blob: 06a94ba5b7525434a8dc716311d3c5161fc8aa16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Implementation of bootstat_log(), part of the Chromium OS 'bootstat'
// facility.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <linux/rtc.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <rootdev/rootdev.h>
#include "bootstat/bootstat.h"
namespace bootstat {
// Default path to directory where output statistics will be stored.
static const char kDefaultOutputDirectoryName[] = "/tmp";
// TODO(drinkcat): Cache function output (we only need to evaluate it once)
base::FilePath BootStatSystem::GetDiskStatisticsFilePath() const {
char boot_path[PATH_MAX];
int ret = rootdev(boot_path, sizeof(boot_path),
true, // Do full resolution.
false); // Do not remove partition number.
if (ret < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot get rootdev.";
return base::FilePath();
// The general idea is to use the the root device's sysfs entry to
// get the path to the root disk's sysfs entry.
// Example:
// - rootdev() returns "/dev/sda3"
// - Use /sys/class/block/sda3/../ to get to root disk (sda) sysfs entry.
// This is because /sys/class/block/sda3 is a symlink that maps to:
// /sys/devices/pci.../.../ata./host./target.../.../block/sda/sda3
base::FilePath root_device_name = base::FilePath(boot_path).BaseName();
base::FilePath stat_path = base::FilePath("/sys/class/block")
// Normalize the path as some functions refuse to follow symlink/`..`.
base::FilePath norm;
if (!base::NormalizeFilePath(stat_path, &norm)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot normalize disk statistics file path.";
return base::FilePath();
return norm;
std::optional<struct timespec> BootStatSystem::GetUpTime() const {
struct timespec uptime;
int ret = clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, &uptime);
if (ret != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot get uptime (CLOCK_BOOTTIME).";
return std::nullopt;
return {uptime};
base::ScopedFD BootStatSystem::OpenRtc() const {
int rtc_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open("/dev/rtc", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC));
if (rtc_fd < 0)
PLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot open RTC";
return base::ScopedFD(rtc_fd);
std::optional<struct rtc_time> BootStatSystem::GetRtcTime(
base::ScopedFD* rtc_fd) const {
struct rtc_time rtc_time;
if (ioctl(rtc_fd->get(), RTC_RD_TIME, &rtc_time) < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "RTC ioctl error";
return std::nullopt;
return {rtc_time};
: BootStat(base::FilePath(kDefaultOutputDirectoryName),
std::make_unique<BootStatSystem>()) {}
BootStat::BootStat(const base::FilePath& output_directory_path,
std::unique_ptr<BootStatSystem> boot_stat_system)
: output_directory_path_(output_directory_path),
boot_stat_system_(std::move(boot_stat_system)) {}
BootStat::~BootStat() = default;
std::optional<struct BootStat::RtcTick> BootStat::GetRtcTick() const {
base::ScopedFD rtc_fd = boot_stat_system_->OpenRtc();
if (!rtc_fd.is_valid())
return std::nullopt;
// Record start time so that we can timeout if needed.
std::optional<struct timespec> tps_start = boot_stat_system_->GetUpTime();
if (!tps_start)
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<struct rtc_time> rtc_time[2];
for (int i = 0;; i++) {
int old = (i + 1) % 2;
int cur = i % 2;
std::optional<struct timespec> tps_cur = boot_stat_system_->GetUpTime();
if (!tps_cur)
return std::nullopt;
rtc_time[cur] = boot_stat_system_->GetRtcTime(&rtc_fd);
if (!rtc_time[cur])
return std::nullopt;
if (i > 0 && rtc_time[cur]->tm_sec != rtc_time[old]->tm_sec) {
// RTC ticked, record "after" time.
std::optional<struct timespec> tps_after = boot_stat_system_->GetUpTime();
if (!tps_after)
return std::nullopt;
return {{*rtc_time[cur], *tps_cur, *tps_after}};
// Timeout after 1.5 seconds.
if (difftime(tps_cur->tv_sec, tps_start->tv_sec) +
(tps_cur->tv_nsec - tps_start->tv_nsec) * 1e-9 >
1.5) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Timeout waiting for RTC tick.";
return std::nullopt;
// Don't hog the CPU too much, we don't care about sub-ms resolution
// anyway.
base::ScopedFD BootStat::OpenEventFile(const std::string& output_name_prefix,
const std::string& event_name) const {
const mode_t kFileCreationMode =
// For those not up on the more esoteric features of printf
// formats: the "%.*s" format is used to truncate the event name
// to the proper number of characters..
std::string output_file =
base::StringPrintf("%s-%.*s", output_name_prefix.c_str(),
BOOTSTAT_MAX_EVENT_LEN - 1, event_name.c_str());
base::FilePath output_path = output_directory_path_.Append(output_file);
int output_fd =
LOG_IF(ERROR, output_fd < 0)
<< "Cannot open event file " << output_path.value() << ".";
return base::ScopedFD(output_fd);
bool BootStat::LogDiskEvent(const std::string& event_name) const {
base::FilePath disk_statistics_file_path =
if (disk_statistics_file_path.empty())
return false;
std::string data;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(disk_statistics_file_path, &data)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot read disk statistics "
<< disk_statistics_file_path.value() << ".";
return false;
base::ScopedFD output_fd = OpenEventFile("disk", event_name);
if (!output_fd.is_valid())
return false;
bool ret = base::WriteFileDescriptor(output_fd.get(), data);
LOG_IF(ERROR, !ret) << "Cannot write disk event.";
return ret;
bool BootStat::LogUptimeEvent(const std::string& event_name) const {
std::optional<struct timespec> uptime = boot_stat_system_->GetUpTime();
if (!uptime)
return false;
std::string data = base::StringPrintf("%jd.%09ld\n", (intmax_t)uptime->tv_sec,
base::ScopedFD output_fd = OpenEventFile("uptime", event_name);
if (!output_fd.is_valid())
return false;
bool ret = base::WriteFileDescriptor(output_fd.get(), data);
LOG_IF(ERROR, !ret) << "Cannot write uptime event.";
return ret;
// API functions.
bool BootStat::LogEvent(const std::string& event_name) const {
bool ret = true;
ret &= LogDiskEvent(event_name);
ret &= LogUptimeEvent(event_name);
return ret;
bool BootStat::LogRtcSync(const char* event_name) {
std::optional<struct RtcTick> tick = GetRtcTick();
if (!tick)
return false;
base::ScopedFD output_fd = OpenEventFile("sync-rtc", event_name);
if (!output_fd.is_valid())
return false;
std::string data = base::StringPrintf(
"%jd.%09ld %jd.%09ld %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",
(intmax_t)tick->boottime_before.tv_sec, tick->boottime_before.tv_nsec,
(intmax_t)tick->boottime_after.tv_sec, tick->boottime_after.tv_nsec,
tick->rtc_time.tm_year + 1900, tick->rtc_time.tm_mon + 1,
tick->rtc_time.tm_mday, tick->rtc_time.tm_hour, tick->rtc_time.tm_min,
bool ret = base::WriteFileDescriptor(output_fd.get(), data);
LOG_IF(ERROR, !ret) << "Cannot write rtc sync.";
return ret;
}; // namespace bootstat