()->Size(), 2);
ipp::RangeOfInteger value;
ASSERT_EQ(coll.begin()->GetValue(0, value), ipp::Code::kOK);
EXPECT_EQ(value.min_value, 12345);
EXPECT_EQ(value.max_value, 67890);
ASSERT_EQ(coll.begin()->GetValue(1, value), ipp::Code::kOK);
EXPECT_EQ(value.min_value, 1234567890);
EXPECT_EQ(value.max_value, 1234567890);
} // namespace
} // namespace ipp