blob: fc19d18a900919dec1483f5c38316082e66c3e30 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace constants {
// UserID for root account.
constexpr uid_t kRootUid = 0;
constexpr char kCrashName[] = "crash";
// The name of the crash-access group, which owns /var/spool/crash.
constexpr char kCrashGroupName[] = "crash-access";
constexpr char kCrashUserGroupName[] = "crash-user-access";
constexpr char kUploadVarPrefix[] = "upload_var_";
constexpr char kUploadTextPrefix[] = "upload_text_";
constexpr char kUploadFilePrefix[] = "upload_file_";
// An upload var for the metafile, indicating that a crash happened
// in crash loop mode.
constexpr char kCrashLoopModeKey[] = "crash_loop_mode";
// An upload var for the metafile, giving the product name (for example,
// "Chrome_ChromeOS" or "ChromeOS" or "Chrome_Lacros")
constexpr char kUploadDataKeyProductKey[] = "prod";
// The product name for Chrome ash crashes. Must match the string in
// ChromeCrashReporterClient::GetProductNameAndVersion() in the chromium repo.
constexpr char kProductNameChromeAsh[] = "Chrome_ChromeOS";
// The product name for Chrome Lacros crashes. Must match the string in
// ChromeCrashReporterClient::GetProductNameAndVersion() in the chromium repo.
constexpr char kProductNameChromeLacros[] = "Chrome_Lacros";
constexpr char kJavaScriptStackExtension[] = "js_stack";
constexpr char kJavaScriptStackExtensionWithDot[] = ".js_stack";
// This *must match* the crash::FileStorage::kJsStacktraceFileName constant
// in the google3 internal crash processing code.
constexpr char kKindForJavaScriptError[] = "JavascriptError";
constexpr char kMinidumpExtension[] = "dmp";
constexpr char kMinidumpExtensionWithDot[] = ".dmp";
// This *must match* the ending of the crash::FileStorage::kDumpFileName
// in the google3 internal crash processing code.
constexpr char kKindForMinidump[] = "minidump";
constexpr mode_t kSystemCrashFilesMode = 0660;
} // namespace constants