blob: ca4a75bf335887db062afa3a757d7017acbeb8ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <utility>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
namespace cros_disks {
// Anonymous pipe to establish communication between a parent process and a
// child process.
struct SubprocessPipe {
base::ScopedFD child_fd, parent_fd;
// Direction of communication.
enum Direction { kChildToParent, kParentToChild };
// Creates an open pipe. Sets FD_CLOEXEC on parent_fd. Dies in case of error.
explicit SubprocessPipe(Direction direction);
// Opens a pipe to communicate with a child process. Returns the end of the
// pipe that is used by the child process. Stores the end of the pipe that is
// kept by the parent process in *parent_fd and flags it with FD_CLOEXEC. Dies
// in case of error.
static base::ScopedFD Open(Direction direction, base::ScopedFD* parent_fd);
// To run daemons in a PID namespace under minijail we need to provide an 'init'
// process for the sandbox. As we rely on return code of the launcher of the
// daemonized process we must send it through a side channel back to the caller
// without waiting to the whole PID namespace to terminate.
class SandboxedInit {
// Function to run in the 'launcher' process.
using Launcher = base::OnceCallback<int()>;
SandboxedInit(Launcher launcher,
base::ScopedFD ctrl_fd,
base::ScopedFD termination_fd = {})
: launcher_(std::move(launcher)),
termination_fd_(std::move(termination_fd)) {
// This should be called in the 'init' process. Creates a child 'launcher'
// process in which the |launcher| function is run. Monitors child processes
// for termination. Terminates this 'init' process when there are no child
// process anymore.
[[noreturn]] void Run();
// Reads and returns the exit code from |*ctrl_fd|. Returns -1 immediately if
// no data is available yet. Closes |*ctrl_fd| once the exit code has been
// read.
// Precondition: ctrl_fd != nullptr && ctrl_fd->is_valid()
static int PollLauncher(base::ScopedFD* ctrl_fd);
// Reads and returns the exit code from |*ctrl_fd|. Waits for data to be
// available. Closes |*ctrl_fd| once the exit code has been read.
// Precondition: ctrl_fd != nullptr && ctrl_fd->is_valid()
static int WaitForLauncher(base::ScopedFD* ctrl_fd);
// Converts a process "wait status" (as returned by wait() and waitpid()) to
// an exit code in the range 0 to 255. Returns -1 if the wait status |wstatus|
// indicates that the process hasn't finished yet.
static int WaitStatusToExitCode(int wstatus);
// Creates a child 'launcher' process in which the launcher function is run.
// Returns the PID of this 'launcher' process.
pid_t StartLauncher();
// Function to run in the 'launcher' process.
Launcher launcher_;
// Write end of the pipe into which the exit code of the launcher process is
// written.
base::ScopedFD ctrl_fd_;
// Read end of termination pipe. SandboxInit configures this pipe so that it
// terminates the init process when the write end is closed.
base::ScopedFD termination_fd_;
} // namespace cros_disks