blob: eae21cec7c6a7feaa169cc1d447795c1994b53de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "installer/chromeos_legacy.h"
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "installer/chromeos_install_config.h"
using std::string;
namespace {
// this string is a grub file stripped down to (mostly) just what we update.
const char kExampleGrubCfgFile[] =
"unrelated line\n"
" linuxefi /syslinux/vmlinuz.A cros_efi cros_debug "
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B cros_efi cros_debug "
" root=PARTUUID=5BFD65FE-0398-804A-B090-A201E022A7C6\n"
" linuxefi /syslinux/vmlinuz.A cros_efi cros_debug "
"root=/dev/dm-0 dm=\"DM verity=A\"\n"
" linuxefi /syslinux/vmlinuz.B cros_efi cros_debug "
"root=/dev/dm-0 dm=\"DM verity=B\"\n"
" linux (hd0,3)/boot/vmlinuz quiet console=tty2 init=/sbin/init "
"boot=local rootwait ro noresume noswap loglevel=1 noinitrd "
"root=/dev/sdb3 i915.modeset=1 cros_efi cros_debug\n";
const char kGrubCfgExpectedResult[] =
"unrelated line\n"
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A cros_efi cros_debug "
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B cros_efi cros_debug "
" root=PARTUUID=5BFD65FE-0398-804A-B090-A201E022A7C6\n"
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A cros_efi cros_debug "
"root=/dev/dm-0 dm=\"verity args\"\n"
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B cros_efi cros_debug "
"root=/dev/dm-0 dm=\"DM verity=B\"\n"
" linux (hd0,3)/boot/vmlinuz quiet console=tty2 init=/sbin/init "
"boot=local rootwait ro noresume noswap loglevel=1 noinitrd "
"root=/dev/sdb3 i915.modeset=1 cros_efi cros_debug\n";
class EfiGrubCfgTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
cfg_path_ = scoped_temp_dir_.GetPath().Append("boot.cfg");
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir_;
base::FilePath cfg_path_;
TEST_F(EfiGrubCfgTest, LoadCfg) {
CHECK(base::WriteFile(cfg_path_, kExampleGrubCfgFile));
EfiGrubCfg cfg;
EXPECT_EQ(cfg.ToString(), kExampleGrubCfgFile);
TEST_F(EfiGrubCfgTest, EfiGrubCfgFullReplace) {
CHECK(base::WriteFile(cfg_path_, kExampleGrubCfgFile));
EfiGrubCfg cfg;
cfg.UpdateBootParameters(BootSlot::A, "fake_root_uuid", "verity args");
// Confirm full string has proper replacements of arguments
// as well as linuxefi replaced with linux.
EXPECT_EQ(cfg.ToString(), kGrubCfgExpectedResult);
TEST_F(EfiGrubCfgTest, GetKernelCommand) {
"unrelated line\n"
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A cros_efi cros_debug "
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B cros_efi cros_debug "
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A cros_efi cros_debug "
"root=/dev/dm-0 dm=\"verity args\"\n"
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B cros_efi cros_debug "
"root=/dev/dm-0 dm=\"DM verity=B\"\n"
" linux (hd0,3)/boot/vmlinuz quiet console=tty2 init=/sbin/init "
"boot=local rootwait ro noresume noswap loglevel=1 noinitrd "
"root=/dev/sdb3 i915.modeset=1 cros_efi cros_debug\n"));
EfiGrubCfg cfg;
EXPECT_EQ(cfg.GetKernelCommand(BootSlot::A, EfiGrubCfg::DmOption::None),
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A cros_efi cros_debug "
EXPECT_EQ(cfg.GetKernelCommand(BootSlot::A, EfiGrubCfg::DmOption::Present),
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A cros_efi cros_debug "
"root=/dev/dm-0 dm=\"verity args\"");
EXPECT_EQ(cfg.GetKernelCommand(BootSlot::B, EfiGrubCfg::DmOption::None),
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B cros_efi cros_debug "
EXPECT_EQ(cfg.GetKernelCommand(BootSlot::B, EfiGrubCfg::DmOption::Present),
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B cros_efi cros_debug "
"root=/dev/dm-0 dm=\"DM verity=B\"");
TEST_F(EfiGrubCfgTest, FixupLinuxEfi) {
// Example legacy cfg with linuxefi specified.
" linuxefi /syslinux/vmlinuz.A root=PARTUUID=xyz\n"
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B root=PARTUUID=zzz\n"
" linuxefi /syslinux/vmlinuz.A root=/dev/dm-0 dm=\"DM verity=A\"\n"
" linuxefi /syslinux/vmlinuz.B root=/dev/dm-0 dm=\"DM verity=B\"\n"
" linux (hd0,3)/boot/vmlinuz quiet console=tty2 init=/sbin/init "
"boot=local rootwait ro noresume noswap loglevel=1 noinitrd "
"root=/dev/sdb3 i915.modeset=1 cros_efi cros_debug\n"));
string expected =
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A root=PARTUUID=xyz\n"
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B root=PARTUUID=fake_root_uuid\n"
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A root=/dev/dm-0 dm=\"DM verity=A\"\n"
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B root=/dev/dm-0 dm=\"verity args\"\n"
" linux (hd0,3)/boot/vmlinuz quiet console=tty2 init=/sbin/init "
"boot=local rootwait ro noresume noswap loglevel=1 noinitrd "
"root=/dev/sdb3 i915.modeset=1 cros_efi cros_debug\n";
EfiGrubCfg cfg;
// UpdateBootParameters is expected to replace all linuxefi commands.
cfg.UpdateBootParameters(BootSlot::B, "fake_root_uuid", "verity args");
EXPECT_EQ(cfg.ToString(), expected);
TEST_F(EfiGrubCfgTest, ReplaceKernelCommand) {
std::vector<std::string> lines = {
"nothing to see here",
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A dm=\"A dm args\" moreargs cros_efi",
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B norootb moreargs cros_efi",
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A noroota moreargs cros_efi",
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B dm=\"B dm args\"",
" linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B dm=\"B dm args_two\"",
"trailing line"};
CHECK(base::WriteFile(cfg_path_, base::JoinString(lines, "\n")));
EfiGrubCfg cfg;
// Replace an entry with a "A" slot dm= entry.
string test_a_dm =
"linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.A dm=\"with verity\" trailing options";
BootSlot::A, EfiGrubCfg::DmOption::Present, test_a_dm));
EXPECT_EQ(cfg.GetKernelCommand(BootSlot::A, EfiGrubCfg::DmOption::Present),
// Confirm the expected line was replaced.
lines[2] = test_a_dm;
EXPECT_EQ(cfg.ToString(), base::JoinString(lines, "\n"));
string test_b_dm =
"linux /syslinux/vmlinuz.B dm=\" verity args\" trailing options";
BootSlot::B, EfiGrubCfg::DmOption::Present, test_b_dm));
EXPECT_EQ(cfg.GetKernelCommand(BootSlot::B, EfiGrubCfg::DmOption::Present),
// Check that all B dm= lines are replaced.
// Unknown if this is a requirement however the original code
// would have worked this way.
lines[5] = test_b_dm;
lines[6] = test_b_dm;
EXPECT_EQ(cfg.ToString(), base::JoinString(lines, "\n"));
} // namespace