blob: b03cddfd0bedceac0167b15a4f40944780fc6448 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <libec/fingerprint/cros_fp_device_interface.h>
#include <libec/fingerprint/fp_mode.h>
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
#include "biod/updater/update_reason.h"
namespace biod {
namespace metrics {
extern const char kFpMatchDurationCapture[];
extern const char kFpMatchDurationMatcher[];
extern const char kFpMatchDurationOverall[];
extern const char kFpNoMatchDurationCapture[];
extern const char kFpNoMatchDurationMatcher[];
extern const char kFpNoMatchDurationOverall[];
extern const char kResetContextMode[];
extern const char kSetContextMode[];
extern const char kSetContextSuccess[];
extern const char kUpdaterStatus[];
extern const char kUpdaterReason[];
extern const char kUpdaterDurationNoUpdate[];
extern const char kUpdaterDurationUpdate[];
extern const char kNumDeadPixels[];
extern const char kFpSensorErrorNoIrq[];
extern const char kFpSensorErrorSpiCommunication[];
extern const char kFpSensorErrorBadHardwareID[];
extern const char kFpSensorErrorInitializationFailure[];
// Special value to send to UMA on EC command related metrics.
constexpr int kCmdRunFailure = -1;
} // namespace metrics
class BiodMetricsInterface {
virtual ~BiodMetricsInterface() = default;
// This is the tools/bio_fw_updater overall status,
// which encapsulates an UpdateStatus.
enum class FwUpdaterStatus : int {
kUnnecessary = 0,
kSuccessful = 1,
kFailureFirmwareFileMultiple = 2,
kFailureFirmwareFileNotFound = 3,
kFailureFirmwareFileOpen = 4,
kFailureFirmwareFileFmap = 5,
kFailurePreUpdateVersionCheck = 6,
kFailurePostUpdateVersionCheck = 7,
kFailureUpdateVersionCheck = 8,
kFailureUpdateFlashProtect = 9,
kFailureUpdateRO = 10,
kFailureUpdateRW = 11,
// TODO( Change UMA enum name kUpdaterStatus if new enums
// are added to avoid data discontinuity.
kMaxValue = kFailureUpdateRW,
virtual bool SendEnrolledFingerCount(int finger_count) = 0;
virtual bool SendFpUnlockEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
virtual bool SendFpLatencyStats(
bool matched, const ec::CrosFpDeviceInterface::FpStats& stats) = 0;
virtual bool SendFwUpdaterStatus(FwUpdaterStatus status,
updater::UpdateReason reason,
int overall_ms) = 0;
virtual bool SendIgnoreMatchEventOnPowerButtonPress(bool is_ignored) = 0;
virtual bool SendResetContextMode(const ec::FpMode& mode) = 0;
virtual bool SendSetContextMode(const ec::FpMode& mode) = 0;
virtual bool SendSetContextSuccess(bool success) = 0;
virtual bool SendReadPositiveMatchSecretSuccess(bool success) = 0;
virtual bool SendPositiveMatchSecretCorrect(bool correct) = 0;
virtual bool SendRecordFormatVersion(int version) = 0;
virtual bool SendDeadPixelCount(int num_dead_pixels) = 0;
virtual bool SendUploadTemplateResult(int ec_result) = 0;
virtual bool SendPartialAttemptsBeforeSuccess(int partial_attempts) = 0;
virtual bool SendFpSensorErrorNoIrq(bool no_irq) = 0;
virtual bool SendFpSensorErrorSpiCommunication(
bool spi_communication_error) = 0;
virtual bool SendFpSensorErrorBadHardwareID(bool bad_hwid) = 0;
virtual bool SendFpSensorErrorInitializationFailure(bool init_failure) = 0;
class BiodMetrics : public BiodMetricsInterface {
BiodMetrics(const BiodMetrics&) = delete;
BiodMetrics& operator=(const BiodMetrics&) = delete;
~BiodMetrics() override = default;
// Send number of fingers enrolled.
bool SendEnrolledFingerCount(int finger_count) override;
// Is unlocking with FP enabled or not?
bool SendFpUnlockEnabled(bool enabled) override;
// Send matching/capture latency metrics.
bool SendFpLatencyStats(
bool matched, const ec::CrosFpDeviceInterface::FpStats& stats) override;
bool SendFwUpdaterStatus(FwUpdaterStatus status,
updater::UpdateReason reason,
int overall_ms) override;
// Is fingerprint ignored due to parallel power button press?
bool SendIgnoreMatchEventOnPowerButtonPress(bool is_ignored) override;
// Was CrosFpDevice::ResetContext called while the FPMCU was in correct mode?
bool SendResetContextMode(const ec::FpMode& mode) override;
// What mode was FPMCU in when we set context?
bool SendSetContextMode(const ec::FpMode& mode) override;
// Did setting context succeed?
bool SendSetContextSuccess(bool success) override;
// Reading positive match secret succeeded or not?
bool SendReadPositiveMatchSecretSuccess(bool success) override;
// Positive match secret is as expected or not?
bool SendPositiveMatchSecretCorrect(bool correct) override;
// Template record file format version.
bool SendRecordFormatVersion(int version) override;
bool SendDeadPixelCount(int num_dead_pixels) override;
// Return code of FP_TEMPLATE EC command
bool SendUploadTemplateResult(int ec_result) override;
// We allow up to 20 attempts without reporting error if the match result is
// EC_MKBP_FP_ERR_MATCH_NO_LOW_COVERAGE. This counts how many partial attempts
// is actually used before each successful match.
bool SendPartialAttemptsBeforeSuccess(int partial_attempts) override;
bool SendFpSensorErrorNoIrq(bool no_irq) override;
bool SendFpSensorErrorSpiCommunication(bool spi_communication_error) override;
bool SendFpSensorErrorBadHardwareID(bool bad_hwid) override;
bool SendFpSensorErrorInitializationFailure(bool init_failure) override;
void SetMetricsLibraryForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<MetricsLibraryInterface> metrics_lib);
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics_library_for_testing() {
return metrics_lib_.get();
std::unique_ptr<MetricsLibraryInterface> metrics_lib_;
} // namespace biod