blob: 24fe369e8a4a417e03abddd6bcb63558250838e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "colls_view.h"
#include "ipp_enums.h"
#include "ipp_export.h"
namespace ipp {
// Forward declaration
enum class Code;
// Values of ValueTag enum are copied from IPP specification; this is why
// they do not follow the standard naming rule.
// ValueTag defines type of an attribute. It is also called as `syntax` in the
// IPP specification. All valid tags are listed below. Values of attributes with
// these tags are mapped to C++ types.
enum class ValueTag : uint8_t {
// 0x00-0x0f are invalid.
// 0x10-0x1f are Out-of-Band tags. Attributes with this tag have no values.
// All tags from the range 0x10-0x1f are valid.
unsupported = 0x10, // [rfc8010]
unknown = 0x12, // [rfc8010]
no_value = 0x13, // [rfc8010]
not_settable = 0x15, // [rfc3380]
delete_attribute = 0x16, // [rfc3380]
admin_define = 0x17, // [rfc3380]
// 0x20-0x2f represents integer types.
// Only the following tags are valid. They map to int32_t.
integer = 0x21,
boolean = 0x22, // maps to both int32_t and bool.
enum_ = 0x23,
// 0x30-0x3f are called "octetString types". They map to dedicated types.
// Only the following tags are valid.
octetString = 0x30, // maps to std::string
dateTime = 0x31, // maps to DateTime
resolution = 0x32, // maps to Resolution
rangeOfInteger = 0x33, // maps to RangeOfInteger
collection = 0x34, // = begCollection tag [rfc8010], maps to Collection
textWithLanguage = 0x35, // maps to StringWithLanguage
nameWithLanguage = 0x36, // maps to StringWithLanguage
// 0x40-0x5f represents 'character-string values'. They map to std::string.
// All tags from the ranges 0x40-0x49 and 0x4b-0x5f are valid.
textWithoutLanguage = 0x41,
nameWithoutLanguage = 0x42,
keyword = 0x44,
uri = 0x45,
uriScheme = 0x46,
charset = 0x47,
naturalLanguage = 0x48,
mimeMediaType = 0x49
// memberAttrName = 0x4a is invalid.
// 0x60-0xff are invalid.
// Is valid Out-of-Band tag (0x10-0x1f).
constexpr bool IsOutOfBand(ValueTag tag) {
return (tag >= static_cast<ValueTag>(0x10) &&
tag <= static_cast<ValueTag>(0x1f));
// Is valid integer type (0x21-0x23).
constexpr bool IsInteger(ValueTag tag) {
return (tag >= static_cast<ValueTag>(0x21) &&
tag <= static_cast<ValueTag>(0x23));
// Is valid character-string type (0x40-0x5f without 0x4a).
constexpr bool IsString(ValueTag tag) {
return (tag >= static_cast<ValueTag>(0x40) &&
tag <= static_cast<ValueTag>(0x5f) &&
tag != static_cast<ValueTag>(0x4a));
// Is valid tag.
constexpr bool IsValid(ValueTag tag) {
return (IsOutOfBand(tag) || IsInteger(tag) || IsString(tag) ||
(tag >= static_cast<ValueTag>(0x30) &&
tag <= static_cast<ValueTag>(0x36)));
// It is used to hold name and text values (see [rfc8010]).
// If language == "" it represents nameWithoutLanguage or textWithoutLanguage,
// otherwise it represents nameWithLanguage or textWithLanguage.
struct StringWithLanguage {
std::string value = "";
std::string language = "";
StringWithLanguage() = default;
StringWithLanguage(const std::string& value, const std::string& language)
: value(value), language(language) {}
explicit StringWithLanguage(const std::string& value) : value(value) {}
explicit StringWithLanguage(std::string&& value) : value(value) {}
operator std::string() const { return value; }
inline bool operator==(const StringWithLanguage& v1,
const StringWithLanguage& v2) {
return (v1.language == v2.language) && (v1.value == v2.value);
inline bool operator!=(const StringWithLanguage& v1,
const StringWithLanguage& v2) {
return !(v1 == v2);
// Represents resolution type from [rfc8010].
struct Resolution {
int32_t xres = 0;
int32_t yres = 0;
enum Units : int8_t {
kDotsPerInch = 3,
kDotsPerCentimeter = 4
} units = kDotsPerInch;
Resolution() = default;
Resolution(int32_t size1, int32_t size2, Units units = Units::kDotsPerInch)
: xres(size1), yres(size2), units(units) {}
inline bool operator==(const Resolution& v1, const Resolution& v2) {
return (v1.xres == v2.xres) && (v1.yres == v2.yres) && (v1.units == v2.units);
inline bool operator!=(const Resolution& v1, const Resolution& v2) {
return !(v1 == v2);
// Represents rangeOfInteger type from [rfc8010].
