blob: 2c58f655588f9c615dc0f22fa4a25b964163d12a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <brillo/errors/error.h>
#include <chromeos/switches/modemfwd_switches.h>
#include "modemfwd/firmware_directory.h"
#include "modemfwd/journal.h"
#include "modemfwd/modem.h"
#include "modemfwd/notification_manager.h"
#include "upstart/dbus-proxies.h"
namespace modemfwd {
// ModemFlasher contains all of the logic to make decisions about whether
// or not it should flash new firmware onto the modem.
class ModemFlasher {
ModemFlasher(FirmwareDirectory* firmware_directory,
std::unique_ptr<Journal> journal,
NotificationManager* notification_mgr,
Metrics* metrics);
ModemFlasher(const ModemFlasher&) = delete;
ModemFlasher& operator=(const ModemFlasher&) = delete;
// Returns a callback that should be executed when the modem reappears.
// |err| is set if an error occurred.
base::OnceClosure TryFlash(Modem* modem,
scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus,
brillo::ErrorPtr* err);
// This function is the same as TryFlash, but it sets the variant to be used.
// |err| is set if an error occurred.
base::OnceClosure TryFlashForTesting(Modem* modem,
const std::string& variant,
brillo::ErrorPtr* err);
class FlashState {
FlashState() = default;
~FlashState() = default;
void OnFlashFailed() { tries_--; }
bool ShouldFlash() const { return tries_ > 0; }
void OnFlashedFirmware(const std::string& type,
const base::FilePath& path) {
if (type == kFwCarrier) {
last_carrier_fw_flashed_ = path;
bool ShouldFlashFirmware(const std::string& type,
const base::FilePath& path) {
if (type == kFwCarrier)
return last_carrier_fw_flashed_ != path;
return flashed_fw_types_.count(type) == 0;
void OnCarrierSeen(const std::string& carrier_id) {
if (carrier_id == last_carrier_id_)
last_carrier_id_ = carrier_id;
// Used to determine if any FW was installed before reporting metrics.
bool fw_flashed_ = false;
// Used to preserve the combination of firmware types flashed before
// reporting metrics.
uint32_t fw_types_flashed_ = 0;
// Unlike carrier firmware, we should usually successfully flash the main
// firmware at most once per boot. In the past vendors have failed to
// update the version that the firmware reports itself as so we can mitigate
// some of the potential issues by recording which modems we have deemed
// don't need updates or were already updated and avoid checking them again.
// We should retry flashing the main firmware if the carrier changes since
// we might have different main firmware versions. As such, when we see a
// new carrier, clear the flashed types for this modem.
std::set<std::string> flashed_fw_types_;
std::string last_carrier_id_;
// For carrier firmware, once we've tried to upgrade versions on a
// particular modem without changing carriers, we should not try to upgrade
// versions again (but should still flash if the carrier is different) to
// avoid the same problem as the above. Keep track of the last carrier
// firmware we flashed so we don't flash twice in a row.
base::FilePath last_carrier_fw_flashed_;
// If we fail to flash firmware, we will retry once, but after that we
// should stop flashing the modem to prevent us from trying it over and
// over.
static const int kDefaultTries = 2;
int tries_ = kDefaultTries;
base::FilePath GetFirmwarePath(const FirmwareFileInfo& info);
// Notify UpdateFirmwareComplete failure and reset the |fw_flashed_| flag.
void ProcessFailedToPrepareFirmwareFile(const base::Location& code_location,
FlashState* flash_state,
const std::string& firmware_path,
brillo::ErrorPtr* err);
uint32_t GetFirmwareTypesForMetrics(std::vector<FirmwareConfig> flash_cfg);
std::unique_ptr<Journal> journal_;
std::map<std::string, FlashState> modem_info_;
// Owned by Daemon
FirmwareDirectory* firmware_directory_;
NotificationManager* notification_mgr_;
Metrics* metrics_;
} // namespace modemfwd