blob: eb965b7c46880eb08466b0c5c6b69d5e56f4e5db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// UserCollector handles program crashes in userspace. When the kernel detects
// a crashing program, it invokes this collector via
// /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern.
// This handler ignores chrome crashes (letting chrome_collector handle them
// when it is directly invoked).
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "crash-reporter/user_collector_base.h"
// User crash collector.
class UserCollector : public UserCollectorBase {
UserCollector(const UserCollector&) = delete;
UserCollector& operator=(const UserCollector&) = delete;
// Initialize the user crash collector for detection of crashes,
// given the path to this executable, metrics collection enabled
// oracle, and system logger facility. Crash detection/reporting
// is not enabled until Enable is called.
void Initialize(const std::string& our_path,
bool core2md_failure,
bool directory_failure,
bool early);
~UserCollector() override;
// Enable collection.
bool Enable(bool early) { return SetUpInternal(true /* enabled */, early); }
// Disable collection.
bool Disable() {
return SetUpInternal(false /* enabled */, false /* early */);
// Set (override the default) core file pattern.
void set_core_pattern_file(const std::string& pattern) {
core_pattern_file_ = pattern;
// Set (override the default) core pipe limit file.
void set_core_pipe_limit_file(const std::string& path) {
core_pipe_limit_file_ = path;
void set_filter_path(const std::string& filter_path) {
filter_path_ = filter_path;
// Normally, /proc/<pid>/cmdline uses \0 to separate args.
static constexpr char kNormalCmdlineSeparator = '\0';
// However, chrome subprocesses of Chrome end up with spaces separating
// args because they rewrite their command lines.
static constexpr char kChromeSubprocessCmdlineSeparator = ' ';
void FinishCrash(const base::FilePath& meta_path,
const std::string& exec_name,
const std::string& payload_name) override;
void BeginHandlingCrash(pid_t pid,
const std::string& exec,
const base::FilePath& exec_directory) override;
friend class UserCollectorTest;
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, ClobberContainerDirectory);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, CopyOffProcFilesBadPid);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, CopyOffProcFilesOK);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, GetExecutableBaseNameFromPid);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, GetFirstLineWithPrefix);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, GetIdFromStatus);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, GetRustSignature);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, GetStateFromStatus);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, ParseCrashAttributes);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, ShouldDumpFiltering);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, ShouldDumpChromeOverridesDeveloperImage);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, ShouldDumpDeveloperImageOverridesConsent);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, ShouldDumpUserConsentProductionImage);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, ValidateProcFiles);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorTest, ValidateCoreFile);
FRIEND_TEST(UserCollectorNoFixtureTest, GuessChromeProductNameTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ShouldCaptureEarlyChromeCrashTest, BasicTrue);
FRIEND_TEST(ShouldCaptureEarlyChromeCrashTest, DISABLED_BasicTrue);
FRIEND_TEST(ShouldCaptureEarlyChromeCrashTest, FalseIfBreakpad);
FRIEND_TEST(ShouldCaptureEarlyChromeCrashTest, DISABLED_FalseIfBreakpad);
FRIEND_TEST(ShouldCaptureEarlyChromeCrashTest, FalseIfCrashpadIsChild);
FRIEND_TEST(ShouldCaptureEarlyChromeCrashTest, FalseIfRenderer);
FRIEND_TEST(ShouldCaptureEarlyChromeCrashTest, FalseIfNonChrome);
FRIEND_TEST(ShouldCaptureEarlyChromeCrashTest, DISABLED_BadProcFilesIgnored);
FRIEND_TEST(ShouldCaptureEarlyChromeCrashTest, BadProcFilesIgnored);
FRIEND_TEST(ShouldCaptureEarlyChromeCrashTest, FalseIfTooOld);
FRIEND_TEST(ShouldCaptureEarlyChromeCrashTest, FalseIfNotChrome);
friend class CopyStdinToCoreFileTest;
FRIEND_TEST(CopyStdinToCoreFileTest, Test);
FRIEND_TEST(BeginHandlingCrashTest, SetsUpForEarlyChromeCrashes);
FRIEND_TEST(BeginHandlingCrashTest, DISABLED_SetsUpForEarlyChromeCrashes);
FRIEND_TEST(BeginHandlingCrashTest, IgnoresNonEarlyBrowser);
FRIEND_TEST(BeginHandlingCrashTest, NoEffectIfNotChrome);
// Returns true if we want to try to capture a crash of Chrome because we
// think it may have happened early -- specifically, before crashpad was
// initialized. Such crashes won't be captured through the normal
// ChromeCollector. We get less information by capturing them through
// UserCollector, but we can still get stack traces.
