blob: d106bfe41ee9f0a150eb270c1f739d3542e16213 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <tuple>
#include "shill/device.h"
#include "shill/error.h"
#include "shill/logging.h"
#include "shill/store/key_value_store.h"
#include <base/logging.h>
namespace shill {
MATCHER(IsSuccess, "") {
return arg.IsSuccess();
MATCHER(IsFailure, "") {
return arg.IsFailure();
MATCHER_P2(ErrorIs, error_type, error_message, "") {
return error_type == arg.type() && error_message == arg.message();
MATCHER_P(ErrorTypeIs, error_type, "") {
return error_type == arg.type();
MATCHER(IsNullRefPtr, "") {
return !arg.get();
MATCHER(NotNullRefPtr, "") {
return arg.get();
// Use this matcher instead of passing RefPtrs directly into the arguments
// of EXPECT_CALL() because otherwise we may create un-cleaned-up references at
// system teardown.
MATCHER_P(IsRefPtrTo, ref_address, "") {
return arg.get() == ref_address;
template <int error_argument_index>
class SetErrorTypeInArgumentAction {
SetErrorTypeInArgumentAction(Error::Type error_type, bool warn_default)
: error_type_(error_type), warn_default_(warn_default) {}
template <typename Result, typename ArgumentTuple>
Result Perform(const ArgumentTuple& args) const {
Error* error_arg = ::std::get<error_argument_index>(args);
if (error_arg)
// You should be careful if you see this warning in your log messages: it is
// likely that you want to instead set a non-default expectation on this
// mock, to test the success code-paths.
if (warn_default_)
LOG(WARNING) << "Default action taken: set error to " << error_type_
<< "(" << (error_arg ? error_arg->message() : "") << ")";
Error::Type error_type_;
bool warn_default_;
void SetErrorAndReturn(base::RepeatingClosure quit_closure,
Error* to_return,
const Error& error);
// Helper function to set the enabled state of devices synchronously.
void SetEnabledSync(Device* device, bool enable, bool persist, Error* error);
template <typename CallbackType>
class CallbackValue {};
template <typename F>
class CallbackValue<base::OnceCallback<F>> {
using Type = base::OnceCallback<F>;
template <typename F>
class CallbackValue<base::RepeatingCallback<F>> {
using Type = const base::RepeatingCallback<F>&;
template <typename CallbackType>
void ReturnOperationFailed(typename CallbackValue<CallbackType>::Type callback);
// Many functions in the the DBus proxy classes take a (shill::Error*) output
// argument that is set to shill::Error::kOperationFailed to notify the caller
// synchronously of error conditions.
// If an error is not returned synchronously, a callback (passed as another
// argument to the function) must eventually be called with the result/error.
// TODO(b/172215298): Remove these shill::Error* arguments and move everything
// to calling the callback. The current situation often causes unit tests to be
// testing code that is dead in production, and production pathways to be un-
// tested. Instead, you should Invoke+WithArgs ReturnOperationFailed above.
template <int error_argument_index>
SetOperationFailedInArgumentAndWarn() {
return ::testing::MakePolymorphicAction(
Error::kOperationFailed, true));
// Use this action to set the (shill::Error*) output argument to any
// shill::Error value on mock DBus proxy method calls.
template <int error_argument_index>
SetErrorTypeInArgument(Error::Type error_type) {
return ::testing::MakePolymorphicAction(
SetErrorTypeInArgumentAction<error_argument_index>(error_type, false));
} // namespace shill
#endif // SHILL_TESTING_H_