blob: e1845004ccd0e0833dbda09b347b39f72e5eb394 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include "kerberos/krb5_interface.h"
#include "kerberos/proto_bindings/kerberos_service.pb.h"
namespace kerberos {
// Schedules tasks for automatic Kerberos ticket-granting-ticket (TGT) renewal.
// If the ticket lifetime is 10 hours, schedules calls to delegate_->RenewTgt()
// after, 6h 0m, 8h 24m, 9h 21m, 9h 44m, 9h 53m and 9h 57m.
// After that, the class calls delegate_->NotifyTgtExpiration() with
// TgtExpiration::kAboutToExpire. If the device was turned off and the scheduled
// tasks could not be run and the ticket is already expired, calls
// delegate_->NotifyTgtExpiration() with TgtExpiration::kExpired.
class TgtRenewalScheduler {
enum class TgtExpiration { kExpired, kAboutToExpire };
// Exposed for testing.
// If a TGT is about to expire in less than this interval, notify Chrome about
// the expiration.
static constexpr int kExpirationHeadsUpTimeSeconds = 180;
static_assert(kExpirationHeadsUpTimeSeconds > 0, "");
// Fraction of the TGT validity lifetime to schedule automatic TGT renewal.
// For instance, if the TGT is valid for another 1000 seconds and the factor
// is 0.8, the TGT would be renewed after 800 seconds. Must be strictly
// between 0 and 1.
static constexpr float kTgtRenewValidityLifetimeFraction = 0.6f;
static_assert(kTgtRenewValidityLifetimeFraction > 0.0f, "");
static_assert(kTgtRenewValidityLifetimeFraction < 1.0f, "");
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// Called by ScheduleRenewal() to query the lifetime of the TGT.
virtual ErrorType GetTgtStatus(const std::string& principal_name,
Krb5Interface::TgtStatus* tgt_status) = 0;
// Called by RunScheduledTgtRenewal(). Should try to renew the ticket for
// |principal_name|.
virtual ErrorType RenewTgt(const std::string& principal_name) = 0;
// Called when the TGT is expired or about to expire.
virtual void NotifyTgtExpiration(const std::string& principal_name,
TgtExpiration expiration) = 0;
TgtRenewalScheduler(const std::string& principal_name, Delegate* delegate);
TgtRenewalScheduler(const TgtRenewalScheduler&) = delete;
TgtRenewalScheduler& operator=(const TgtRenewalScheduler&) = delete;
// If the ticket is valid and not about to expire soon, schedules
// RunScheduledTgtRenewal() with a delay of a fraction of the TGT's remaining
// lifetime. Otherwise, calls delegate_->NotifyTgtExpiration() if
// |notify_expiration| is true.
void ScheduleRenewal(bool notify_expiration);
// Callback scheduled to renew the TGT. Calls |delegate_->RenewTgt()| and
// reschedules.
void RunScheduledTgtRenewal();
// User principal name (user@EXAMPLE.COM) that corresponds to the TGT.
const std::string principal_name_;
// Delegate for TGT renewal and expiry notification. Not owned.
Delegate* const delegate_;
// Callback for scheduled renewal tasks.
base::CancelableOnceClosure tgt_renewal_callback_;
} // namespace kerberos