struct RangeOfInteger {
int32_t min_value = 0;
int32_t max_value = 0;
RangeOfInteger() = default;
RangeOfInteger(int32_t min_value, int32_t max_value)
: min_value(min_value), max_value(max_value) {}
inline bool operator==(const RangeOfInteger& v1, const RangeOfInteger& v2) {
return (v1.min_value == v2.min_value) && (v1.max_value == v2.max_value);
inline bool operator!=(const RangeOfInteger& v1, const RangeOfInteger& v2) {
return !(v1 == v2);
// Represents dateTime type from [rfc8010,rfc2579].
struct DateTime {
uint16_t year = 2000;
uint8_t month = 1; // 1..12
uint8_t day = 1; // 1..31
uint8_t hour = 0; // 0..23
uint8_t minutes = 0; // 0..59
uint8_t seconds = 0; // 0..60 (60 - leap second :-)
uint8_t deci_seconds = 0; // 0..9
uint8_t UTC_direction = '+'; // '+' / '-'
uint8_t UTC_hours = 0; // 0..13
uint8_t UTC_minutes = 0; // 0..59
inline bool operator==(const DateTime& v1, const DateTime& v2) {
return (v1.year == v2.year) && (v1.month == v2.month) && ( == &&
(v1.hour == v2.hour) && (v1.minutes == v2.minutes) &&
(v1.seconds == v2.seconds) && (v1.deci_seconds == v2.deci_seconds) &&
(v1.UTC_direction == v2.UTC_direction) &&
(v1.UTC_hours == v2.UTC_hours) && (v1.UTC_minutes == v2.UTC_minutes);
inline bool operator!=(const DateTime& v1, const DateTime& v2) {
return !(v1 == v2);
// Functions converting basic types to string. For enums it returns empty
// string if given value is not defined.
LIBIPP_EXPORT std::string_view ToStrView(ValueTag tag);
LIBIPP_EXPORT std::string ToString(bool value);
LIBIPP_EXPORT std::string ToString(int value);
LIBIPP_EXPORT std::string ToString(const Resolution& value);
LIBIPP_EXPORT std::string ToString(const RangeOfInteger& value);
LIBIPP_EXPORT std::string ToString(const DateTime& value);
LIBIPP_EXPORT std::string ToString(const StringWithLanguage& value);
// Functions extracting basic types from string.
// Returns false <=> given pointer is nullptr or given string does not
// represent a correct value.
LIBIPP_EXPORT bool FromString(const std::string& str, bool* value);
LIBIPP_EXPORT bool FromString(const std::string& str, int* value);
// Basic values are stored in attributes as variables of the following types:
enum InternalType : uint8_t {
kInteger, // int32_t
kString, // std::string
kStringWithLanguage, // ipp::StringWithLanguage
kResolution, // ipp::Resolution
kRangeOfInteger, // ipp::RangeOfInteger
kDateTime, // ipp::DateTime
kCollection // Collection*
class Attribute;
class Collection;
// Helper structure
struct AttrDef {
ValueTag ipp_type;
InternalType cc_type;
// Base class for all IPP collections. Collections is like struct filled with
// Attributes. Each attribute in Collection must have unique non-empty name.
// Use AddAttr() methods to add new attributes to the collection and GetAttr()
// to get access to the attribute by its name. To iterate over all attributes in
// the collection use iterators, e.g.:
// for (Attribute& attr: collection) { ... }
// for (const Attribute& attr: collection) { ... }
// Attributes inside the collection are always in the same order they were added
// to it. They will also appear in the same order in the resultant frame.
