blob: 985188248d3f19b1db667e9a25b9aab4557cb463 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "cryptohome/credential_verifier.h"
namespace cryptohome {
// Matcher for verifying that a CredentialVerifier* has the specified label and
// matches against the specified password.
class IsVerifierPtrWithLabelAndPasswordMatcher
: public ::testing::MatcherInterface<const CredentialVerifier*> {
IsVerifierPtrWithLabelAndPasswordMatcher(std::string label,
std::string password)
: label_(std::move(label)), password_(std::move(password)) {}
bool MatchAndExplain(
const CredentialVerifier* verifier,
::testing::MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
if (!verifier) {
*listener << "verifier is null";
return false;
bool matches = true;
if (verifier->auth_factor_label() != label_) {
matches = false;
*listener << "label is: " << verifier->auth_factor_label() << "\n";
if (!verifier->Verify({.user_input = brillo::SecureBlob(password_)})) {
matches = false;
*listener << "expected password does not verify\n";
return matches;
void DescribeTo(std::ostream* os) const override {
*os << "has label " << label_ << " and accepts password " << password_;
void DescribeNegationTo(std::ostream* os) const override {
*os << "does not have label " << label_ << " or does not accept password "
<< password_;
std::string label_;
std::string password_;
// Matcher for verifying that a CredentialVerifier* has the specified label and
// matches against the specified password.
class IsVerifierPtrWithLabelMatcher
: public ::testing::MatcherInterface<const CredentialVerifier*> {
explicit IsVerifierPtrWithLabelMatcher(std::string label)
: label_(std::move(label)) {}
bool MatchAndExplain(
const CredentialVerifier* verifier,
::testing::MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
if (!verifier) {
*listener << "verifier is null";
return false;
if (verifier->auth_factor_label() != label_) {
*listener << "label is: " << verifier->auth_factor_label() << "\n";
return (verifier->auth_factor_label() == label_);
void DescribeTo(std::ostream* os) const override {
*os << "has label " << label_;
void DescribeNegationTo(std::ostream* os) const override {
*os << "does not have label " << label_;
std::string label_;
::testing::Matcher<const CredentialVerifier*> IsVerifierPtrWithLabelAndPassword(
std::string label, std::string password) {
return ::testing::MakeMatcher<const CredentialVerifier*>(
new IsVerifierPtrWithLabelAndPasswordMatcher(std::move(label),
::testing::Matcher<const CredentialVerifier*> IsVerifierPtrWithLabel(
std::string label) {
return ::testing::MakeMatcher<const CredentialVerifier*>(
new IsVerifierPtrWithLabelMatcher(std::move(label)));
} // namespace cryptohome