blob: b3fa1a615838d3af904dfbc464106d11fb70f16b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
#include <base/files/file_descriptor_watcher_posix.h>
#include <base/functional/callback_forward.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
namespace patchpanel {
class SocketForwarder;
class Socket;
} // namespace patchpanel
namespace system_proxy {
// ProxyConnectJob asynchronously sets up a connection to a remote target on
// behalf of a client using the following steps:
// 1. Gets the target url from the client request;
// 2. Asks the parent to resolve the proxy for the target url via
// |resolve_proxy_callback_|;
// 3. Connects to the target url trough the remote proxy server returned by the
// parent.
// 3. 1. On success, it will return a SocketForwarder to the parent, which
// forwards data between the Chrome OS client and the remote server.
// 3. 2. On error, it will check the HTTP status code from the server's reply.
// 3. 2. 1. If the status code means credentials are required, it asks the
// parent for authentication credentials via |auth_required_callback|.
// - If the parent returns credentials for the proxy server challenge,
// it attempts to reconnect (step 3);
// - Otherwise it will forward the status code to the client.
// Other status codes are forwarded to the Chrome OS clients and the
// connection is closed.
// Note: Reconnecting to the server with credentials (step 3. 2. 1.) will create
// a new connection to the remote server, while the connection to the local
// client is still open and in a waiting state during the authentication
// process.
// TODO(acostinas, Cancel the proxy connect job if the
// request for credentials is not resolved after a certain time.
class ProxyConnectJob {
using OnConnectionSetupFinishedCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(
std::unique_ptr<patchpanel::SocketForwarder>, ProxyConnectJob*)>;
// Will be invoked by ProxyConnectJob to resolve the proxy for |target_url_|.
// The passed |callback| is expected to be called with the list of proxy
// servers, which will always contain at least one entry, the default proxy.
using ResolveProxyCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(
const std::string& url,
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::list<std::string>&)>
// Will be invoked by ProxyConnectJob to request the credentials for requests
// that fail with code 407. If |bad_cached_credentials| is true, the
// credentials previously acquired for proxy authentication are incorrect.
using AuthenticationRequiredCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
const std::string& proxy_url,
const std::string& scheme,
const std::string& realm,
const std::string& bad_cached_credentials,
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const std::string& credentials)>
ProxyConnectJob(std::unique_ptr<patchpanel::Socket> socket,
const std::string& credentials,
int64_t curl_auth_schemes,
ResolveProxyCallback resolve_proxy_callback,
AuthenticationRequiredCallback auth_required_callback,
OnConnectionSetupFinishedCallback setup_finished_callback);
ProxyConnectJob(const ProxyConnectJob&) = delete;
ProxyConnectJob& operator=(const ProxyConnectJob&) = delete;
virtual ~ProxyConnectJob();
// Marks |client_socket_| as non-blocking and adds a watcher that calls
// |OnClientReadReady| when the socket is read ready.
virtual bool Start();
void OnProxyResolution(const std::list<std::string>& proxy_servers);
// Enables storing curl debug information for test.
void StoreRequestHeadersForTesting();
// Returns the HTTP headers sent by the curl client. Tests must call
// `StoreRequestHeadersForTesting` before calling this method.
