blob: 2dfade6f8bea2ce334a52c9fcf8796f66ffee201 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/rand_util.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "hammerd/fmap_utils.h"
#include "hammerd/mock_fmap_utils.h"
#include "hammerd/mock_usb_utils.h"
#include "hammerd/update_fw.h"
#include "hammerd/usb_utils.h"
#include "hammerd/vb21_struct.h"
using testing::_;
using testing::AnyNumber;
using testing::Assign;
using testing::AtLeast;
using testing::DoAll;
using testing::InSequence;
using testing::Invoke;
using testing::Return;
using testing::ReturnArg;
namespace hammerd {
class FirmwareUpdaterTest : public testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
fw_updater_.reset(new FirmwareUpdater{std::make_unique<MockUsbEndpoint>(),
endpoint_ = static_cast<MockUsbEndpoint*>(fw_updater_->endpoint_.get());
fmap_ = static_cast<MockFmap*>(fw_updater_->fmap_.get());
targ_ = &(fw_updater_->targ_);
good_rpdu_.return_value =
good_rpdu_.header_type =
good_rpdu_.protocol_version = htobe16(6);
good_rpdu_.maximum_pdu_size = htobe32(128);
good_rpdu_.flash_protection = htobe32(0);
good_rpdu_.offset = htobe32(0x11000);
snprintf(good_rpdu_.version, sizeof(good_rpdu_.version), "MOCK VERSION");
good_rpdu_.min_rollback = htobe32(0);
good_rpdu_.key_version = htobe32(1);
first_header_ = BuildHeaderData(sizeof(UpdateFrameHeader), 0, 0);
uint32_t cmd = htobe32(kUpdateDoneCmd);
done_cmd_ =
ConvertData(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&cmd), sizeof(kUpdateDoneCmd));
std::vector<uint8_t> BuildHeaderData(uint32_t size,
uint32_t digest,
uint32_t base) {
UpdateFrameHeader ufh{size, digest, base};
uint8_t* ufh_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&ufh);
return std::vector<uint8_t>(ufh_ptr, ufh_ptr + sizeof(UpdateFrameHeader));
std::vector<uint8_t> ConvertData(uint8_t* ptr, size_t len) {
return std::vector<uint8_t>(ptr, ptr + len);
std::unique_ptr<FirmwareUpdater> fw_updater_;
MockUsbEndpoint* endpoint_;
MockFmap* fmap_;
FirstResponsePdu* targ_;
// Good response of first header.
FirstResponsePdu good_rpdu_;
// Zero-size header:
std::vector<uint8_t> first_header_;
std::vector<uint8_t> done_cmd_;
// Load a fake EC image with each value. The EC image contains:
// - Fake header: 5 bytes + 3 bytes padding to word align mock_fmap (ASAN)
// - mock fmap: sizeof(fmap) bytes
// - RO version string: 32 bytes
// - RW version string: 32 bytes
// - RW rollback version: 4 bytes
// - RO key: sizeof(vb21_packed_key) bytes
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, LoadEcImage) {
// Build a fake EC image.
std::string ec_image("12345678");
int64_t mock_offset = ec_image.size();
fmap mock_fmap = {};
mock_fmap.nareas = 0;
mock_fmap.size = 8 + sizeof(fmap) + 32 + 32 + 4 + sizeof(vb21_packed_key);
ec_image.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&mock_fmap), sizeof(mock_fmap));
int64_t ro_version_offset = ec_image.size();
char ro_version[32] = "RO MOCK VERSION";
ec_image.append(ro_version, 32);
int64_t rw_version_offset = ec_image.size();
char rw_version[32] = "RW MOCK VERSION";
ec_image.append(rw_version, 32);
int64_t rw_rollback_offset = ec_image.size();
int32_t rw_rollback = 35;
ec_image.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&rw_rollback), sizeof(rw_rollback));
int64_t ro_key_offset = ec_image.size();
vb21_packed_key ro_key = {};
ro_key.key_version = 1;
ec_image.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ro_key), sizeof(ro_key));
size_t ec_image_len = ec_image.size();
size_t fmap_size = mock_fmap.size;
ASSERT_EQ(ec_image_len, fmap_size);
const fmap* mock_fmap_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const fmap*>(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>( + mock_offset);
EXPECT_CALL(*fmap_, Find(_, ec_image_len)).WillOnce(Return(mock_offset));
// Find RO section.
