blob: cf531eec6dacc0c158f090d3f3e9e35e312638f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crash-reporter/anomaly_detector_log_reader.h"
#include "crash-reporter/anomaly_detector_text_file_reader.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
#include "crash-reporter/test_util.h"
namespace anomaly {
using ReaderRun = std::vector<LogEntry>;
// This initialises either AuditReader or MessageReader which is an
// implementation of abstract LogReader class.
template <typename T>
std::unique_ptr<LogReader> InitializeLogReaderForTest(
const std::string& input_file_name, const char* pattern) {
base::FilePath input_file_path =
test_util::GetTestDataPath(input_file_name, /*use_testdata=*/true);
auto r = std::make_unique<T>(input_file_path, pattern);
return r;
void ReaderTest(const std::unique_ptr<LogReader>& r, const ReaderRun& want) {
ReaderRun got{};
LogEntry entry;
while (r->GetNextEntry(&entry)) {
ASSERT_EQ(want.size(), got.size());
for (int i = 0; i < want.size(); i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(want[i].tag, got[i].tag);
EXPECT_EQ(want[i].message, got[i].message);
EXPECT_EQ(want[i].timestamp.ToTimeT(), got[i].timestamp.ToTimeT());
// Tests if initialisation of LogReader moves the current position of log_file_
// member to the end of the file avoiding re-reading of old logs.
TEST(AnomalyDetectorLogReaderTest, NoRereadingTest) {
auto ar = InitializeLogReaderForTest<AuditReader>("TEST_AUDIT_LOG",
ReaderTest(ar, {});
TEST(AnomalyDetectorLogReaderTest, AuditReaderTest) {
auto ar = InitializeLogReaderForTest<AuditReader>("TEST_AUDIT_LOG",
// Make the LogReader read file from the beginning.
LogEntry e1{
.tag = "audit",
.message =
R"(avc: denied { module_request } for )"
R"(pid=1795 comm="init" kmod="fs-cgroup2" scontext)"
R"(=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=0)",
.timestamp = base::Time::FromTimeT(1588751099)};
LogEntry e2 = {
.tag = "audit",
.message = R"(avc: granted { associate } for pid=3052 comm="emerge")"
R"( name="crash_sender#new" scontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0)"
R"( tcontext=u:object_r:labeledfs:s0 tclass=filesystem)",
.timestamp = base::Time::FromTimeT(1589342085)};
ReaderRun want{std::move(e1), std::move(e2)};
ReaderTest(ar, want);
TEST(AnomalyDetectorLogReaderTest, MessageReaderTest) {
auto mr = InitializeLogReaderForTest<MessageReader>("TEST_MESSAGE_LOG",
// Make the LogReader read file from the beginning.
LogEntry e1{.tag = "tpm_managerd",
.message =
R"(TPM error 0x3011 (Communication failure): Failed to)"
R"( connect context.)",
.timestamp = base::Time::FromTimeT(1589150704)};
LogEntry e2{
.tag = "rsyslogd",
.message =
R"([origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.1904.0" x-pid="642")"
R"( x-info=""] rsyslogd was HUPed)",
.timestamp = base::Time::FromTimeT(1589316963)};
LogEntry e3{.tag = "kernel",
.message = R"([ 893.009245] atme1_mxt_ts 3-004b:)"
R"( Status: 00 Config Checksum: 673e89)",
.timestamp = base::Time::FromTimeT(1589370987)};
LogEntry e4{.tag = "VM(3)",
.message =
"[devices/src/virtio/] ballon "
"config changed to consume 255836 pages",
.timestamp = base::Time::FromTimeT(1589485024)};
LogEntry e5{.tag = "",
.message = "log message with no tag.",
.timestamp = base::Time::FromTimeT(1591604929)};
ReaderRun want{std::move(e1), std::move(e2), std::move(e3), std::move(e4),
ReaderTest(mr, want);
TEST(AnomalyDetectorLogReaderTest, UpstartMessageReaderTest) {
auto mr = InitializeLogReaderForTest<MessageReader>("TEST_UPSTART_LOG",
// Make the LogReader read file from the beginning.
LogEntry e1{.tag = "init",
.message = "Connection from private client",
.timestamp = base::Time::FromTimeT(1589560440)};
LogEntry e2{
.tag = "init",
.message = "early-failure main process (168) terminated with status 124",
.timestamp = base::Time::FromTimeT(1589572174)};
LogEntry e3{.tag = "init",
.message = "vpd-log main process (440) terminated with status 1",
.timestamp = base::Time::FromTimeT(1589572176)};
ReaderRun want{std::move(e1), std::move(e2), std::move(e3)};
ReaderTest(mr, want);
} // namespace anomaly