std::string GetRequestHeadersForTesting();
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const ProxyConnectJob& job);
friend class ServerProxyTest;
friend class ProxyConnectJobTest;
friend class HttpServerProxyConnectJobTest;
FRIEND_TEST(ServerProxyTest, HandlePendingJobs);
FRIEND_TEST(ServerProxyTest, HandleConnectRequest);
FRIEND_TEST(ProxyConnectJobTest, BadHttpRequestWrongMethod);
FRIEND_TEST(ProxyConnectJobTest, BadHttpRequestNoEmptyLine);
FRIEND_TEST(ProxyConnectJobTest, SlowlorisTimeout);
FRIEND_TEST(HttpServerProxyConnectJobTest, SuccessfulConnection);
FRIEND_TEST(HttpServerProxyConnectJobTest, SuccessfulConnectionAltEnding);
FRIEND_TEST(HttpServerProxyConnectJobTest, ResendWithCredentials);
FRIEND_TEST(HttpServerProxyConnectJobTest, NoCredentials);
FRIEND_TEST(HttpServerProxyConnectJobTest, KerberosAuth);
FRIEND_TEST(HttpServerProxyConnectJobTest, AuthenticationTimeout);
FRIEND_TEST(HttpServerProxyConnectJobTest, MultipleReadConnectRequest);
FRIEND_TEST(HttpServerProxyConnectJobTest, BufferedClientData);
FRIEND_TEST(HttpServerProxyConnectJobTest, BufferedClientDataAltEnding);
FRIEND_TEST(HttpServerProxyConnectJobTest, PolicyAuthSchemeOk);
FRIEND_TEST(HttpServerProxyConnectJobTest, PolicyAuthBadScheme);
// Called when the client socket is ready for reading.
void OnClientReadReady();
void HandleClientHTTPRequest(const base::StringPiece& http_request);
// Called from |OnProxyResolution|, after the proxy for |target_url_| is
// resolved.
void DoCurlServerConnection();
void OnError(const std::string_view& http_error_message);
void OnClientConnectTimeout();
// Requests the credentials to authenticate to the remote proxy server. The
// credentials are bound to the protection space extracted from the challenge
// sent by the remote server.
void AuthenticationRequired(const std::vector<char>& http_response_headers);
void OnAuthCredentialsProvided(const std::string& credentials);
// Proxy credentials are asynchronously requested from the Browser. The user
// can ignore the authentication request. This method will forward the
// authentication failure message to the client and is triggered when the
// waiting time for the credentials has expired.
void OnAuthenticationTimeout();
// Checks if the HTTP CONNECT request has failed because of missing proxy
// authentication credentials.
bool AreAuthCredentialsRequired(CURL* easyhandle);
// Sends the server response to the client. Returns true if the headers and
// body were sent successfully, false otherwise. In case of failure, calls
// |OnError|. The response headers and body can be empty if the libcurl
// connection fails. In this case, this will send the client an error message
// based on the HTTP status code |http_response_code_|.
bool SendHttpResponseToClient(const std::vector<char>& http_response_headers,
const std::vector<char>& http_response_body);
std::string target_url_;
// HTTP proxy response code to the CONNECT request.
int64_t http_response_code_ = 0;
// Indicates that the timer for waiting for authentication credentials has
// started. The timer is started the first time the credentials are requested.
// Subsequent authentication attempts will not re-start the timer.
bool authentication_timer_started_ = false;
std::string credentials_;
// Bitmask to tell curl which authentication methods are allowed to be used
// with `credentials_`. This value is set with the `CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH` option.
int64_t curl_auth_schemes_;
// CONNECT request and playload data read from the client socket. The client
// may send the HTTP CONNECT request across multiple socket writes.
// |connect_data_| will cache the partial messages until we receive the end of
// the HTTP request. It's also possible that the client will start forwarding
// data without waiting for a reply from the server (RFC2817, section-5.2).
// Any data read from the client socket which is not part of the HTTP CONNECT
// message will be stored in |connect_data_| and forwarded to the remote proxy
// after a successful connection is established.
std::vector<char> connect_data_;
std::list<std::string> proxy_servers_;
ResolveProxyCallback resolve_proxy_callback_;
AuthenticationRequiredCallback auth_required_callback_;
OnConnectionSetupFinishedCallback setup_finished_callback_;
base::CancelableOnceClosure client_connect_timeout_callback_;
// Started the first time credentials are requested and cancelled when the
// proxy server sends any HTTP code other than 407 (proxy authentication
// required).
base::CancelableOnceClosure credentials_request_timeout_callback_;
bool store_headers_for_testing_ = false;
std::string request_headers_for_testing_;
std::unique_ptr<patchpanel::Socket> client_socket_;
std::unique_ptr<base::FileDescriptorWatcher::Controller> read_watcher_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ProxyConnectJob> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace system_proxy