class LIBIPP_EXPORT Collection {
class const_iterator;
class iterator {
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using value_type = Attribute;
using difference_type = int;
using pointer = Attribute*;
using reference = Attribute&;
iterator() = default;
iterator& operator++() {
return *this;
iterator& operator--() {
return *this;
iterator operator++(int) { return iterator(iter_++); }
iterator operator--(int) { return iterator(iter_--); }
Attribute& operator*() { return *(iter_->get()); }
Attribute* operator->() { return iter_->get(); }
bool operator==(const iterator& i) const { return iter_ == i.iter_; }
bool operator!=(const iterator& i) const { return iter_ != i.iter_; }
bool operator==(const const_iterator& i) const { return iter_ == i.iter_; }
bool operator!=(const const_iterator& i) const { return iter_ != i.iter_; }
friend class Collection;
explicit iterator(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Attribute>>::iterator iter)
: iter_(iter) {}
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Attribute>>::iterator iter_;
class const_iterator {
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using value_type = const Attribute;
using difference_type = int;
using pointer = const Attribute*;
using reference = const Attribute&;
const_iterator() = default;
explicit const_iterator(iterator it) : iter_(it.iter_) {}
const_iterator& operator=(iterator it) {
iter_ = it.iter_;
return *this;
const_iterator& operator++() {
return *this;
const_iterator& operator--() {
return *this;
const_iterator operator++(int) { return const_iterator(iter_++); }
const_iterator operator--(int) { return const_iterator(iter_--); }
const Attribute& operator*() { return *(iter_->get()); }
const Attribute* operator->() { return iter_->get(); }
bool operator==(const iterator& i) const { return iter_ == i.iter_; }
bool operator!=(const iterator& i) const { return iter_ != i.iter_; }
bool operator==(const const_iterator& i) const { return iter_ == i.iter_; }
bool operator!=(const const_iterator& i) const { return iter_ != i.iter_; }
friend class Collection;
explicit const_iterator(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Attribute>>::const_iterator iter)
: iter_(iter) {}
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Attribute>>::const_iterator iter_;
Collection(const Collection&) = delete;
Collection(Collection&&) = delete;
Collection& operator=(const Collection&) = delete;
Collection& operator=(Collection&&) = delete;
virtual ~Collection();
// Standard container methods.
iterator begin() { return iterator(attributes_.begin()); }
iterator end() { return iterator(attributes_.end()); }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(attributes_.cbegin()); }
const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(attributes_.cend()); }
const_iterator begin() const { return cbegin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return cend(); }
size_t size() const { return attributes_index_.size(); }
bool empty() const { return attributes_index_.empty(); }
// Methods return attribute by name. Methods return an iterator end() <=> the
// collection has no attributes with this name.
iterator GetAttr(std::string_view name);
const_iterator GetAttr(std::string_view name) const;
// Add a new attribute without values. `tag` must be Out-Of-Band (see ValueTag
// definition). Possible errors:
// * kInvalidName
// * kNameConflict
// * kInvalidValueTag
// * kIncompatibleType (`tag` is not Out-Of-Band)
// * kTooManyAttributes.
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, ValueTag tag);
// Add a new attribute with one or more values. `tag` must be compatible with
// type of the parameter `value`/`values` according to the following rules:
// * int32_t: IsInteger(tag) == true
// * std::string: IsString(tag) == true OR tag == octetString
// * StringWithLanguage: tag == nameWithLanguage OR tag == textWithLanguage
// * DateTime: tag == dateTime
// * Resolution: tag == resolution
// * RangeOfInteger: tag == rangeOfInteger
// Possible errors:
// * kInvalidName
// * kNameConflict
// * kInvalidValueTag
// * kIncompatibleType (see the rules above)
// * kValueOutOfRange (the vector is empty or one of the value is invalid)
// * kTooManyAttributes.
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, ValueTag tag, int32_t value);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, ValueTag tag, const std::string& value);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name,
ValueTag tag,
const StringWithLanguage& value);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, ValueTag tag, DateTime value);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, ValueTag tag, Resolution value);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, ValueTag tag, RangeOfInteger value);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name,
ValueTag tag,
const std::vector<int32_t>& values);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name,
ValueTag tag,
const std::vector<std::string>& values);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name,
ValueTag tag,
const std::vector<StringWithLanguage>& values);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name,
ValueTag tag,
const std::vector<DateTime>& values);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name,
ValueTag tag,
const std::vector<Resolution>& values);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name,
ValueTag tag,
const std::vector<RangeOfInteger>& values);
// Add a new attribute with one or more values. Tag of the new attribute is
// deduced from the type of the parameter `value`/`values`.
// Possible errors:
// * kInvalidName
// * kNameConflict
// * kValueOutOfRange (the vector is empty)
// * kTooManyAttributes.
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, bool value);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, int32_t value);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, DateTime value);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, Resolution value);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, RangeOfInteger value);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, const std::vector<bool>& values);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, const std::vector<int32_t>& values);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, const std::vector<DateTime>& values);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, const std::vector<Resolution>& values);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name,
const std::vector<RangeOfInteger>& values);
// Add a new attribute with one or more collections. The first method creates
// an attribute with a single collection and returns an iterator to it in the
// last parameter. The second method creates an attribute with `size`
// collections and returns a view of them in the last parameter.
// Possible errors:
// * kInvalidName
// * kNameConflict
// * kValueOutOfRange (`size` is out of range)
// * kTooManyAttributes.
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, CollsView::iterator& coll);
Code AddAttr(const std::string& name, size_t size, CollsView& colls);
friend class Attribute;
// Adds new attribute to the collection. Returns Code::OK <=> an attribute
// was created. A pointer to the new attribute is saved to `new_attr`.
