blob: fcffe592cc3aa1d0b287aeb971ebd080b20b8c74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/containers/span.h>
#include "libec/i2c_passthru_command.h"
namespace ec {
I2cPassthruCommand::I2cPassthruCommand(uint8_t port,
uint8_t addr,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& write_data,
size_t read_len)
: EcCommand(EC_CMD_I2C_PASSTHRU) {
Req()->req.port = port;
Req()->req.num_msgs = (write_data.size() > 0) + (read_len > 0);
CHECK_LE(Req()->req.num_msgs, 2);
size_t req_size = realsizeof<decltype(Req()->req)>;
size_t resp_size = realsizeof<decltype(Resp()->resp)>;
using PassthruMessage = struct ec_params_i2c_passthru_msg;
constexpr size_t message_size = realsizeof<PassthruMessage>;
base::span<PassthruMessage> messages(
auto message_it = messages.begin();
if (write_data.size() > 0) {
message_it->addr_flags = addr;
message_it->len = write_data.size();
uint8_t* payload = Req()-> + messages.size_bytes();
std::copy(write_data.begin(), write_data.end(), payload);
req_size += message_size + write_data.size();
if (read_len > 0) {
if (read_len > i2c_passthru::kResponseDataMaxSize) {
LOG(WARNING) << "read_len (" << static_cast<int>(read_len)
<< ") should not be greater than "
<< i2c_passthru::kResponseDataMaxSize;
message_it->addr_flags = addr | EC_I2C_FLAG_READ;
message_it->len = read_len;
req_size += message_size;
resp_size += read_len;
base::span<const uint8_t> I2cPassthruCommand::RespData() const {
if (I2cStatus())
return {};
CHECK(RespSize() - realsizeof<decltype(Resp()->resp)> >= 0);
return {Resp()->data.begin(),
RespSize() - realsizeof<decltype(Resp()->resp)>};
} // namespace ec