fmap_area ro_section_area = {};
ro_section_area.offset = 0x0;
ro_section_area.size = 0x10;
EXPECT_CALL(*fmap_, FindArea(mock_fmap_ptr, "EC_RO"))
// Find RO version.
fmap_area ro_version_area = {};
ro_version_area.offset = ro_version_offset;
ro_version_area.size = 32;
EXPECT_CALL(*fmap_, FindArea(mock_fmap_ptr, "RO_FRID"))
// Find RO key.
fmap_area ro_key_area = {};
ro_key_area.offset = ro_key_offset;
ro_key_area.size = sizeof(ro_key);
EXPECT_CALL(*fmap_, FindArea(mock_fmap_ptr, "KEY_RO"))
// Find RW section.
fmap_area rw_section_area = {};
rw_section_area.offset = 0x10;
rw_section_area.size = 0x10;
EXPECT_CALL(*fmap_, FindArea(mock_fmap_ptr, "EC_RW"))
// Find RW version.
fmap_area rw_version_area = {};
rw_version_area.offset = rw_version_offset;
rw_version_area.size = 32;
EXPECT_CALL(*fmap_, FindArea(mock_fmap_ptr, "RW_FWID"))
// Find RW rollback version.
fmap_area rw_rollback_area = {};
rw_rollback_area.offset = rw_rollback_offset;
rw_rollback_area.size = 4;
EXPECT_CALL(*fmap_, FindArea(mock_fmap_ptr, "RW_RBVER"))
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->LoadEcImage(ec_image), true);
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->ec_image_, ec_image);
SectionInfo(SectionName::RO, 0x0, 0x10, "RO MOCK VERSION", -1, -1));
SectionInfo(SectionName::RW, 0x10, 0x10, "RW MOCK VERSION", 35, 1));
// Load a fake EC image that we expect to fail
// - Fake header: 8 bytes
// - mock fmap: sizeof(fmap) bytes - 1
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, LoadEcImage_ShortFmap) {
// Build a fake EC image but don't pass it all.
std::string ec_image("12345678");
int64_t mock_offset = ec_image.size();
fmap mock_fmap = {};
mock_fmap.nareas = 0;
mock_fmap.size = 8 + sizeof(fmap);
ec_image.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&mock_fmap), sizeof(mock_fmap) - 1);
size_t ec_image_len = ec_image.size();
EXPECT_CALL(*fmap_, Find(_, ec_image_len)).WillOnce(Return(mock_offset));
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->LoadEcImage(ec_image), false);
// Load a fake EC image that we expect to fail
// - Fake header: 8 bytes
// - mock fmap: sizeof(fmap) bytes
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, LoadEcImage_TooManyFmapAreas) {
// Build a fake EC image with one too many fmap areas
std::string ec_image("12345678");
int64_t mock_offset = ec_image.size();
fmap mock_fmap = {};
mock_fmap.nareas = 1;
mock_fmap.size = 8 + sizeof(fmap);
ec_image.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&mock_fmap), sizeof(mock_fmap));
size_t ec_image_len = ec_image.size();
EXPECT_CALL(*fmap_, Find(_, ec_image_len)).WillOnce(Return(mock_offset));
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->LoadEcImage(ec_image), false);
// Load a fake EC image that we expect to fail
// - Fake header: 8 bytes
// - mock fmap: sizeof(fmap) bytes
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, LoadEcImage_BadROVersion) {
// Build a fake EC image
std::string ec_image("12345678");
int64_t mock_offset = ec_image.size();
fmap mock_fmap = {};
mock_fmap.nareas = 0;
mock_fmap.size = 8 + sizeof(fmap);
ec_image.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&mock_fmap), sizeof(mock_fmap));
size_t ec_image_len = ec_image.size();
const fmap* mock_fmap_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const fmap*>(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>( + mock_offset);
EXPECT_CALL(*fmap_, Find(_, ec_image_len)).WillOnce(Return(mock_offset));
// Find RO section that is too large.