bool ShouldCaptureEarlyChromeCrash(const std::string& exec, pid_t pid);
// Guess at whether a crash in the Chrome executable located in
// |exec_directory| should have a product name of Chrome_Lacros or
// Chrome_ChromeOS.
static const char* GuessChromeProductName(
const base::FilePath& exec_directory);
std::string GetPattern(bool enabled, bool early) const;
bool SetUpInternal(bool enabled, bool early);
bool CopyOffProcFiles(pid_t pid, const base::FilePath& container_dir);
// Validates the proc files at |container_dir| and returns true if they
// are usable for the core-to-minidump conversion later. For instance, if
// a process is reaped by the kernel before the copying of its proc files
// takes place, some proc files like /proc/<pid>/maps may contain nothing
// and thus become unusable.
bool ValidateProcFiles(const base::FilePath& container_dir) const;
// Validates the core file at |core_path| and returns kErrorNone if
// the file contains the ELF magic bytes and an ELF class that matches the
// platform (i.e. 32-bit ELF on a 32-bit platform or 64-bit ELF on a 64-bit
// platform), which is due to the limitation in core2md. It returns an error
// type otherwise.
ErrorType ValidateCoreFile(const base::FilePath& core_path) const;
// Copy off stdin to a core file.
bool CopyStdinToCoreFile(const base::FilePath& core_path);
// Heart of CopyStdinToCoreFile. Split out for easier unit testing. Does NOT
// take ownership of input_fd and will not close it. input_fd must be a pipe.
bool CopyPipeToCoreFile(int input_fd, const base::FilePath& core_path);
bool RunCoreToMinidump(const base::FilePath& core_path,
const base::FilePath& procfs_directory,
const base::FilePath& minidump_path,
const base::FilePath& temp_directory);
bool RunFilter(pid_t pid);
bool ShouldDump(pid_t pid,
bool handle_chrome_crashes,
const std::string& exec,
std::string* reason);
// UserCollectorBase overrides.
bool ShouldDump(pid_t pid,
uid_t uid,
const std::string& exec,
std::string* reason) override;
ErrorType ConvertCoreToMinidump(pid_t pid,
const base::FilePath& container_dir,
const base::FilePath& core_path,
const base::FilePath& minidump_path) override;
std::string core_pattern_file_;
std::string core_pipe_limit_file_;
std::string our_path_;
std::string filter_path_;
// Invoke special handling for early Chrome crashes. In particular, this
// limits the size of the core file we're willing to process.
// For the most part, we accept whatever cores we're given; the user pain of
// programs crashing outweighs user pain from the slowdown caused by writing
// out a large core file. However, for chrome it's different. The core files
// are massive (well over a GB), take 20+ seconds to write out, and in most
// cases, crashes are being caught by the much-faster crashpad-to-
// chrome_collector path anyways. We sometimes try to grab a Chrome core
// (if we think it's likely crashpad will miss it -- see
// ShouldCaptureEarlyChromeCrash), but we protect ourselves by stopping if
// the core file exceeds kMaxChromeCoreSize.
bool handling_early_chrome_crash_;
// For handling_early_chrome_crash_ mode:
// Chrome core dumps can be extremely large. Writing them to disk will lock
// up the machine for up to a minute. The pre-crashpad-init core files
// should be much smaller; however, to avoid problems if we accidentally try
// to ingest a post-crashpad-init core file, only copy the first 40MiB and
// error out if there's more data after that first 40MiB. (In May 2022,
// core size of an early crash on eve is 17MiB; this gives us a little room
// for growth while still protecting us from filling up the disk with a
// massively-oversized core.)
static constexpr int kMaxChromeCoreSize = 40 * 1024 * 1024;
// Force a core2md failure for testing.
bool core2md_failure_;