blob: 704deedae88c00eceef8241c191c742184f1fc4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/no_destructor.h>
#include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
namespace brillo {
namespace cryptohome {
namespace home {
BRILLO_EXPORT extern const char kGuestUserName[];
// Returns the common prefix under which the mount points for user homes are
// created.
BRILLO_EXPORT base::FilePath GetUserPathPrefix();
// Returns the common prefix under which the mount points for root homes are
// created.
BRILLO_EXPORT base::FilePath GetRootPathPrefix();
// Returns the path at which the user home for |username| will be mounted.
// Returns "" for failures.
BRILLO_EXPORT base::FilePath GetUserPath(const std::string& username);
// Returns the path at which the user home for |hashed_username| will be
// mounted. Useful when you already have the username hashed.
// Returns "" for failures.
BRILLO_EXPORT base::FilePath GetHashedUserPath(
const std::string& hashed_username);
// Returns the path at which the root home for |username| will be mounted.
// Returns "" for failures.
BRILLO_EXPORT base::FilePath GetRootPath(const std::string& username);
// Returns the path at which the daemon |daemon| should store per-user data.
// This function returns '/run/daemon-stores/<daemon-name>/<hash>' which is
// the preferred place to store per-user data.
// See
// for more details.
BRILLO_EXPORT base::FilePath GetDaemonStorePath(const std::string& username,
const std::string& daemon);
// Checks whether |sanitized| has the format of a sanitized username.
BRILLO_EXPORT bool IsSanitizedUserName(const std::string& sanitized);
// Returns a sanitized form of |username|. For x != y, SanitizeUserName(x) !=
// SanitizeUserName(y).
BRILLO_EXPORT std::string SanitizeUserName(const std::string& username);
// Returns a sanitized form of |username| with the salt provided. For x != y,
// SanitizeUserName(x) != SanitizeUserName(y).
BRILLO_EXPORT std::string SanitizeUserNameWithSalt(const std::string& username,
const SecureBlob& salt);
// Overrides the common prefix under which the mount points for user homes are
// created. This is used for testing only.
BRILLO_EXPORT void SetUserHomePrefix(const std::string& prefix);
// Deprecated. Prefer `FakeSystemSaltLoader`.
BRILLO_EXPORT void SetSystemSalt(std::string* salt);
// Deprecated. Prefer `FakeSystemSaltLoader`.
BRILLO_EXPORT std::string* GetSystemSalt();
// Deprecated. Prefer `SystemSaltLoader::GetInstance().EnsureLoaded()`.
BRILLO_EXPORT bool EnsureSystemSaltIsLoaded();
// Helper for loading the system salt value from disk.
class BRILLO_EXPORT SystemSaltLoader {
// Returns the global singleton instance. If there's none, automatically
// creates one with the default parameters.
// TODO(b/260721017): Don't create the default instance automatically.
static SystemSaltLoader* GetInstance();
// Creates an instance that loads salt from the default file path. Also
// initializes the global singleton returned by `GetInstance()`.
SystemSaltLoader(const SystemSaltLoader&) = delete;
SystemSaltLoader& operator=(const SystemSaltLoader&) = delete;
virtual ~SystemSaltLoader();
// Attempts to load the salt unless it was already done. Returns false if the
// loading failed.
bool EnsureLoaded();
// Returns the salt, or an empty string if it wasn't loaded.
const std::string& value() const;
// TODO(b/254864841): Remove once `GetSystemSalt()` is removed.
std::string* value_or_override();
// TODO(b/254864841): Remove once `SetSystemSalt()` is removed.
void override_value_for_testing(std::string* new_value);
explicit SystemSaltLoader(base::FilePath file_path);
const base::FilePath file_path_;
std::string value_;
// TODO(b/254864841): Remove once `GetSystemSalt()` and `SetSystemSalt()` are
// removed.
std::string* value_override_for_testing_ = nullptr;
} // namespace home
} // namespace cryptohome
} // namespace brillo