fmap_area ro_section_area = {};
ro_section_area.offset = 0;
ro_section_area.size = ec_image_len + 1;
EXPECT_CALL(*fmap_, FindArea(mock_fmap_ptr, "EC_RO"))
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->LoadEcImage(ec_image), false);
// Load a fake EC image that we expect to fail
// - Fake header: 8 bytes
// - mock fmap: sizeof(fmap) bytes
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, LoadEcImage_OverflowRO) {
// Build a fake EC image
std::string ec_image("12345678");
int64_t mock_offset = ec_image.size();
fmap mock_fmap = {};
mock_fmap.nareas = 0;
mock_fmap.size = 8 + sizeof(fmap);
ec_image.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&mock_fmap), sizeof(mock_fmap));
size_t ec_image_len = ec_image.size();
const fmap* mock_fmap_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const fmap*>(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>( + mock_offset);
EXPECT_CALL(*fmap_, Find(_, ec_image_len)).WillOnce(Return(mock_offset));
// Find RW section that is too large and will overflow.
fmap_area ro_section_area = {};
ro_section_area.offset = UINT_MAX - 1;
ro_section_area.size = 2;
EXPECT_CALL(*fmap_, FindArea(mock_fmap_ptr, "EC_RO"))
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->LoadEcImage(ec_image), false);
// Returns a helper function that returns |before| or |after| depending on
// whether a period of time has passed.
template <typename T>
std::function<T()> BeforeAfterPeriod(int64_t period_ms, T before, T after) {
base::Time start = base::Time::Now();
return [=]() {
auto diff = (base::Time::Now() - start).InMilliseconds();
return diff >= period_ms ? after : before;
// USB endpoint is ready to connect after 500 ms.
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, TryConnectUsb_OK) {
InSequence dummy;
ON_CALL(*endpoint_, Connect())
500, UsbConnectStatus::kUsbPathEmpty, UsbConnectStatus::kSuccess)));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Connect()).Times(AtLeast(1));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, GetChunkLength()).WillOnce(Return(0x40));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, 0x40, true, _)).WillOnce(Return(-1));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, GetConfigurationString())
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->TryConnectUsb(), UsbConnectStatus::kSuccess);
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->version_, "version_string");
// USB endpoint is ready to connect after 5000 ms, which is longer than timeout.
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, TryConnectUsb_FAIL) {
InSequence dummy;
ON_CALL(*endpoint_, Connect())
5000, UsbConnectStatus::kUsbPathEmpty, UsbConnectStatus::kSuccess)));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Connect()).Times(AtLeast(1));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, GetConfigurationString()).Times(0);
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->TryConnectUsb(), UsbConnectStatus::kUsbPathEmpty);
// Test legacy-style version string.
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, TryConnectUsb_FetchVersion_Legacy) {
InSequence dummy;
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Connect())
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, GetChunkLength()).WillOnce(Return(0x40));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, 0x40, true, _)).WillOnce(Return(-1));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, GetConfigurationString())
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->TryConnectUsb(), UsbConnectStatus::kSuccess);
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->version_, "version_string");
// Parse the given invalid configuration string descriptor.
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, TryConnectUsb_FetchVersion_FAIL) {
InSequence dummy;
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Connect())
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, GetChunkLength()).WillOnce(Return(0x40));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, 0x40, true, _)).WillOnce(Return(-1));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, GetConfigurationString()).WillOnce(Return(""));
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->TryConnectUsb(), UsbConnectStatus::kInvalidDevice);
// Simulate leftover data on the EC's "out" buffer.
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, TryConnectUsb_LeftoverData) {
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Connect())
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, GetChunkLength()).WillOnce(Return(10));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, 10, true, _))
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, GetConfigurationString())
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->TryConnectUsb(), UsbConnectStatus::kSuccess);
// Send done command.
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, SendDone) {
InSequence dummy;
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(done_cmd_, _, _)).WillOnce(ReturnArg<2>());
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, 1, false, _)).WillOnce(Return(1));
// Send first PDU and get a good response.
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, SendFirstPdu) {
InSequence dummy;
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(first_header_, _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, sizeof(good_rpdu_), true, _))
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->SendFirstPdu(), true);
// Send first PDU when EC is still calculating RW signature.
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, SendFirstPdu_RwsigBusy) {
InSequence dummy;
good_rpdu_.return_value =
ON_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(first_header_, _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, sizeof(good_rpdu_), true, _))
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, sizeof(good_rpdu_), true, _))
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->SendFirstPdu(), true);
// Send the kInjectEntropy subcommand.
// We also send the payload with this subcommand.
