blob: 1cacdd13afdecdb1f1e7e4768a57ffd07991cb13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/strings/string_piece.h>
namespace dns_proxy {
// TODO( The DNS name validation code is adapted from
// dns_util* in Chrome:
// It would be better to include it in libchrome so that the code is
// maintained in one place.
// DNSDomainFromDot - convert a domain string to DNS format. From DJB's
// public domain DNS library.
// dotted: a string in dotted form: ""
// out: a result in DNS form: "\x03www\x06google\x03com\x00"
bool DNSDomainFromDot(const base::StringPiece& dotted, std::string* out);
// Checks that a hostname is valid. Simple wrapper around DNSDomainFromDot.
bool IsValidDNSDomain(const base::StringPiece& dotted);
// Returns true if the character is valid in a DNS hostname label, whether in
// the first position or later in the label.
// This function asserts a looser form of the restrictions in RFC 7719 (section
// 2; hostnames can include
// characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, and _, and any of those characters (except -)
// are legal in the first position. The looser rules are necessary to support
// service records (initial _), and non-compliant but attested hostnames that
// include _. These looser rules also allow Punycode and hence IDN.
bool IsValidHostLabelCharacter(char c, bool is_first_char);
} // namespace dns_proxy