Code CreateNewAttribute(const std::string& name,
ValueTag type,
Attribute*& new_attr);
// Tries to add a new attribute to the collection and set initial values for
// it. This function does not check compatibility of `tag` and ApiType. All
// other constraints are enforced. If `tag` is Out-Of-Band the parameter
// `values` is ignored.
template <typename ApiType>
Code AddAttributeToCollection(const std::string& name,
ValueTag tag,
const std::vector<ApiType>& values);
// Stores attributes in the order they are saved in the frame.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Attribute>> attributes_;
// Indexes attributes by name. Values are indices from `attributes_`.
std::unordered_map<std::string_view, size_t> attributes_index_;
// Base class representing Attribute, contains general API for Attribute.
class LIBIPP_EXPORT Attribute {
Attribute(const Attribute&) = delete;
Attribute(Attribute&&) = delete;
Attribute& operator=(const Attribute&) = delete;
Attribute& operator=(Attribute&&) = delete;
virtual ~Attribute();
// Returns tag of the attribute.
ValueTag Tag() const;
// Returns an attribute's name. It is always a non-empty string.
std::string_view Name() const;
// Returns the current number of elements (values or Collections).
// It returns 0 <=> IsOutOfBand(Tag()).
size_t Size() const;
// Resizes the attribute (changes the number of stored values/collections).
// When (IsOutOfBand(Tag()) or `new_size` equals 0 this method does nothing.
void Resize(size_t new_size);
// Retrieves a single value from the attribute and saves it in `value`.
// Possible errors:
// * kIncompatibleType
// * kIndexOutOfRange
// The second parameter must match the type of the attribute, otherwise the
// code kIncompatibleType is returned. However, there are a couple of
// exceptions when the underlying value is silently converted to the type of
// the given parameter. See the table below for a list of silent conversions:
// ValueTag | target C++ type
// -------------------+--------------------
// boolean | int32_t (0 or 1)
// enum | int32_t
// integer | RangeOfIntegers (as range [int,int])
// nameWithoutLanguage | StringWithLanguage (language is empty)
// textWithoutLanguage | StringWithLanguage (language is empty)
Code GetValue(size_t index, bool& value) const;
Code GetValue(size_t index, int32_t& value) const;
Code GetValue(size_t index, std::string& value) const;
Code GetValue(size_t index, StringWithLanguage& value) const;
Code GetValue(size_t index, DateTime& value) const;
Code GetValue(size_t index, Resolution& value) const;
Code GetValue(size_t index, RangeOfInteger& value) const;
// Retrieves values from the attribute. They are copied to the given vector.
// Possible errors:
// * kIncompatibleType
// These methods follow the same rules for types' conversions as GetValue().
Code GetValues(std::vector<bool>& values) const;
Code GetValues(std::vector<int32_t>& values) const;
Code GetValues(std::vector<std::string>& values) const;
Code GetValues(std::vector<StringWithLanguage>& values) const;
Code GetValues(std::vector<DateTime>& values) const;
Code GetValues(std::vector<Resolution>& values) const;
Code GetValues(std::vector<RangeOfInteger>& values) const;
// Set new values for the attribute. Previous values are discarded.
// Possible errors:
// * kIncompatibleType
// * kValueOutOfRange
Code SetValues(bool value);
Code SetValues(int32_t value);
Code SetValues(const std::string& value);
Code SetValues(const StringWithLanguage& value);
Code SetValues(DateTime value);
Code SetValues(Resolution value);
Code SetValues(RangeOfInteger value);
Code SetValues(const std::vector<bool>& values);
Code SetValues(const std::vector<int32_t>& values);
Code SetValues(const std::vector<std::string>& values);
Code SetValues(const std::vector<StringWithLanguage>& values);
Code SetValues(const std::vector<DateTime>& values);
Code SetValues(const std::vector<Resolution>& values);
Code SetValues(const std::vector<RangeOfInteger>& values);
// Provides access to Collection objects. You can iterate over them in the
// following ways:
// for (Collection& coll: attr.Colls()) {
// ...
// }
// or
// for (size_t i = 0; i < attr.Colls().size(); ) {
// Collection& coll = attr.Colls()[i++];
// ...
// }
// (Tag() != collection) <=> attr.Colls().empty()
CollsView Colls();
ConstCollsView Colls() const;
friend class Collection;
// Constructor is called from Collection only.
Attribute(std::string_view name, AttrDef def);
// Returns the current number of elements (values or Collections).
// (IsASet() == false) => always returns 0 or 1.
size_t GetSize() const;
// Helper template function.
template <typename ApiType>
bool SaveValue(size_t index, const ApiType& value);
// The name of the attribute.
std::string name_;
// Defines the type of values stored in the attribute.
const AttrDef def_;
// Stores values of the attribute.
void* values_ = nullptr;
} // namespace ipp