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, SendSubcommand_InjectEntropy) {
// Build the header data.
uint16_t subcommand =
std::string fake_entropy = base::RandBytesAsString(32);
std::vector<uint8_t> sub_cmd_data =
ConvertData(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&subcommand), sizeof(subcommand));
std::vector<uint8_t> ufh_data;
ufh_data = BuildHeaderData(
sizeof(UpdateFrameHeader) + sizeof(subcommand) + fake_entropy.size(), 0,
ufh_data.insert(ufh_data.end(), sub_cmd_data.begin(), sub_cmd_data.end());
ufh_data.insert(ufh_data.end(), fake_entropy.begin(), fake_entropy.end());
ON_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(_, _, _)).WillByDefault(ReturnArg<2>());
ON_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, 1, false, _)).WillByDefault(Return(1));
InSequence dummy;
// Send the subcommand.
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(ufh_data, _, _));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, 1, false, _));
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->InjectEntropyWithPayload(fake_entropy), true);
// Send the kImmediateReset subcommand.
// After sending the command, the EC will reset and not respond.
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, SendSubcommand_Reset) {
// Build the header data.
uint16_t subcommand =
std::vector<uint8_t> sub_cmd_data =
ConvertData(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&subcommand), sizeof(subcommand));
std::vector<uint8_t> ufh_data;
ufh_data = BuildHeaderData(sizeof(UpdateFrameHeader) + sizeof(subcommand), 0,
ufh_data.insert(ufh_data.end(), sub_cmd_data.begin(), sub_cmd_data.end());
ON_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(_, _, _)).WillByDefault(ReturnArg<2>());
ON_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, 1, false, _)).WillByDefault(Return(1));
InSequence dummy;
// Send subcommand. Because the hammer is reset after sending the command,
// it won't reply the response.
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(ufh_data, _, _));
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, CurrentSection) {
fw_updater_->sections_ = {
SectionInfo(SectionName::RO, 0x0, 0x10000, "RO MOCK VERSION", -1, -1),
SectionInfo(SectionName::RW, 0x11000, 0xA0, "RW MOCK VERSION", 35, 1)};
// Writable offset is at RW, so current section is RO.
fw_updater_->targ_.offset = 0x11000;
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->CurrentSection(), SectionName::RO);
// Writable offset is at RO, so current section is RW.
fw_updater_->targ_.offset = 0x0;
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->CurrentSection(), SectionName::RW);
// Writable offset is not at RO nor RW, return Invalid.
fw_updater_->targ_.offset = 0xffff;
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->CurrentSection(), SectionName::Invalid);
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, CheckKeyRollback) {
fw_updater_->sections_ = {
SectionInfo(SectionName::RO, 0x0, 0x10000, "RO MOCK VERSION", -1, -1),
SectionInfo(SectionName::RW, 0x11000, 0xA0, "RW MOCK VERSION", 35, 1)};
// Writable offset is at RW, so current section is RO.
fw_updater_->targ_.offset = 0x11000;
// Everything is the same -- update should be possible.
snprintf(fw_updater_->targ_.version, sizeof(fw_updater_->targ_.version), "%s",
fw_updater_->targ_.min_rollback = 35;
fw_updater_->targ_.key_version = 1;
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->ValidKey(), true);
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->CompareRollback(), 0);
// Version is different -- update should be possible.
snprintf(fw_updater_->targ_.version, sizeof(fw_updater_->targ_.version),
fw_updater_->targ_.min_rollback = 35;
fw_updater_->targ_.key_version = 1;
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->ValidKey(), true);
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->CompareRollback(), 0);
// Minimum rollback is larger than the updated image -- update not possible.
snprintf(fw_updater_->targ_.version, sizeof(fw_updater_->targ_.version),
fw_updater_->targ_.min_rollback = 40;
fw_updater_->targ_.key_version = 1;
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->ValidKey(), true);
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->CompareRollback(), -1);
// The key version is not the same -- update not possible.
snprintf(fw_updater_->targ_.version, sizeof(fw_updater_->targ_.version),
fw_updater_->targ_.min_rollback = 35;
fw_updater_->targ_.key_version = 2;
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->ValidKey(), false);
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->CompareRollback(), 0);
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, VersionMismatch) {
fw_updater_->sections_ = {
SectionInfo(SectionName::RO, 0x0, 0x10000, "RO MOCK VERSION", -1, -1),
SectionInfo(SectionName::RW, 0x11000, 0xA0, "RW MOCK VERSION", 35, 1)};
// Writable offset is at RW, so current section is RO.
fw_updater_->targ_.offset = 0x11000;
// Version is the same.
snprintf(fw_updater_->targ_.version, sizeof(fw_updater_->targ_.version), "%s",
fw_updater_->targ_.min_rollback = 35;
fw_updater_->targ_.key_version = 1;
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->VersionMismatch(SectionName::RW), false);
// Version is different.
snprintf(fw_updater_->targ_.version, sizeof(fw_updater_->targ_.version),
fw_updater_->targ_.min_rollback = 35;
fw_updater_->targ_.key_version = 1;
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->VersionMismatch(SectionName::RW), true);
// Test to transfer RW section.
