blob: 38708117e076acad2b575c861d502d4bc44234e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
#include <string>
namespace dlp {
constexpr char kDlpFanotifyDeleteEventSupport[] =
constexpr char kDlpFanotifyMarkFilesystemSupport[] =
constexpr char kDlpInitErrorHistogram[] = "Enterprise.Dlp.Errors.DaemonInit";
constexpr char kDlpFanotifyErrorHistogram[] = "Enterprise.Dlp.Errors.Fanotify";
constexpr char kDlpFileDatabaseErrorHistogram[] =
constexpr char kDlpAdaptorErrorHistogram[] = "Enterprise.Dlp.Errors.Adaptor";
// Type of errors triggered during the initialization of the DLP daemon.
enum class InitError {
kUnknownError = 0,
// Error while retrieving the primary username.
kPrimaryUsernameRetrievalError = 1,
// For SendEnumToUMA() usage.
kMaxValue = kPrimaryUsernameRetrievalError
// Type of errors triggered by fanotify usage in the DLP daemon.
enum class FanotifyError {
kUnknownError = 0,
// Error when executing fanotify_mark.
kMarkError = 1,
// Error when executing select in FanotifyReaderThread.
kSelectError = 2,
// Error when executing ioctl in FanotifyReaderThread.
kIoctlError = 3,
// Error when executing fd in FanotifyReaderThread.
kFdError = 4,
// Error triggered when there is a mismatch of fanotify metadata version.
kMetadataMismatchError = 5,
// Error when executing fstat in FanotifyReaderThread.
kFstatError = 6,
// Error triggered when receiving an invalid file descriptor.
kInvalidFileDescriptorError = 7,
// Error triggered when receiving an unexpected file handle type.
kUnexpectedFileHandleTypeError = 8,
// Error triggered when receiving an unexpected event info type.
kUnexpectedEventInfoTypeError = 9,
// Error during initialization.
kInitError = 10,
// For SendEnumToUMA() usage.
kMaxValue = kInitError,
// Type of errors triggered by the DLP database.
enum class DatabaseError {
kUnknownError = 0,
// Error when connecting to the database.
kConnectionError = 1,
// Error when creating a database table.
kCreateTableError = 2,
// Error when inserting an entry into a database table.
kInsertIntoTableError = 3,
// Error when querying the database.
kQueryError = 4,
// Error when deleting database entries.
kDeleteError = 5,
// Error triggered when a query returns multiple database entries for the same
// inode.
kMultipleEntriesForInode = 6,
// Error while creating the database directory.
kCreateDirError = 7,
// Error while setting database ownership.
kSetOwnershipError = 8,
// For SendEnumToUMA() usage.
kMaxValue = kSetOwnershipError,
// Type of errors triggered by the DLP adaptor.
enum class AdaptorError {
kUnknownError = 0,
// Error triggered when parsing a invalid proto.
kInvalidProtoError = 1,
// Error triggered when the file database is unexpectedly not ready.
kDatabaseNotReadyError = 2,
// Error while connecting to the file database.
kDatabaseConnectionError = 3,
// Error while getting a file inode.
kInodeRetrievalError = 4,
// Error while creating a pipe.
kCreatePipeError = 5,
// Error triggered when it is not possible to check file restrictions.
kRestrictionDetectionError = 6,
// Error while adding a file.
kAddFileError = 7,
// Error while executing dup on a FD.
kFileDescriptorDupError = 8,
// Error while executing close on a FD.
kFileDescriptorCloseError = 9,
kMaxValue = kFileDescriptorCloseError,
// Sends UMAs related to the DLP daemon.
class DlpMetrics {
// Send a boolean to UMA.
void SendBooleanHistogram(const std::string& name, bool value) const;
// Records whether there's an error happening during the daemon
// initialization.
void SendInitError(InitError error) const;
// Records whether there's an error happening when using fanotify.
void SendFanotifyError(FanotifyError error) const;
// Records whether an error occurs while executing database procedures.
void SendDatabaseError(DatabaseError error) const;
// Records whether an error occurs while executing adaptor procedures.
void SendAdaptorError(AdaptorError error) const;
std::unique_ptr<MetricsLibraryInterface> metrics_lib_;
} // namespace dlp
#endif // DLP_DLP_METRICS_H_