blob: 1c8b17e1d4d43b841f85fc15a75e5b398c3ca9a1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2011 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script should be called daily to clean up log files.
# It can also be called with "--no-periodic" directly from an init
# script in which case it will clean up but not rotate.
# This file exists on the DUT, but not outside of a chroot during repo upload.
# shellcheck
. "/usr/share/cros/"
# Threshold for additional histogram reporting (in 1KB blocks), 1GB in total.
# Paths for the CRX cache. Shared with installer/crx-import.conf
# Remove older files, keep deleting until the directory is less than 100MB
# or only one day old files remains. ...and also delete older files if
# there are too many (the number of files to keep can optionally be configured
# by $3).
remove_old_files() {
local subdir="$1"
local file_pattern="$2"
local mtime="${NUM_DAYS_TO_PRESERVE}"
local max_subdir_files="${3:-${MAX_SUBDIR_FILES}}"
if [ ! -d "${subdir}" ]; then
while [ "${mtime}" -ge 1 ]; do
find "${subdir}" -type f -name "${file_pattern}" -mtime "+${mtime}" -delete
if [ "$(du -s --block-size=1M "${subdir}" | cut -f 1)" -gt \
"${MAX_SUBDIR_SIZE}" ]; then
: "$(( mtime -= 1 ))"
# Delete all but the most recent $max_subdir_files files.
# Note that 'ls -t' doesn't have a "null terminated" mode apparently
# because you're not supposed to use it for scripts, so we end up
# using several steps.
find "${subdir}" -type f -name "${file_pattern}" -printf "%T+ %p\0" | \
sort -zr | \
cut -z -d ' ' -f 2- | \
tail -z "-n+$(( max_subdir_files + 1 ))" | \
xargs -r -0 rm
# Wipe the unencyrpted CRX cache if it still exists.
wipe_crx_cache() {
local root_dev
local removable
local disk_percent
# If we are on removable media or we haven't imported the crx cache,
# don't wipe.
root_dev="$(basename "$(rootdev -s -d)")"
removable="$(cat "/sys/block/${root_dev}/removable")" || :
disk_percent="$(get_stateful_usage_percent)" || :
[ -z "${disk_percent}" ] && disk_percent=0
if [ "${removable:-0}" -eq 0 ] && [ -d "${UNVALIDATED_CRX_CACHE}" ] && \
[ -f "${VALIDATED_CRX_CACHE}/.initialized" ] && \
[ "${disk_percent}" -gt 25 ]; then
echo "Wiping unvalidated crx cache as it has already been imported."
remove_old_files_encrypted_reboot_vault() {
find "${ENCRYPTED_REBOOT_VAULT}" -type f -mtime "+${NUM_DAYS_TO_PRESERVE}" \
remove_old_pattern_log_files() {
# Remove old biometrics cypto init, daemon, and firmware
# updater logs
remove_old_files /var/log/bio_crypto_init "*"
remove_old_files /var/log/biod "biod.*"
remove_old_files /var/log/biod "bio_fw_updater.*"
# Remove old chrome logs (not logged in)
remove_old_files /var/log/chrome "chrome_*-*"
# Remove old lacros chrome logs (not logged in)
remove_old_files /var/log/lacros "lacros_*-*.log"
# Remove old chrome logs (logged in)
remove_old_files /home/chronos/user/log "chrome_*-*"
# Remove old lacros chrome logs (logged in)
remove_old_files /home/chronos/user/lacros "lacros_*-*.log"
# Remove old miscellaneous UI logs
remove_old_files /var/log/ui "ui.*-*"
# Remove old update engine logs
remove_old_files /var/log/update_engine "update_engine.*-*"
# Remove old power manager logs
remove_old_files /var/log/power_manager "power*"
# Remove old vmlog logs (written by metrics_daemon)
remove_old_files /var/log/vmlog "vmlog.*"
# Remove old modemfwd helper logs
remove_old_files /var/log/modemfwd "helper_log.*"
# Remove old bootstat metrics files. NB: this can still leave empty
# /var/log/metrics/shutdown.<timestamp>/ directories.
# bootstat metrics are typically small files (~30 files per reboot). Override
# the number of files to keep in calling remove_old_files() since the default
# is too small.
remove_old_files /var/log/metrics "*" 210
usage() {
echo "usage: $0 [--no-periodic]"
echo "Delete old logs and perform periodic tasks like rotating logs."
echo "This program always deletes old log files for programs that"
echo "create one log per boot. Unless called with --no-periodic"
echo "it will also do periodic tasks like rotating log files"
echo "and sending metrics."
main() {
if [ "$#" -eq 1 ] && [ "$1" != "--no-periodic" ] ||
[ "$#" -gt 1 ]; then
return 1
if [ -r "${CLEANUP_PAUSED_FILE}" ]; then
echo "Exiting early because ${CLEANUP_PAUSED_FILE} exists."
return 0
# Remove iwlwifi logs older than one hour, since they are large.
find /var/log -name "last_iwlwifi_dump*" -mmin +60 -delete
# Remove old files in the encrypted reboot vault.
# Quit if called at init; everything below only happens periodically
if [ "$1" = "--no-periodic" ]; then
return 0
# Collect log-related metrics before rotation.
# Rotate other logs
# Report disk usage statistics
# Subshell to re-use $@ array.
set -- 0 1073741824 50
metrics_client Platform.DiskUsageVar \
"$(du -sxk /var/ | awk '{print $1}')" "$@"
metrics_client Platform.DiskUsageChronos \
"$(du -sxk /home/chronos | awk '{print $1}')" "$@"
# Report overall stateful usage.
metrics_client -e Platform.StatefulUsage "$(get_stateful_usage_percent)" 101
# Report lifetime writes from the stateful partition in GiBs.
metrics_client Platform.StatefulLifetimeWrites \
"$((LIFETIME_WRITES / 1048576))" 0 16777216 100
# Report used space from the stateful partition in GBs.
STATEFUL_USED="$(get_stateful_used_space_blocks 1000)"
metrics_client Platform.StatefulUsedSpace \
"$((STATEFUL_USED / 1000000))" 0 16777216 50
# Report free space from the stateful partition in MBs. Some boards
# ship with a variety of SSD sizes, so free space metrics can be
# useful in addition to used space. Record in MB so we have higher
# precision in the buckets close to zero (out of space). Max out at
# 2 TB.
STATEFUL_FREE="$(get_stateful_free_space_blocks 1000)"
metrics_client Platform.StatefulFreeSpace \
"$((STATEFUL_FREE / 1000))" 0 2097152 50
main "$@"