// USB chunk size: 0x40
// Maximum PDU size: 0x80
// RW size: 0xA0
// Therefore it should send 3 packets with 0x40, 0x40, 0x20 bytes.
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, TransferImage) {
// Set the default action of mock USB endpoint.
ON_CALL(*endpoint_, Connect())
ON_CALL(*endpoint_, GetChunkLength()).WillByDefault(Return(0x40));
ON_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(_, _, _)).WillByDefault(ReturnArg<2>());
ON_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, _, _, _)).WillByDefault(ReturnArg<1>());
// Set the mock EC image data and section info.
fw_updater_->ec_image_ = std::string(0x11000 + 0xA0, 0);
fw_updater_->sections_ = {
SectionInfo(SectionName::RO, 0x0, 0x10000, "RO MOCK VERSION", -1, -1),
SectionInfo(SectionName::RW, 0x11000, 0xA0, "RW MOCK VERSION", 35, 1)};
// Writable offset is at RW, so current section is RO.
fw_updater_->targ_.offset = 0x11000;
const uint8_t* image_ptr =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(fw_updater_->;
std::vector<uint8_t> ufh_data;
uint32_t good_reply = 0;
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, GetChunkLength()).Times(AnyNumber());
InSequence dummy;
// Send first PDU and get a valid response.
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(first_header_, _, _));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, sizeof(good_rpdu_), true, _))
// Send first section with 2 blocks. (0x40 bytes, 0x40 bytes)
ufh_data = BuildHeaderData(sizeof(UpdateFrameHeader) + 0x80, 0, 0x11000);
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(ufh_data, _, _));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(_, image_ptr + 0x11000, 0x40));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(_, image_ptr + 0x11040, 0x40));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, sizeof(good_reply), true, _))
// Send second section with 1 block. (0x20 bytes)
ufh_data = BuildHeaderData(sizeof(UpdateFrameHeader) + 0x20, 0, 0x11080);
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(ufh_data, _, _));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(_, image_ptr + 0x11080, 0x20));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, sizeof(good_reply), true, _))
// Send done command.
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, SendHelper(done_cmd_, _, _));
EXPECT_CALL(*endpoint_, Receive(_, 1, false, _)).WillOnce(Return(1));
// TransferImage takes care of running SendFirstPdu, which sets maximum
// PDU size to 0x80.
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->TransferImage(SectionName::RW), true);
// Tests IsSectionLocked and IsRollbackLocked.
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, IsSectionUnlocked) {
targ_->flash_protection = 0x000b; // RO is locked.
targ_->flash_protection = 0x018b; // RO and RW are locked.
targ_->flash_protection = 0x060b; // RO and Rollback are locked.
targ_->flash_protection = 0x07cf; // All sections are locked.
// Tests IsCritical.
TEST_F(FirmwareUpdaterTest, IsCritical) {
fw_updater_->sections_ = {
SectionInfo(SectionName::RO, 0x0, 0x10000, "1.2-3.5.abcdef", 2, 1),
SectionInfo(SectionName::RW, 0x11000, 0xA0, "1.2-3.4.abcdef", 2, 1)};
// Writable offset is at RW, so current section is RO.
fw_updater_->targ_.offset = 0x11000;
// Same version tag, same rollback.
fw_updater_->targ_.min_rollback = 2;
snprintf(fw_updater_->targ_.version, sizeof(fw_updater_->targ_.version),
"%s-installed", // Add substring to end of version.
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->IsCritical(), false);
// Same version tag, incremented rollback.
fw_updater_->targ_.min_rollback = 1;
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->IsCritical(), true);
// Different version tag, same rollback.
fw_updater_->targ_.min_rollback = 2;
snprintf(fw_updater_->targ_.version, sizeof(fw_updater_->targ_.version), "%s",
ASSERT_EQ(fw_updater_->IsCritical(), true);
} // namespace hammerd